What would you do if faced with this decision?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring TRUMP,(Mod Edit) and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
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You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring the Orange Menace and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?

It's getting so easy to predict what the thread subject is going to be when this poster tries to keep it from looking click-baitey.


Must be nice to get a paycheck for doing nothing.

rent free.png
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring the Orange Menace and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
The non MAGAt hasn't got a chance anyway. Save your self.

It's getting so easy to predict what the thread subject is going to be when this poster tries to keep it from looking click-baitey.


Must be nice to get a paycheck for doing nothing.

View attachment 887276
The panic and desperation is palpable.

They're clawing at their faces and screaming at a drooling shut-in "HELP US!!!", but the demented pedophile just keeps molesting 9-year olds and shitting his pants.

The life-altering beat down is just around the corner... and they so fucking deserve it. :laughing0301:
You're a hypothetical Repub congressman from a district predominantly favoring the Orange Menace and you are not running for re-election. You have a choice of endorsing one of two Repub candidates running for your seat. One is a full blown MAGAist. A supporter of all things Don. The other is a moderate who has taken a position Trump has threatened and is threatening the constitutional order.

You want to endorse the non-MAGAist but realize if you do the consequences will likely include death threats to you and your family and or other forms of harassment from Don's mob. Maybe some swatting like what just happened to Judge Engoron and Jack Smith.

Or social media posts attacking you from Generalissimo Trump himself which have become so routine in the error, sorry era, of Trumpery.

If you choose not to endorse either in this hypothetical example, does that say something about the level of intimidation public figures may feel if they speak out against MAGAism? Do you see how this could be a real life situation? That people potentially are changing their behavior in order to avoid being confronted with all that comes your way for not falling in line with Trumpery?
You're outdone yourself with this idiotic troll thread, komrade.

But to reply, a politician with a conscience would do what they thought best.

A politician without - 99% or so of that population - wouldn't.

Carry on with your moronic trolling, and hope it isn't too cold in the Baltics. :)
Awesome. Do you see why others may not do so?

I think holding a leadership position requires you be a leader, not cowering to Karens. Others who would not do so shouldn't be in leadership positions.
The panic and desperation is palpable.

They're clawing at their faces and screaming at a drooling shut-in "HELP US!!!", but the demented pedophile just keeps molesting 9-year olds and shitting his pants.

The life-altering beat down is just around the corner... and they so fucking deserve it. :laughing0301:
The use of violent intimidation is a classic tactic of the fascist right.
The panic and desperation is palpable.

They're clawing at their faces and screaming at a drooling shut-in "HELP US!!!", but the demented pedophile just keeps molesting 9-year olds and shitting his pants.

The life-altering beat down is just around the corner... and they so fucking deserve it. :laughing0301:
Few if any candidates for prez were ever more deserving of the beatdown Biden handed the Orange Menace in 2020. The appalling thing is the 70M+ drooling shut ins who voted for an autocrat who wears make up and looks like there's a dead squirrel on top of his head.

Why would anyone photoshop a sunburn, since we all know how unGodly much time he spends on the beach anyway? Why make it look like his lazy-ass beach time is even more than we already know it is?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I used to work outside, and have experienced more than my share of sunburns. They are red.

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