Zone1 Why Doesn't God Speak Audibly Today Like He Did In The Bible?

I was just wondering this question. I've been really yearning to hear God's voice and I'm thinking that I'm just not special enough. I believe wholeheartedly that He's real (I don't even think about it anymore or doubt it) but I guess in the back of my mind that would sort of be proof of it besides just being really, really cool. So maybe that's why He doesn't audibly speak to me as He already knows that I'm just looking for confirmation that I don't need since I have my faith.
Even Cecil B DeMille was careful with that question. In "The Ten Commandments" when Moses descended Mount Horeb following the burning bush encounter, he reported that God put God's words in his mind. In metaphorical teaching stories, trees, animals, birds, all talk to people or each other and that may be the case of metaphorical teaching stories (parables) in the Bible even in communications between God and people or, as in the case of the Tower of Babel, the spirit beings talking among themselves.

I recall a well written teaching of a woman who put out pans of food for the birds following a big snowstorm. But because the birds were afraid of approaching the unfamiliar pans she wished she could become a bird to explain to them, to show them. . . and in that moment understood why God became Man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth so that He could speak to the people directly, show them, help them to understand.

So how did God communicate with the people of the Old Testament, or in the New Testament in Matthew and Mark at Jesus' baptism and the voice from heaven was heard "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased?" Nobody was there to testify or record it at the time so we cannot know exactly what it was like or how it happened. I have no quarrel with those who think 'audible voice in their own language'. I have no quarrel with those who think God placed the words in their minds. Or any other explanation.

I have never heard God speak audibly. But I have heard God speak through others and I believe has even directed my words when teaching at times and I find myself saying truths that I am quite sure I didn't come up with all on my own at the time.
Because you Have the Bible

Yeah but up until now there wasn't a way for me to read it and actually understand a lot of it and it made me frustrated with it, but thankfully I got a very easy scripture study a day on my phone. :)

When I was awashed in the Holy Spririt as a teen I experienced what you are seeking. All I can say is to keep seeking it through prayer and scripture study. Many Pastors I have met have never experinced what I and others have including their own wives and other relatives. My hope is one day you will experince it and we can discuss it. 🙂

I would really like to hear about it now.

He speaks to us thru the Holy Spirit.

So what does that exactly mean?

Why should he? When he did, the people still disobeyed him.


List the times God spoke audibly in the Bible OP.

The burning bush, Adam and Eve, Samuel, etc.

Gideon said the exact same thing....

Then God kinda wore him out....
It wasn't pleasant....sure he was a "hero" but.....killing that many people is exhausting.

I'm not sure if I know that one yet. 🤔
Yeah but up until now there wasn't a way for me to read it and actually understand a lot of it and it made me frustrated with it, but thankfully I got a very easy scripture study a day on my phone. :)

I would really like to hear about it now.

So what does that exactly mean?


The burning bush, Adam and Eve, Samuel, etc.

I'm not sure if I know that one yet. 🤔
This isn't a "yada, yada, yada" moment.
  1. Adamn & Eve, check
  2. Moses at the burning bush, check.
  3. Samuel, who said "Here am I Lord", check.
Okay, who else?

Stay w/me here, there's a reason behind this.

Who else you got?
This isn't a "yada, yada, yada" moment.
  1. Adamn & Eve, check
  2. Moses at the burning bush, check.
  3. Samuel, who said "Here am I Lord", check.
Okay, who else?

Stay w/me here, there's a reason behind this.

Who else you got?

I'm not going through the whole entire Bible. I got a life as I was just giving you some examples. Noah is another one though for the record.
I'm not going through the whole entire Bible. I got a life as I was just giving you some examples. Noah is another one though for the record.
I don't recall God speaking to Noah audibly.

Ooops! Yeah, I forgot that He did.

I'm embarrassed.

Well, as Scripture illustrates, God only spoke to righteous men, as in thee most righteous men of the time, which was always one. (over many many years between)

Then at a certain point, still in the Old Testament, He spoke through dreams.

By the time of Jesus in the New Testament, it was through Scripture and what Jesus said when He walked the earth.

Jesus is the Interceder, we pray to Him.

With all that, mankind has fallen so far from righteousness, which again, points back to the need of an Interceder, Jesus.

So, it's because of Jesus.
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I don't recall God speaking to Noah audibly.

Ooops! Yeah, I forgot that He did.

I'm embarrassed.

Did this jog your memory? (Btw God has spoken to me through dreams as well.)

I was just wondering this question. I've been really yearning to hear God's voice and I'm thinking that I'm just not special enough. I believe wholeheartedly that He's real (I don't even think about it anymore or doubt it) but I guess in the back of my mind that would sort of be proof of it besides just being really, really cool. So maybe that's why He doesn't audibly speak to me as He already knows that I'm just looking for confirmation that I don't need since I have my faith.
He does to his flock.
He does speak to people today. Just interview schizophrenics not on their medication. According to a portion of them, he tells them to kill themselves or others.
That's the god of this world. The world listens to that god.
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The NEXT TIME God speaks to the world, it will be through His servants, The Two Witnesses.

They will speak God's words.

Will you listen to them? Or will you join the world and celebrate their murder?

The Bible says the world will celebrate their murder.

This will be your test to see if you really are a friend of God.
When I was awashed in the Holy Spririt as a teen I experienced what you are seeking. All I can say is to keep seeking it through prayer and scripture study. Many Pastors I have met have never experinced what I and others have including their own wives and other relatives. My hope is one day you will experince it and we can discuss it. 🙂
Blessings upon you. There are so many things in life that we have to experience ourselves before we understand or even comprehend them. There are no words to fully describe feelings of love, hate, fear, acceptance, hope. Such things must be experienced in order to understand.

And until you have felt God, entered into a two way relationship with Him, there is simply no way to describe or explain that in a way anybody can understand. It has to be experienced. I believe the experience is available to all who want it, however.

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