Is it time to stop bashing Glenn Beck?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Bashing Glenn Beck is bad for liberals - The Week

This "constant mockery of these bloviating right-wing demagogues" wastes "precious center-left media time." With the economy "still in a coma," and the Middle East in revolt, liberal journalists like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews should focus on the relative superiority of the Left's policies, and reserve their attacks for the "crazy" conservative leaders who wield actual power

It makes other far-right Republican conservatives look moderate. Mockery of Palin, Bachmann and Beck may backfire on the left by making conservative and libertarian politicians with equally nutty ideas but more statesmanlike gravitas appear to be more moderate than they really are. Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, has ideas about the budget and social policy, like voucherizing Medicare, that are just as crazy as anything spouted by Glenn Beck. But he looks dignified in a suit and speaks the language of policy wonkery, so he gets respectful attention, while liberal pundits pummel right-wing media blowhards and less influential politicians like Rep. Bachmann who, unlike Ryan, do not have their fingers around the levers of government.

You mean argue on the merits of their ideas?

There is a reason they are attacking Glenn rather than doing that to begin with. It's because they don't have any merits.

If they could counter Beck with facts, they would. If they could persuade people that their ideas were superior, they would. But they can't. So they have to lie about what they believe and attack people
You mean argue on the merits of their ideas?

There is a reason they are attacking Glenn rather than doing that to begin with. It's because they don't have any merits.

If they could counter Beck with facts, they would. If they could persuade people that their ideas were superior, they would. But they can't. So they have to lie about what they believe and attack people

it bears repeating
Bashing Glenn Beck is bad for liberals - The Week

This "constant mockery of these bloviating right-wing demagogues" wastes "precious center-left media time." With the economy "still in a coma," and the Middle East in revolt, liberal journalists like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews should focus on the relative superiority of the Left's policies, and reserve their attacks for the "crazy" conservative leaders who wield actual power

It makes other far-right Republican conservatives look moderate. Mockery of Palin, Bachmann and Beck may backfire on the left by making conservative and libertarian politicians with equally nutty ideas but more statesmanlike gravitas appear to be more moderate than they really are. Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, has ideas about the budget and social policy, like voucherizing Medicare, that are just as crazy as anything spouted by Glenn Beck. But he looks dignified in a suit and speaks the language of policy wonkery, so he gets respectful attention, while liberal pundits pummel right-wing media blowhards and less influential politicians like Rep. Bachmann who, unlike Ryan, do not have their fingers around the levers of government.

With Beck's popularity tanking, we must be doing something right by bringing his absurdities to the forefront. I've begun taping his program every day trying to understand what the attraction is, but so far can't figure out a rational reason. The irrational reason, of course, is that his viewers hate Barack Obama, so any utterance that attacks the administration is what they understand. Sadly, it's all they understand.
Beck is a not quite sane pundit.
The ones who I feel sorry for are his admirers.

And his ratings are dropping, I say keep up the fight against his political insanity.

It is interesting to see the Beckites taking a Salon article at it's word though :D
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You mean argue on the merits of their ideas?

There is a reason they are attacking Glenn rather than doing that to begin with. It's because they don't have any merits.

If they could counter Beck with facts, they would. If they could persuade people that their ideas were superior, they would. But they can't. So they have to lie about what they believe and attack people

Countering Glenn Beck happens every day in many places visible to anyone who desires to check out what his opposition has to say, including FACTS. But of course if you don't, you wouldn't know that. Funny how that works.
Countering Glenn Beck happens every day in many places visible to anyone who desires to check out what his opposition has to say, including FACTS. But of course if you don't, you wouldn't know that. Funny how that works.

If you had facts, you wouldnt be resorting to personal attacks. Just saying.
OMG, this CRACKED me up.
This "constant mockery of these bloviating right-wing demagogues" wastes "precious center-left media time." With the economy "still in a coma," and the Middle East in revolt, liberal journalists like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews should focus on the relative superiority of the Left's policies

And they called Rachel Maddcow and Chrissy Matthews, JOURNALIST.:lol::lol::lol:
Beck is a not quite sane pundit.
The ones who I feel sorry for are his admirers.

And his ratings are dropping, I say keep up the fight against his political insanity.

It is interesting to see the Beckites taking a Salon article at it's word though :D

I can't find a single reliable source that proves his ratings are dropping. I see all of the lefty sites saying it. Huffing and Puffington Post, Media Matters (doesn't really matter)

Jersey Shore is cleaning up on cable though
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Personal attacks? You have made it clear on here that you consider beck to be almost prophet like. err I mispelled Profit.

Prophet? No. But he's the only one in the media actually doing research and providing correct commentary for what's going on.

The only solution to this nations problems are reforming our own lives and turning to God to live.
How many years has it taken the left to work that out? It's no wonder Beck mocks them, they dumb.

This is what bothers me the most. That there are seemingly intelligent people who actually think Glenn Beck is as smart or maybe even smarter.
Countering Glenn Beck happens every day in many places visible to anyone who desires to check out what his opposition has to say, including FACTS. But of course if you don't, you wouldn't know that. Funny how that works.

If you had facts, you wouldnt be resorting to personal attacks. Just saying.

I've seen no "facts" to counter, at least in this thread. I've posted many facts about some of Beck's ridiculous rants elsewhere. And I believe you know that.
Personal attacks? You have made it clear on here that you consider beck to be almost prophet like. err I mispelled Profit.

Prophet? No. But he's the only one in the media actually doing research and providing correct commentary for what's going on.

The only solution to this nations problems are reforming our own lives and turning to God to live.

Thanks for backing up my assertion. And even linked god in there with beck :)

You really should watch some of the NOVA and such documentaries on PBS, they are far more objective and unbiased than Beck is.
the PBS nightly news and Business report are pretty darn conservative.
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OMG, this CRACKED me up.
This "constant mockery of these bloviating right-wing demagogues" wastes "precious center-left media time." With the economy "still in a coma," and the Middle East in revolt, liberal journalists like Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews should focus on the relative superiority of the Left's policies

And they called Rachel Maddcow and Chrissy Matthews, JOURNALIST.:lol::lol::lol:

What is your definition of a "journalist," genius?

Here's your lesson for the day:

Journalism is a discipline of collecting, verifying, reporting and analyzing information gathered regarding current events, including trends, issues and people. Those who practice journalism are known as journalists. More ~~
Journalism - Definition

Now you can go back to watching the cartoon networks.

You don't see Conservatives or Republican posting thread after thread about Rush or Beck.

Yet it is US who gets ACCUSED of worshipping of them.:lol::lol:

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