Is it just that Democrat men are tired of women being in charge?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Young men tend to rebel, and in Democratic circles it is women who are the authority figures, not old white men.

In the Democrat's worldview and in their actions, women have priority and are the mother-like figures that must be obeyed, honored and respected. Even the ones who hate the idea of motherhood and have killed several "fetuses" to avoid it. All of the senior leadership in the Democratic Party are women or they are men who have a strong woman pulling their strings. Whatever else a Democrat male does, he must always be subservient to women.

Until recently. that is.

Now there is a growing fad for men literally (in their minds) becoming women. By making the claim of being a woman, they can invade women's private spaces, outdo women in sports, be more in demand models, actresses,* and spokeswomen, and claim scholarships and job opportunities once set aside for biological women. It doesn't seem to matter that they could not have been disadvantaged by growing up with fewer role models, or having people stereotype them as not good at math due to their sex.

Are young Democrat males just tired of seeing their sex make them second class Democrats?

Back in the day, when women were the underdogs, those who tried to overcome their inferior position would sometimes dress and act more mannish than women content with their station. But they did not claim to actually be men, they just tried to prove they could do as well as men, if they didn't have long dresses tripping them up all the time, nor long hair getting caught up in gears.

I guess by claiming to be women, they can have the power that women have won for themselves, while never taking on the responsibility of being a man and manning up and not letting women walk all over them. Beauty part for them is that they don't have to accept any of the downside of being women. No worries about a malfunctioning feminine product while doing the 50 meter backstroke, if you don't menstruate. No biological clock to weigh against career opportunities, and no unwanted pregnancy ever.

Unless it is a woman who gets another woman pregnant with her female penis and testicals. But then she can tell her "sister, empower yourself at Planned Parenthood!"

*Not so sure about the actress part, though. I used to challenge Democrats to name a single transwoman that Hollywood has cast as a lead or important supporting woman character in a movie. Only answer I got was Laverne Cox, who of course was a transwoman playing a transwoman, so not exactly courage in casting.

I don't know, has Hollywood even yet actually cast any transwoman as a regular woman with no reference to being trans? Seems pretty exclusionary if they have not.
In the Democrat's worldview and in their actions, women have priority and are the mother-like figures that must be obeyed, honored and respected. Even the ones who hate the idea of motherhood and have killed several "fetuses" to avoid it. All of the senior leadership in the Democratic Party are women or they are men who have a strong woman pulling their strings. Whatever else a Democrat male does, he must always be subservient to women.

Until recently. that is.

Now there is a growing fad for men literally (in their minds) becoming women. By making the claim of being a woman, they can invade women's private spaces, outdo women in sports, be more in demand models, actresses,* and spokeswomen, and claim scholarships and job opportunities once set aside for biological women. It doesn't seem to matter that they could not have been disadvantaged by growing up with fewer role models, or having people stereotype them as not good at math due to their sex.

Are young Democrat males just tired of seeing their sex make them second class Democrats?

Back in the day, when women were the underdogs, those who tried to overcome their inferior position would sometimes dress and act more mannish than women content with their station. But they did not claim to actually be men, they just tried to prove they could do as well as men, if they didn't have long dresses tripping them up all the time, nor long hair getting caught up in gears.

I guess by claiming to be women, they can have the power that women have won for themselves, while never taking on the responsibility of being a man and manning up and not letting women walk all over them. Beauty part for them is that they don't have to accept any of the downside of being women. No worries about a malfunctioning feminine product while doing the 50 meter backstroke, if you don't menstruate. No biological clock to weigh against career opportunities, and no unwanted pregnancy ever.

Unless it is a woman who gets another woman pregnant with her female penis and testicals. But then she can tell her "sister, empower yourself at Planned Parenthood!"

*Not so sure about the actress part, though. I used to challenge Democrats to name a single transwoman that Hollywood has cast as a lead or important supporting woman character in a movie. Only answer I got was Laverne Cox, who of course was a transwoman playing a transwoman, so not exactly courage in casting.

I don't know, has Hollywood even yet actually cast any transwoman as a regular woman with no reference to being trans? Seems pretty exclusionary if they have not.
based on the awards and wins by men in womens sports among other things, it seems like men are better women than women are,,

patriarchy at its best,,,

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