Is this okay with you rw's?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?
Thanks Del, that's the same as not having the gumption to speak out against what you know is wrong.

Very common on this forum.
I rarely call anyone names but that guy is an unamerican Christo-Taliban jackass, Jesus can't call him home to heaven soon enough.
The US was founded on Christian principles but to then turn around and say non-Christians need to gtfo kinda defeats the whole purpose.
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?
This guy is right, the fake reverend wright is a racist dirtbag. This country was founded by Christians with Christian principals. Satan has by way of idiots like you spread lies and misinformation. The lefty libtards are marooons.
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?
This guy is right, the fake reverend wright is a racist dirtbag. This country was founded by Christians with Christian principals. Satan has by way of idiots like you spread lies and misinformation. The lefty libtards are marooons.

are you saving up for opposable thumbs?
The pastor is flat out wrong. He's a jerk and an idiot. I feel the same for him as I do for Rev Wright and Louis Faruchan.

BTW, you called out RWs not speaking out against this, but how many lefties have spoken out about the wingnuts on your side of the political spectrum?
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?
This guy is right, the fake reverend wright is a racist dirtbag. This country was founded by Christians with Christian principals. Satan has by way of idiots like you spread lies and misinformation. The lefty libtards are marooons.

And, you're working very deep undercover for the Dems, right?
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?

It's called freedom of speech. We don't have to agree with him or like what he says, to support his right to say it. Just like you have a right to post about stupid shit.
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?
This guy is right, the fake reverend wright is a racist dirtbag. This country was founded by Christians with Christian principals. Satan has by way of idiots like you spread lies and misinformation. The lefty libtards are marooons.
freedom of religion also gives me the freedom to not have yours imposed on me by force. that is something the religious right fails to understand or accept.

so take you religion and shove it, not everyone is a blind believer in imaginary people
here's some more craziness by the santorum people at the missouri caucus as recounted by an eye witness:

My mother-in-law and father-in-law were at the caucus. When they arrived at the high school, the police cars and a police helicopter were ALREADY there. The guy you saw in the video conducting at the first is a Santorum supporter. He called the police and told them there was going to be a disturbance, so they needed to be there. So, he had the whole thing planned, and the police were in cahoots with him.

So, at the start of the caucus meeting, the precinct chair conducted an illegal (or against the rules, anyway) straw poll and had them sit according to which presidential candidate they were supporting. Then he said there was to be no recording of any kind, which is what you saw at the start of the video. A ward member friend of my in-laws recorded anyway on his iPad.

The precinct chair then "appointed" the new chair, also a Santorum supporter, then said "all in favor say 'aye'", then "all opposed say 'nay'", then without counting or pausing declared "the ayes have it." Not accepting nominations is against the rules. Also, the Romney supporters FAR outnumbered the Santorum supporters, so they really won the vote.

At that point, the original chair said "I don't feel safe" and called the police in. They said "the committee will be responsible for making decisions if this can't be a peaceable assembly", and they escorted everyone out.

That's where they then assembled in the parking lot (completely legally, according to the rules, and not causing a ruckus, as you saw). They did the nominations, the roster, and never got a chance to vote because the police then arrested the guy trying to run it, and hauled him off.

My in-laws still don't know what is going to happen with this. Nothing has been finalized. However, my opinion is the precinct chair needs to be criminally charged (voter fraud), and whoever was responsible from the police force needs to be fired and probably charged with a criminal offense as well.
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?

It's called freedom of speech. We don't have to agree with him or like what he says, to support his right to say it. Just like you have a right to post about stupid shit.

Its not often that a "conservative" says this. Its also not often that I agree completely with the rw's on this forum.

Thank you.
Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians And Liberals To Get Out (VIDEO)

This fire and brimstone nut case screams incorrectly and very ignorantly that the US "was founded as a Christian nation" and that Liberals and non-christians should get out and I can't help but notice that its been pretty quiet from the right.

Is this okay with rw's?

I mean, they screeched and screamed when Baptist, Rev Wright correctly stated that the US is racist and when loon $arah was seen having her preacher exorcise "witches" from her, they defended that as sane behavior.

And, of course, they threw the Constitution in the fire every time American Muslims want to build a mosque.

So, how many of you agree with this preacher that if you're not a Christian and if your not a right winger, you should "get out" of your own country? How many of you think its okay that SickRick "pals around" with this hate mongering jihadist extremist? Does anyone here really agree with his version of sharia law?

It's called freedom of speech. We don't have to agree with him or like what he says, to support his right to say it. Just like you have a right to post about stupid shit.

Its not often that a "conservative" says this. Its also not often that I agree completely with the rw's on this forum.

Thank you.
Then you need to listen to conservatives better.
It's called freedom of speech. We don't have to agree with him or like what he says, to support his right to say it. Just like you have a right to post about stupid shit.

Its not often that a "conservative" says this. Its also not often that I agree completely with the rw's on this forum.

Thank you.
Then you need to listen to conservatives better.
maybe you should listen the left more instead of simply agreeing with right blindly.

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