Trump's Budget Plan: Everyone Wants to Address Debt But No One Wants THEIR Spending Cut


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"House Democrats are banding together this week in opposition to President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal, but the unity may prove to be short-lived as party leaders prepare their own budget blueprint in the weeks ahead.

Democrats are coming off of a trying week following an uproar over controversial remarks from freshman Rep.
Ilhan (D-Minn.) — an episode that both distracted from their ambitious legislative agenda and exposed internal fissures within the diverse caucus.

Trump’s budget has provided the party a chance to regroup, as Democrats of all stripes are bashing the president’s spending wish list and using the document as a way to unite around their shared values.

Yet drafting their 2020 budget blueprint will be much tougher for Democrats than attacking that of the president, forcing the party to make formal endorsements of their own policy priorities amid simmering internal disagreements over how best to approach health care, immigration, climate change and a host of other thorny issues.

The Democrats’ most liberal wing has also emerged as its most vocal, and those progressives have pressed hard for party leaders to embrace a long list of policy provisions that would yank the party to the left just as the pivotal 2020 election cycle gets rolling.

The left’s priority list includes a “Medicare for all” health care system, a Green New Deal to tackle climate change and the elimination of funding for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — all of which will likely alienate more moderate Democrats fighting to keep their seats in conservative-leaning districts next year."

The Democratic Party is caught between a hypocritical 'rock' and a fiscal reality' 'hard place' - they have been aggressively attacking the GOP and Trump administration for amassing significant increased debt....while promoting and advocating fiscally disastrous Leftist Socialist Policies guaranteed to immediately add nearly $100 TRILLION in new debt over 10 years...and that's only for 1 (ONE) of their proposed potential 2020 platform programs.

The Socialist Democrats' 'Medicare-For-All' program, which would strip Americans of their right to choose their own health care policies and make their own health care choices, will reportedly add $32.6 TRILLION in new debt over only 10 years...

"Medicare for all" plan touted by Bernie Sanders would cost $32.6 trillion. Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for all" plan would increase government health care spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, according to a study by a university-based libertarian policy center."

AOC's 'Green New Deal - which is supposed to upgrade or rebuild every building in the US / make air travel obsolete with high speed rail / end use of the internal combustion engine, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy - 98% of the energy the US currently runs on, a plan which would put approx 30-40 million Americans out of work, and win the war on cow farts, & would rely on technology that has not even been invented yet - would add reportedly approx. $96 TRILLION in new debt over 10 years.

AOC admitted in an interview, however, that even if we seized every dime from the richest Americans and took every resource from every successful company in the US to use towards the Green New Deal we would not even come close to paying for the 'Green New Deal'.

Democrats are rejecting Trump's Budget that calls for cutting several Trillion dollars in spending...and politicians - not just Democrats - start squealing when their programs or pet projects take a hit even if it is justified.

Everyone wants to cut spending ... it's just no one wants THEIR spending cut.
Dems unite against Trump's budget — but challenges coming
That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
Maybe start applying for grants from other places. There are thousands of foundations that give grants for worthwhile programs.
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Obama and the Democrats passed a $1 Trillion failed Stimulus package that contained over 7,000 pieces of party/self-serving pork. It failed to meet all of its listed objectives: Unemployment was not kept below 9%, there were no shovel-ready projects, and the cost of each job Obama claimed to create or save cost tax payers a reported $774,000, according to the CBO.

Snowflakes still defend and praise that criminal fleecing of tax payers; yet, they continue to lie, deny, and condemn a President who wants to fulfill a promise made by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barak Obama, who also called the Border a 'crisis'. He wants to protect the American people, maintain our sovereignty, and end illegal immigration - everything the Democrats Party is proving they are against now. Don't even try to lie and deny it. Democrats continue to operate illegal Sanctuary Cities and just went on record for advocating the illegal voting in US election by criminals foreigners who have crosses illegally into the US.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Obama and the Democrats passed a $1 Trillion failed Stimulus package that contained over 7,000 pieces of party/self-serving pork. It failed to meet all of its listed objectives: Unemployment was not kept below 9%, there were no shovel-ready projects, and the cost of each job Obama claimed to create or save cost tax payers a reported $774,000, according to the CBO.

Snowflakes still defend and praise that criminal fleecing of tax payers; yet, they continue to lie, deny, and condemn a President who wants to fulfill a promise made by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barak Obama, who also called the Border a 'crisis'. He wants to protect the American people, maintain our sovereignty, and end illegal immigration - everything the Democrats Party is proving they are against now. Don't even try to lie and deny it. Democrats continue to operate illegal Sanctuary Cities and just went on record for advocating the illegal voting in US election by criminals foreigners who have crosses illegally into the US.
Easy, let's talk about this proposed budget, not one long gone.
Easy, let's talk about this proposed budget, not one long gone.
Those who ignore the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them....and those who ignore and choose to forget the con men who stung them in the past are bound to be stung again....
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

Blaming the Feds for failing schools !?? Schools are more locally controlled than any gov funded program !

And Bill Ayers didn’t kill anyone .
If we can’t defend the nation for $500B per year, every year….for the past decade or so….

Does it seem as though another $200B is going to make a whole heck of a lot of difference?
I haven't gotten too deep into reading all this, but are we talking about reducing the rate of increase in spending, or actually CUTTING spending?

Much of the budget, correct me if I'm wrong, AUTOMATICALLY increases 8% per year in spending.

When republicrats advance the idea of only increasing spending by 6% the bed wetters howl about starving children and old people eating dog food while being thrown off cliffs.

