Is Prostitution normal also?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Closure of prostitution website costly for sex workers - Houston Chronicle

To compare with debates on whether
homosexuality is normal for some people and should be accepted,
or whether people are going to feed drug addictions anyway so that should be
either legalized or decriminalized,

What about Prostitution?

If you believe drugs and prostitution should be decriminalized
in order to regulate safely, what level of laws do you support to prevent abuses
that are not the "free choice" of participants but pose a danger to public health or safety?

Where do you draw the line, why, and what do you suggest for reform?
I don'y know about legalization, but I do know I would like to see death penalty for pimps who abuse and exploit these women.
Closure of prostitution website costly for sex workers - Houston Chronicle

To compare with debates on whether
homosexuality is normal for some people and should be accepted,
or whether people are going to feed drug addictions anyway so that should be
either legalized or decriminalized,

What about Prostitution?

If you believe drugs and prostitution should be decriminalized
in order to regulate safely, what level of laws do you support to prevent abuses
that are not the "free choice" of participants but pose a danger to public health or safety?

Where do you draw the line, why, and what do you suggest for reform?

I'd differentiate prostitution with slavery. Someone forced to be a prostitute isn't a prostitute in the usual sense of the word so much as a slave in every sense. Thus when discussing whether one should be legal or not it's important to remember that most every adult enjoys sex. Some exchange sexual favors for material goods or other desireable things (promotions at works, business contracts, etc.) While some others have sex with someone to become their boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse. 'Economic security' they call it. And so long as making a porno's legal, where participants are having sex only because they're being paid, isn't prostitution simply a more open and honest version of what's legal already?

Prostitution should be legal since acts amounting to it already are. If a proper illegal prostitute recorded her clients on video then uploaded them to ap orn website, would it still be illegal "prostitution" or would it become pornography?
Closure of prostitution website costly for sex workers - Houston Chronicle

To compare with debates on whether
homosexuality is normal for some people and should be accepted,
or whether people are going to feed drug addictions anyway so that should be
either legalized or decriminalized,

What about Prostitution?

If you believe drugs and prostitution should be decriminalized
in order to regulate safely, what level of laws do you support to prevent abuses
that are not the "free choice" of participants but pose a danger to public health or safety?

Where do you draw the line, why, and what do you suggest for reform?

Every failed attempt at reform acknowledges that the issue is economics and then does nothing about it.

You have to make a choice.
It doesn't matter. There will always be prostitution. If prostitution is legalized there will be both legal and illegal prostitution. Women will never be stopped from trading their bodies for money or favor.

Prohibition does not work. It has not work in the past, it does not work today and it will not work in the future. We waste billions, if not trillions, of dollars on law enforcement and loss of taxes trying to stop people from doing what they are going to do anyway. All the laws against it do is force the participants on both sides into the criminal arena, creating more criminals and making regulation and protection damn near impossible.
Legalization will not stop one single associated with illegal prostitution. Including illegal prostitution.
Amsterdam so famous for legal prostitution recently discovered that their perfectly legal brothels were filled with girls from eastern europe kidnapped or lured into prostitution by organized crime.

Switzerland legalized prostitution and then had a growth industry of illegal prostitution so bad they started renting out drive thru sex boxes.

Sex, by its very nature can never be made safe or economically feasible by legalization. It might perhaps be partly managed but only partly.
Closure of prostitution website costly for sex workers - Houston Chronicle

To compare with debates on whether
homosexuality is normal for some people and should be accepted,
or whether people are going to feed drug addictions anyway so that should be
either legalized or decriminalized,

What about Prostitution?

If you believe drugs and prostitution should be decriminalized
in order to regulate safely, what level of laws do you support to prevent abuses
that are not the "free choice" of participants but pose a danger to public health or safety?

Where do you draw the line, why, and what do you suggest for reform?

Sex is legal. Commerce is legal. Why shouldn't sex as part of commerce be legal? It is can of hypocritical that prostitution is illegal but adultery and fornication are not (or the laws against such are not enforced).
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Legalization will not stop one single associated with illegal prostitution. Including illegal prostitution.

Oh well then. Let's go ahead and continue to waste huge amounts of money and resources, destroy lives and tie of our court systems up with victimless crimes. Because doing it that way has worked so well for us.

Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
Legalization will not stop one single associated with illegal prostitution. Including illegal prostitution.

Oh well then. Let's go ahead and continue to waste huge amounts of money and resources, destroy lives and tie of our court systems up with victimless crimes. Because doing it that way has worked so well for us.

Do you know what the definition of insanity is?

It doesn't matter. Legalize prostitution and there will be as many Prostitutes working illegally as there ever was. There will be just as many arrested as there ever was. It is just one of those things that cannot be alleviated by legalization. Prostitution is legal in Nevada. That has not taken even one whore off the strip.
The personal use of drugs should be decriminalized. No criminal record or jail time for the nonviolent victim-less crime of consuming a drug. When caught a user should have their stash confiscated and be issued a ticket or have the option of attending drug treatment/education. Too many unpaid tickets amassed and drug treatment/education is mandatory. The drugs would still be illegal to manufacture, traffic, and sell. I'm open to the idea of a legal market for soft drugs or legal cultivation of soft drugs by private citizens.

On the issue of sex work I'm torn. The libertarian in me thinks that sex workers would be better off in a legal regulated market. The feminist in me knows that countries that have legal prostitution have higher instances of trafficked humans. If sex work could operate in state regulated brothels in which sex workers are tested for STI's on a regular basis as well as individual interviews to determine their consent in the profession and human trafficking shown to be successfully cut down, then great, I support it.
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The personal use of drugs should be decriminalized. No criminal record or jail time for the nonviolent victim-less crime of consuming a drug. When caught a user should have their stash confiscated and be issued a ticket or have the option of attending drug treatment/education. Too many unpaid tickets amassed and drug treatment/education is mandatory. The drugs would still be illegal to manufacture, traffic, and sell. I'm open to the idea of a legal market for soft drugs or legal cultivation of soft drugs by private citizens.

On the issue of sex work I'm torn. The libertarian in me thinks that sex workers would be better off in a legal regulated market. The feminist in me knows that countries that have legal prostitution have higher instances of trafficked humans. If sex work could operate in state regulated brothels in which sex workers are tested for STI's on a regular basis as well as individual interviews to determine their consent in the profession and human trafficking shown to be successfully cut down, then great, I support it.

IMO, what you want to put into your body is your decision. So long as you harm no one else, it is your body. Keeping the distribution illegal simply keeps the users immersed in a criminal environment. Bring it out into the open, regulate and tax. You can provide rehab to those who have a real problem with it for pennies on the dollar of what we are spending now to keep it illegal.

As to prostitution, I suspect the reason it seems human trafficking is higher where prostitution is legal is because it is discovered more often there. It isn't happening more, it is just more likely to be uncovered and stopped. When the entire industry is criminalized it is far less likely someone is going to point out people breaking the law.

But the ultimate argument for both issues is that criminalizing does not work. It is massively expensive, destroys lives and prevents nothing. Decriminalizing may not be perfect, but at least it does not compound the problem.
Closure of prostitution website costly for sex workers - Houston Chronicle

To compare with debates on whether
homosexuality is normal for some people and should be accepted,
or whether people are going to feed drug addictions anyway so that should be
either legalized or decriminalized,

What about Prostitution?

If you believe drugs and prostitution should be decriminalized
in order to regulate safely, what level of laws do you support to prevent abuses
that are not the "free choice" of participants but pose a danger to public health or safety?

Where do you draw the line, why, and what do you suggest for reform?


In circumstance do you mean normal?

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