Is Modesty Relevant

I think the big deal is that most people AREN'T that comfortable with thier own sexuality.

Spot the hell ON!

And since so many people are frustrated by their own sense of their sexual inadaquacies, they seek to become the guardians of the society's codes for proper sexuality.

I believe THAT, much more than anything having to do with morality, explains most of the people seriously involved in the pro-life movement.

Well, that and the inherent misygenism which is rife in human kind practically the world over.

Most men are, I think, basically terrified of women, and women who are secure in their sexuality are terrible frightening to these fucking losers.
Spot the hell ON!

And since so many people are frustrated by their own sense of their sexual inadaquacies, they seek to become the guardians of the society's codes for proper sexuality.

I believe THAT, much more than anything having to do with morality, explains most of the people seriously involved in the pro-life movement.

Well, that and the inherent misygenism which is rife in human kind practically the world over.

Most men are, I think, basically terrified of women, and women who are secure in their sexuality are terrible frightening to these fucking losers.
And somewhere, a conclusion is loving the fact that it just got jumped.
Spot the hell ON!

And since so many people are frustrated by their own sense of their sexual inadaquacies, they seek to become the guardians of the society's codes for proper sexuality.

I believe THAT, much more than anything having to do with morality, explains most of the people seriously involved in the pro-life movement.

Well, that and the inherent misygenism which is rife in human kind practically the world over.

Most men are, I think, basically terrified of women, and women who are secure in their sexuality are terrible frightening to these fucking losers.

And the fact that many women aren't all that comfortable with sexuality only serves to continue to hormonal insanity. If we could get comfortable with our own sexuality we may even get onto the business of trying to understand the other sex's feelings about it .:lol:
Probably not anytime soon tho----
For quite a while, probably when I flew past sixty, I didn't give the subject of modesty much thought. Unless a woman was bare breasted in public or a man's ass crack wasn't filling my field of vision pretty much anything was acceptable. Plunging necklines, OK, skin tight jeans even better, spiked heels, wow, form fitting dress, OMG. Well, you get the idea.

Now in my recliner years I ponder the tension, in men, this display of women's charms is causing. That is my point, men are being constantly bombarded with erotic images in every aspect of life. There is a saying "too much of a good thing" can be bad for you.

This aspect, immodest dress, is not new. The erotic display of physical attributes has been around since recorded history.

Fast forward to today's society. Immodest dress by women is justified by being fashionable. Yet when wearing these short dresses or skirts they scrunch them down when seated in a gesture of modesty. What is that?

Cut to the chase, women's dresses, skirts should be a ankle length. Upper clothing should not reveal cleavage and should have sleeves, high heels -banned altogether. Pants or pant-suits OK if loose and not revealing body outlines. Swim suits, similar to ones worn by Ester Williams (do a goggle if your not old enough, ha, ha)

I do not advocate the more restrictive dress code of a Burqua.

A Renaissance of modesty is needed, IMO, for the mental health of men.

I guess the diagnosis includes an immature development in the psycho-sexual-social area. Being unable to stop the perversion of viewing everyone you see as sexual objects is not a way to go through life. Being able to shut off primal instincts is what makes people civilized. There are situations where instincts are not pleasant experiences because they interfere with being able to interact appropriately with other people in social situations.

Some people think feet are erotic. Should we cover up everything that becomes a fetish for people with arrested development?

hmmmm, maybe we'll see you on To Catch A Predator? You too can have your 15 minutes of fame or infamy
I guess the diagnosis includes an immature development in the psycho-sexual-social area. Being unable to stop the perversion of viewing everyone you see as sexual objects is not a way to go through life. Being able to shut off primal instincts is what makes people civilized. There are situations where instincts are not pleasant experiences because they interfere with being able to interact appropriately with other people in social situations.

Some people think feet are erotic. Should we cover up everything that becomes a fetish for people with arrested development?

hmmmm, maybe we'll see you on To Catch A Predator? You too can have your 15 minutes of fame or infamy

Believing you can simply shut off primal instincts only represses them to emerge in an unhealthy form.
Believing you can simply shut off primal instincts only represses them to emerge in an unhealthy form.

of course you missed the point entirely. putting things on hold is a sign of maturity. to constantly justify instant gratification is unhealthy. putting an instinct on hold is what we do for survival. imagine if everyone did not put fight or flight responses into hold?
of course you missed the point entirely. putting things on hold is a sign of maturity. to constantly justify instant gratification is unhealthy. putting an instinct on hold is what we do for survival. imagine if everyone did not put fight or flight responses into hold?

Being able to shut off primal instincts is what makes people civilized.

Perhaps if you had SAID put on hold and of being able to deal with it in a mature fashion I may not have missed your point.

Sorry--I'm not trying to be a wise ass but I think too many people believe that they can just shut off sexual instincts as is if they were a sign from the devil or something. I personally think that viewpoint is destructive and doomed to fail.
Personally, I find those "Girls Gone Wild" videos disgusting because there's something wrong with a girl who needs to get that kind of attention. It feeds into the notion that "men don't make passes to girls who wear glasses." I think most intelligent men really care about the inside, not just the outside.

I pretty much agree completely. It's not really how a girl dresses, more how a girl behaves that truly reflects the kind of person she is. If she behaves badly, guys will be interested for all the wrong reasons.
I pretty much agree completely. It's not really how a girl dresses, more how a girl behaves that truly reflects the kind of person she is. If she behaves badly, guys will be interested for all the wrong reasons.

bullcrap! Ever meet Brazilian women who flirt? Other cultures have a more mature (not much, but more) outlook on sexuality. I've seen American men take the flirting of women from other cultures the wrong way and get into big trouble. As I often say on boards I am on, people give away so much about themselves through projection.

Somebody can behave badly (subjective term if there ever was one) around me and I can respond in a fashion that meets my immature emotional demands, or I can choose to overlook their silliness and respond as a mature individual. Or I can totally ignore them.

question: Why pay attention in the first place? Why pay attention to somebody else who is seeking attention and who you do not know?
I pretty much agree completely. It's not really how a girl dresses, more how a girl behaves that truly reflects the kind of person she is. If she behaves badly, guys will be interested for all the wrong reasons.

Being interested in the opposite sex for sexual reasons isn't necessarily wrong--It's just that if it's the ONLY reason it will lead to a less than satisfying relationship.
Being interested in the opposite sex for sexual reasons isn't necessarily wrong--It's just that if it's the ONLY reason it will lead to a less than satisfying relationship.


look at people as individuals. being interested in sex is one thing. being obsessed with it to the point where everyone is a potential ***** is sad.

I've been to camp grounds where clothes were optional. It's funny how many people I tell about it get all weird-ed out by the idea. Projection and fears? :lol:
Being interested in the opposite sex for sexual reasons isn't necessarily wrong--It's just that if it's the ONLY reason it will lead to a less than satisfying relationship.

Some people can live with a shallow relationship. There are those who are interested merely in the "zipless f**k." But I tend to believe that most of us interested in a lot more. What's the fun of someone leaving after a one night stand? Don't tell me that there isn't some emotion that goes with sex.

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