Is there any actual CUTS being planned? Or will we still be spending MORE in 2020 than we will spend in 2019? Will we spend MORE in 2021 than projected in 2020?

If that the case, there ARE NOT CUTS, and we NEED CUTS, across the board. The Pentagon, for damned sure needs to reduce it's waste. They spent billions buying MRAPs and are now paying to DESTORY THEM rather than SELL THEM.

Humvees can be sold, they will be destroyed. GUNS and equipment can be sold, it will be destroyed.

We have the fattest "poor" people on earth. They can go on a diet.

Our "education" system is a disaster. Federal spending needs to be eliminated. Period. Not another federal cent should go into a school. More money = Dumber Kids. The data proves it.

The federal governmnet does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem, and that spending is what is creating the corruption we all insist we despise. People who get less than $200K in salary leave the halls of government multi-millionaires after 6 years? Then they want to see Trump's Taxes?

You show me yours first..... Otherwise fuck you in the throat.

That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
What would you suggest? Cut welfare, snap, Medicare, by 30%?
Perhaps continue all programs at current levels and keep increasing the debt? Got to love how no one wants to cut spending but they always want to point a finger and yell about the debt.

Then we have people who always complain that they did not get a tax cut or enough back from doing their taxes. You have those that want to have someone else pay more then them.

Then we have those on the campaign trail right now wanting to buy votes with talk of Medicare for all, reparations, taxing 70% on some and all the other promises. Yet there is no real idea how to pay for the promises little own any real talk on how to balance the budget or pay down debt.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?

They did. NAFTA was rewritten with America in mind. The savings and income from that alone will pay for the wall within 10 years.

When people say that citizens pay for the roads, do you walk up to the DOT with a check? Or do you pay using other means? Like increased sales taxes, fuel taxes, etc? There are more than one way to pay for something other than writing someone a check. Trump NEVER stated they would write us a check. He did say, however, that if they refused to pay for the wall we would withdraw from NAFTA. And we did, and Mexico came begging.
That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
What would you suggest? Cut welfare, snap, Medicare, by 30%?
Perhaps continue all programs at current levels and keep increasing the debt? Got to love how no one wants to cut spending but they always want to point a finger and yell about the debt.

Then we have people who always complain that they did not get a tax cut or enough back from doing their taxes. You have those that want to have someone else pay more then them.

Then we have those on the campaign trail right now wanting to buy votes with talk of Medicare for all, reparations, taxing 70% on some and all the other promises. Yet there is no real idea how to pay for the promises little own any real talk on how to balance the budget or pay down debt.
I was just admitting that the cuts DO hurt. And yes, they are real cuts. $156 million (24 percent) cut to Title II Adult Education State Grants, from $642 million to $485 million.
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?

They did. NAFTA was rewritten with America in mind. The savings and income from that alone will pay for the wall within 10 years.

When people say that citizens pay for the roads, do you walk up to the DOT with a check? Or do you pay using other means? Like increased sales taxes, fuel taxes, etc? There are more than one way to pay for something other than writing someone a check. Trump NEVER stated they would write us a check. He did say, however, that if they refused to pay for the wall we would withdraw from NAFTA. And we did, and Mexico came begging.


So how much have we gotten from NAFTA so far? Just a ballpark figure.

As for writing a check to the DOT…some of us who work pay every paycheck and then sign another check every Spring or so.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?

They did. NAFTA was rewritten with America in mind. The savings and income from that alone will pay for the wall within 10 years.

When people say that citizens pay for the roads, do you walk up to the DOT with a check? Or do you pay using other means? Like increased sales taxes, fuel taxes, etc? There are more than one way to pay for something other than writing someone a check. Trump NEVER stated they would write us a check. He did say, however, that if they refused to pay for the wall we would withdraw from NAFTA. And we did, and Mexico came begging.


So how much have we gotten from NAFTA so far? Just a ballpark figure.

As for writing a check to the DOT…some of us who work pay every paycheck and then sign another check every Spring or so.

Ask me next year. There are no numbers on it yet. And that's the beauty of the wall. The new NAFTA deal will far outlast the cost of the wall.

All the info is here:

Who gets what from 'new Nafta' deal?

How about those shovel ready jobs? At 3/4 of a million dollars a piece? How did those work out?
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

A better idea is to cut spending. Eliminate waste and ineffective programs; for example, studies of homosexual tendencies of jellyfish in Japan.

When a business or consumer is mired in debt, the first reaction is not to squeeze more money out of your largest income source. It’s cut spending and pay down debt. Why do Liberals have problem with that?

Healthy economies and sound fiscal policies are not rooted in Class Envy. Class Envy is a weapon against the economy for political gain.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?

They did. NAFTA was rewritten with America in mind. The savings and income from that alone will pay for the wall within 10 years.

When people say that citizens pay for the roads, do you walk up to the DOT with a check? Or do you pay using other means? Like increased sales taxes, fuel taxes, etc? There are more than one way to pay for something other than writing someone a check. Trump NEVER stated they would write us a check. He did say, however, that if they refused to pay for the wall we would withdraw from NAFTA. And we did, and Mexico came begging.


So how much have we gotten from NAFTA so far? Just a ballpark figure.

As for writing a check to the DOT…some of us who work pay every paycheck and then sign another check every Spring or so.

Ask me next year. There are no numbers on it yet. And that's the beauty of the wall. The new NAFTA deal will far outlast the cost of the wall.
So all of that hooey about the NAFTA deal paying for the wall is your opinion?

I can tell you the number by the way….I just wanted to see if you were going to muster some honesty.

The amount we’ve gotten from the new NAFTA is $0.00. Nobody has approved it yet.

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