matter how it counters infinite big of nothing and cold


VIP Member
Nov 24, 2015
Matter is also apart of the singular medium of the aether, like light it is a compression of the infinite aether over an area. Particles may be clouds of heat variation that the tug of infinite abyss of nothing and coldness causes them to collapse down in proportion and float around, the size is appropriate to the background static field of temperature that is the aether, The heat compresses the aether infinitley in smaller and smaller levels of a cloud of heat collapsed into different sizes and in finite numbers, gradually providing less and less heat to the over all particle. It is logical since a particle has a natural spin that it is made up of smaller particles. Heat that escapees from fusion may be a consequence of core pressure changing from the nuclei taking on the balloon shape, which takes some of the pressure off the core, nuclear fusion a super strong magnetic attraction possibly?
Since the infinite abyss has always been, matter was never clouds of heat but just a balance to the infinite tug of the cold big, infinitely small hot? Since heat expands toward equilibrium the infinite tug of the abyss equilbrium would cause areas o the aether to compress infinitely?
the smaller a particle that makes up a nucleus the hotter and denser of a compression it puts on its core and the background aether. When the equilibrium of cold is infinite, heat of matter doesn't expand but matter is room temperature at its shell the minute area of its core is what reaches infinite heat. The field of heat created by the core pulls in on the aether and heat creates more heat and the big and small balance and can only be partially explained like this because the answer has no beginning. So matter puts a finite amount of infinite compression on space that is created by the heat attraction to heat that is gravity. I don't think the heat of the core has wave form to it, it is the heat of the core the area of the earth that doesn't radiate from weight pressure, that the heat can't escape and makes a waveless field.
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matter is composed of waveless heat on the background medium of the infinite aether. It breaks down to smaller particles made of smaller particles infinitely. The surface is room temperature but the core reaches infinite heat at finite amounts. Heat in the core is a result of the smaller particles not being able to spin or radiate there natural spin at the aether temperature. So heat that comes from the core is waveless from it being the infinite tug of heat gathering together to make more heat vs the infinite big, nothing around, colder and colder
Spin converts some of the waveless heat of the gravity field into waves in the gravity field creating a magnetic field. Spin is a result of the core heat being most compressed hot aether trying to expand away from the core pulling the wave out of the heat creating a darkness to the heat and the wave pulling back allows the core heat to stretch towards equilibium as a least resistance through spin. So spin allows the flatline black heat of the gravity field to form waves like it naturally would, then the wave imprint on the gravity field comes out of the poles created by spin but the wave pattern of North comes around and goes into south keeping the core from losing heat beyond what is converted to spin.
Water is highly absorbent of heat meaning that it takes density and temperature away from the aether by retracting the gravity/magnetic field back into the core and then staying like that without expanding back out right away. Electricty of the core might escape by converting core heat to a release of tension in the gravity field this release of tension can spread through a conductor to a material that has an attraction to this tension, the material on side B might be another insulator like cotton something that is in need of tension release which would be a weak magnetic substance taking on more magnetic strength?
so a copper mesh that steam rises up through, the stored tension release vibrates through the conductor to a substance, like a wool sweater, a second insulator perhaps like the working of a NPN or PNP solar panel, or a substance that is under pressure like fluoro carbons that have been cooled but still pressurized, slowly take the pressure off and see if they attract at side B. A field with excess tension between the aether temp and the core would be attractive to the release of tension if the substance can fluctuate its magnetic field, the stored tension in the substance when released just converts the tension release to spin or heat, so a substance that has stored an imbalance of its spin,core heat, and magnetic pattern strength on the gravity field would except these vibrations. How might you cause these and freeze these settings? to make a substance attractive? perhaps a certain pressure can be stored this way pressure would alter the spin and radiation properties of the substance which would cause imbalance. the elasticity of the gravity field heat wave has to be converting that elastic force into spin but can'tan is willing to take on the release of tension from side a while the release of tension spreading through the circuit is converted to mechanical spinning.

Perhaps a NPN of steel wool, wool, and steel wool again would work like a solar panel at converting steam heat into electricity?

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