Islam Is the Problem


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
“Islam is not the problem,” proclaims the Left. And if you say otherwise, you’re a “racist,” even though “Muslim” is not a race. Yet a fact remains: virtually all the world’s terrorists today claim Islamic motivations. So if Islam (belief) is not the problem, are we then left with a genetic explanation for this violence? Is there something inherent in the groups generally embracing Islam — Arabs, Persians, Indonesians, Punjabis, etc. — that would account for it? And, hey, I’m just asking; it’s the liberals who profess ideas suggesting this possibility.

Consider: When analyzing WWII and Germany, few claim the problem was Germans, but Nazism. When looking at 1917 Russia, we don’t say the problem was Russians, but Marxism. So fill in the blank: when evaluating the Muslim world and its violence, do we assume the problem is the people or _____?

Then there are other explanations for Muslim violence, all of which amount to Islamsplainin’. Poverty is one, but the Muslim world is not uniquely poor. There are many millions of poor Catholics in South America, Africa and elsewhere; and hundreds of millions of poor Hindus in India. Yet they aren’t committing terrorist acts. And Osama bin Laden was worth $125 million.

Arguments of any value?

Articles: Islam Is the Problem
In the final analysis, people believe things. Some of those things are good and some of those things are bad. Some awfully bad things are believed by a large number of people today. If we want to survive, we’d better recognize what those things are and who promotes them — and act accordingly.

Sounds pragmatic and logical, not pleasant but you can't have everything. Same link as above.
Honestly, that's kind of a retarded argument.

Our problem with the Muslim world is not that Islam is any worse (or better) than any other irrational belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky.

Our problem with the middle east is that we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung

They are doing exactly what you would do if space aliens showed up, devastated a bunch of your land, and took a bunch of territory you held dear.

The question is, why do we keep doing that? This isn't the 19th century, where we thought we were taking up the White man's burden of civilizing the world.
Put the Numbers
in Perspective
Islamic Terrorists...
...killed twice as many people in one month (5000) in November, 2014) than were killed in in 350 years of Inquisition (2000-3000).

...murder more people everyday than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).

...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).

...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in the last 40 years (1423).

...killed more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.

...slaughter more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (12).

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
Religion is the problem.

Being religious is like going through life with a paper bag over your head.

Get the bag off and see the world for what it is...

and then ask to SEE THE VIDEO of the "757" hitting the Pentagon...

But try to tell the left that, while their newfound friends commit terrorist acts (including mass murder), treat women as sex slaves, and throw gays off of buildings...

And then listen to them whine "But it was Hillary's turn!!!"

Need I say more????
Honestly, that's kind of a retarded argument.

Our problem with the Muslim world is not that Islam is any worse (or better) than any other irrational belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky.

Our problem with the middle east is that we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung

They are doing exactly what you would do if space aliens showed up, devastated a bunch of your land, and took a bunch of territory you held dear.

The question is, why do we keep doing that? This isn't the 19th century, where we thought we were taking up the White man's burden of civilizing the world.

It does not matter what your opinion of God is. It is the Muslim believer that matters. And they believe it to death.

We have nothing to do with Islams doctrine created 1400 years ago. That we tried to contain it is really neither here or there. The problem is Islam itself.

Blaming the white man is a strawman. You got nothing but excuses. You are enabling more death and terror. It would be better if you didn't comment at all.
Honestly, that's kind of a retarded argument.

Our problem with the Muslim world is not that Islam is any worse (or better) than any other irrational belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky.

Our problem with the middle east is that we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung

They are doing exactly what you would do if space aliens showed up, devastated a bunch of your land, and took a bunch of territory you held dear.

The question is, why do we keep doing that? This isn't the 19th century, where we thought we were taking up the White man's burden of civilizing the world.
And that from the guy that refused to help liberate Kuwait, or stand up for our country in the wake of 9/11...

What a fucking joke...
Honestly, that's kind of a retarded argument.

Our problem with the Muslim world is not that Islam is any worse (or better) than any other irrational belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky.

Our problem with the middle east is that we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung

They are doing exactly what you would do if space aliens showed up, devastated a bunch of your land, and took a bunch of territory you held dear.

The question is, why do we keep doing that? This isn't the 19th century, where we thought we were taking up the White man's burden of civilizing the world.

Yo, read on:

“About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad’s biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers.”

What does the Koran say about nonbelievers? - Freethought Nation

“Islam is not the problem,” proclaims the Left. And if you say otherwise, you’re a “racist,” even though “Muslim” is not a race. Yet a fact remains: virtually all the world’s terrorists today claim Islamic motivations. So if Islam (belief) is not the problem,

Actually- most of the world's terrorist claim Islamic motivations- certainly not all.
Yes, There Are Christian Terrorists

Or did you hear about the Christian militant who publicly beheaded a Muslim man in the streets of the CAR capital last year? That was actually covered by the U.S. media—in a short Associated Press paragraph buried in papers like the New York Times. Anyone doubt that if a Muslim terrorist beheaded a Christian man in the public square it would’ve made the U.S. news?

Terrorism | Terrorism News Update | SATP
This links goes to terror attacks in Asia- by Muslims, and Hindu, and Maoists

Nor have all terrorists historically been Muslim. Remember- the U.K. was fighting terrorists long before they were fighting Muslim terrorists.

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia
The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] attack carried out on Monday July 22, 1946 by the militant right-wing[9] Zionist underground organization, the Irgun, on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing[10] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.[11][12][13] 91 people of various nationalities were killed and 46 injured.[14]

What is the Irish Republican Army and What do They Stand For?
In 1998, an IRA car bombing killed 29 people in Northern Ireland. The attack was severe enough to provoke threats by the Irish government that paramilitary groups must declare a cease-fire.

So both historically and currently non-Muslim terrorist groups are and were committing terrorists acts.

If Islam is the problem- why are non-Islams committing terror to?

Or to put it another way- if there was no Islam in the world- terrorist attacks would still be occurring- so clearly Islam is not 'the problem'.

The question is why are there terrorists who do get inspiration from Islam- usually to terrorize other Muslims- the vast majority of whom are not violent or terrorists
But try to tell the left that, while their newfound friends commit terrorist acts (including mass murder), treat women as sex slaves, and throw gays off of buildings...

And then listen to them whine "But it was Hillary's turn!!!"

Need I say more????

Hey, buddy, you don't think we have sex slaves in this country? You think all those girls in the Asian Massage Parlors want to be here having sex with strangers?
It does not matter what your opinion of God is. It is the Muslim believer that matters. And they believe it to death.

We have nothing to do with Islams doctrine created 1400 years ago. That we tried to contain it is really neither here or there. The problem is Islam itself.

Blaming the white man is a strawman. You got nothing but excuses. You are enabling more death and terror. It would be better if you didn't comment at all.

Guy, we wouldn't have a problem with them if we didn't go over into their lands and fuck with them.

I'm sorry you are too dense to understand that, but when was the last time they flew a plane into a Japanese building? Oh, that's right, they don't. The Japanese don't fuck with them. The Koreans don't fuck with them. The Chinese don't mess with them, except the Uighers in Western China.

Don't mess with them, they won't mess with us.

Pretty simple, no?

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