After a decade and hundreds of millions of US taxes spent, Niger is kicking out the US military and aligning with Russia

Maybe the lesbians did not explain DEI AND ESG in proper context to these FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIM MILITARY LEADERS IN AFRICA.

These people hate gays and women…so Biden sends GAY WOMEN to tell these men how to act.

ColonelAngus 8 months ago.

”Its bizarre that it is ok for the US to flex military might wherever we want to, but very oftenm the US will not allow other nations to do the same.

We should get out of Niger. They are a soverign nation. Let them rule themselves without American Imperialism.”

ColonelAngus 8 months ago.

”Its bizarre that it is ok for the US to flex military might wherever we want to, but very oftenm the US will not allow other nations to do the same.

We should get out of Niger. They are a soverign nation. Let them rule themselves without American Imperialism.”

There may be merit to your statement. However, we do give resources to these nations. And they have the real trickledown theory that stops at the top. Alignments though do have strategic importance. It seems the middle east is now an endless quagmire for us.
Another humiliation for Biden. Add this one to the list.

He is literally being thrown out like a bum. It wasn't widely reported, but the health and safety of US Servicemen at an existing airbase was in jeopardy. Effectively, they were abandoned not unlike the disaster in Afghanistan.

I suppose we will have to wait for an accounting of the $ Millions of dollars of equipment that the US will gift the Russians.

Niger’s Russian-Backed Military Junta Agrees to Release 1,000 US Soldiers After Biden Promises to Abandon the $100 Million US Airbase in the Country


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