Is there ANY "Line" in the sand that the left cannot cross without a resounding response from the Right?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?

Oh, there is a line alright. Agitators are trying like hell to get people in trouble, so no one is going to say anything. Blow hards will spout off, but the people who matter will keep quiet.
If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?

READ POST #2. What you ask is a secret. All I can say is that one should leave sleeping dogs lay. The question isn't how far will the Right let the destruction of their country go, this country is ruled by laws which are supposed to fix these things if simply followed. The real question is what will the Right do when finally pushed so far that they give up on the rule of law to work for them and finally relent to take matters into their own hands.
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
In my personal life, I have never had to deal with one of these people alive that I knew of.

Weirdos don't go over too well here in the Real America.
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
Where the heck are you? Everybody else is opening up. People aren't staying home the streets here are packed. We carry masks, but of course we are several week past 2nd vaccinations so we only wear one if a business we want to shop in asks for it. Massive attack on gun ownership? Heck I just built my first build and order hundreds of rounds of ammo (kind high priced). All parts arrived from the various vendors in short time after purchase online. I'm good. Do you panic at everthing or just think it makes a point?
Any chance of actually seeing something enacted first or is it mandatory, we panic now to avoid the rush?
If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?

READ POST #2. What you ask is a secret. All I can say is that one should leave sleeping dogs lay. The question isn't how far will the Right let the destruction of their country go, this country is ruled by laws which are supposed to fix these things if simply followed. The real question is what will the Right do when finally pushed so far that they give up on the rule of law to work for them and finally relent to take matters into their own hands.

I'm saying that there is absolutely NOTHING the Left could do to the Right that would provoke a response. N-o-t-h-i-n-g

(including outright extermination)

The Left will continue to incrementally revoke rights, and take away the guns in small steps, until you are left naked, bare and helpless.
They are doing this in so may ways today.
Check it out, another thread of conservative traitors threatening more terrorist violence.

And water is wet.


The trademark of Marxist bastards
You know what you can go do.
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
Whiny bitch post. Not a single reference to a policy that is socialist. There has been almost no movement in 12 years of policy due to Washington DC stalemate so whatever socialism you see in your scary mirror was there from Bush.
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
Whiny bitch post. Not a single reference to a policy that is socialist. There has been almost no movement in 12 years of policy due to Washington DC stalemate so whatever socialism you see in your scary mirror was there from Bush.

Right..there is no Socialist's all in my head.

Yep, these intuitive, adult conversations need to be in the structured forum, to filter out the background noise.
For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
Whiny bitch post. Not a single reference to a policy that is socialist. There has been almost no movement in 12 years of policy due to Washington DC stalemate so whatever socialism you see in your scary mirror was there from Bush.

Right..there is no Socialist's all in my head.

Yep, these intuitive, adult conversations need to be in the structured forum, to filter out the background noise.
Still couldn’t name it eh? Useless.
If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?

READ POST #2. What you ask is a secret. All I can say is that one should leave sleeping dogs lay. The question isn't how far will the Right let the destruction of their country go, this country is ruled by laws which are supposed to fix these things if simply followed. The real question is what will the Right do when finally pushed so far that they give up on the rule of law to work for them and finally relent to take matters into their own hands.

I'm saying that there is absolutely NOTHING the Left could do to the Right that would provoke a response. N-o-t-h-i-n-g

(including outright extermination)

The Left will continue to incrementally revoke rights, and take away the guns in small steps, until you are left naked, bare and helpless.
They are doing this in so may ways today.

No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that the conservative Right is very resilient. They know that most anything can be fixed. They are patient. They want the system to work peacefully. What I'm saying is that should the system fail, for the rule of law to fall apart to where push really comes to shove, you won't like what you see. It won't be signs, yelling, and protests. It won't be looting Walmart for a new TV. When the Right finally gets backed into the corner, if it really comes to that where it comes down to acting in self defense or dying, it won't be a pretty picture. The Far Left are a bunch of sissy wimps, they gravely underestimate the savagery they risk unleashing with their totalitarian dreams.

For decades we have watched the "Progressive" Left nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism.
Now that we have a growing socialist membership in Congress that is thriving and growing, they are moving us towards Socialism and Marism faster and faster.

The Looming Threat of a Socialist America
The Looming Threat of a Socialist America

They are now making us stay home, wear masks and close our businesses. Now they are pushing for mandatory covid19 vaccinations (covertly by slowly applying pressure to those who opt out).

At the same time, massive attacks on gun ownership are coming from all orifices of the Democrat controlled Feral Government.

Their hypocrisy and elitism is boundless as democrat leader after Democrat leader pushes Marxist laws for thee....then laugh as they openly ignore them themselves.

The question is: Is there no limit to how much America will take?

Will there be no opposition? Will the American people simply continue to shake their heads and do no more than moan while the progressive Left steam rolls the Constitution and Liberty? many say their personal line is when (not if, but when) they come for their personal guns. I say that at that point it will be too late. Lone wolves have zero chance against a well militarized and heavily armed government force.

So far Americans have shown clearly that they are not willing to do anything to protect their rights. Nada. ZIP.

If you as a Conservative or simply someone who disagrees with the destructive path of Socialism and Marxism, at what point will you stop complaining and start fighting?
Will it be when they force you to live only as they dictate? Is it when they come to your door at your home armed to the teeth because you made a post disagreeing with them?

Or have you already decided that you will just go down without any fight at all? Total surrender without a whimper and live happily as their footstool?
"nudge the USA further away from it's Republican foundation and towards Socialism"?

The Republican foundation IS socialism, ALL of it..................................................CORPORATE.
Meanwhile, this is _still_ a thread where the right is openly calling for terrorist violence.

Sure, it's just a few of them. But no one on the right will criticize their violent members, of which there are many. The right, as a whole, is required to at least give right-wing terrorist violence a free pass. They're actively encouraged to go further and run cover for right-wing violence (see: Jan 6). They may not all _be_ right-wing thugs, but they're all fine with having many right-wing thugs in their ranks.

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