Limbaugh's profanity against your neighbor


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Who is the moron called "Sir?" The conversation was intelligent until they called a car a commodity. They don't know what commodity means. Rush was right that oil is a commodity, Sir was wrong that a car is a commodity and then the conversation didn't make sense because it was Rush versus a clueless dolt
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How fucking dumb does the op think we are?

Are you seriously trying to pass this off as fact? when would Rush let anyone talk that long?

Please attach a link, per the rules of USMB or admit you made this shit up, or more likely, got it in an email and just assumed it was real.
I used to listen to rush on the radio when I first started driving, not because I agreed with him politically but I'm not the type who just needs my own opinion repeated back to me all day.

He use to go on and on and on about how drug users were the scum of the earth, worthless, america haters, destroying society, etc.

Then for some reason all that talk ended......................
I used to listen to rush on the radio when I first started driving, not because I agreed with him politically but I'm not the type who just needs my own opinion repeated back to me all day.

He use to go on and on and on about how drug users were the scum of the earth, worthless, america haters, destroying society, etc.

Then for some reason all that talk ended......................

I think he was expressing some inner self hate.

Imagine a proud, very very successfull man brought low by some pain, unable to "suck it up".


Or he's just an asshole.
Ok, is it me or does this person have the IQ of a houseplant?

Good Lord. Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome claims another.
I used to listen to rush on the radio when I first started driving, not because I agreed with him politically but I'm not the type who just needs my own opinion repeated back to me all day.

He use to go on and on and on about how drug users were the scum of the earth, worthless, america haters, destroying society, etc.

Then for some reason all that talk ended......................

I think he was expressing some inner self hate.

Imagine a proud, very very successfull man brought low by some pain, unable to "suck it up".


Or he's just an asshole.

Yeah it's hard finding any media person paid to give political opinion who has any principles. Of course people are going to disagree on stuff, but at least have principles.

He was probably high half the time he was bashing drug users, weed probably would've been the best thing for addiction
I used to listen to rush on the radio when I first started driving, not because I agreed with him politically but I'm not the type who just needs my own opinion repeated back to me all day.

He use to go on and on and on about how drug users were the scum of the earth, worthless, america haters, destroying society, etc.

Then for some reason all that talk ended......................

I think he was expressing some inner self hate.

Imagine a proud, very very successfull man brought low by some pain, unable to "suck it up".


Or he's just an asshole.

Yeah it's hard finding any media person paid to give political opinion who has any principles. Of course people are going to disagree on stuff, but at least have principles.

He was probably high half the time he was bashing drug users, weed probably would've been the best thing for addiction


I've known people addicted.

Granted, coming down is less painfull from weed than pain pills, and I have no idea the high people get from pill popping.

Principles? in the media? pfft, I check multiple sources when it comes to politics, and keep my mouth shut unless I'm confident in what all the facts are.

(note; That has yet to prevent me from being wrong, once, maybe twice in my life.)

"Oil is a commodity you need.
Crude oil is a commodity just like any other. It doesn't matter if you buy it from another country or your next door neighbor!”

Sir; a car is also a commodity I need. According to you it doesn't matter if I buy one from China or from one of your show's sponsors-GM. My food and dog food are also a commodities I need. It doesn't matter if I buy tainted food from China or organic food from my neighbor's farm-according to you.

Sir; I heard you once say:

“We get our crude oil from many countries. We get oil from Canada, Venezuela, the Gulf of Mexico and OUR FRIENDS, THE SAUDIS!”

Sir,I have friends near Battle Creek Michigan who have oil under their property. I would much rather buy gasoline refined from their oil than oil owned by the Saudi Royal Family. My friends take the money they get from their oil and they BUY AMERICAN!!!! They buy groceries made in AMERICA. They do 99% of their business,products and services with their neighbors; maybe a few items from Canada Mexico and Japan. Now, what do you think the “HITLERS” of the Saudi Royal Family spend their oil revenues on?! Anything that promotes Michigan's economy? Very little, I'de say. How about Mercedes, Jaguars, Chinese road making equipment; building equipment GOLD, DIAMONDS........!!!

Unlike the Saudis, my next door neighbor doesn't promote terrorism by directly supporting terrorists or cow-towing to them. My neighbor doesn't promote terrorism by keeping a country on an elitist ,oil- based economy like the Royal Family.which stifles a diversified economy which would raise the living standard and educational standards of the people of Saudi Arabia.. Those are prerequisites to preventing terrorism. The Saudi people also depend on the Royal Family's oil treasury for handouts.

Mr Limbaugh- how dare you equate buying ANY product from my neighbor to buying from the “HITLERS” or “AFRICAN BLOOD DIAMOND DESPOTS “which best describes the Saudi Royal Family or others like them!!!. How dare you equate the morality of it or the economic benefit for Americans.

The Saudi Royal Family are YOUR friends, sir- not ours!

Mike Corman

[email protected]

1) You do realize the plastics, vinyls, rubber, polyurethane, and other stuff in your car are all made from OIL right? You also realize the steel needs oil to be resourced and created correct?

2) I totally agree that it would be better to drill for our own oil here at home and use that instead of buying it from the Saudis, Venezuela, or any other country who's interests are hurting the United States as a whole.

3) I think your stretching in your assessment of what Limbaugh said but Limbaugh is an ass-hat so I could be wrong.
I think he was expressing some inner self hate.

Imagine a proud, very very successfull man brought low by some pain, unable to "suck it up".


Or he's just an asshole.

Yeah it's hard finding any media person paid to give political opinion who has any principles. Of course people are going to disagree on stuff, but at least have principles.

He was probably high half the time he was bashing drug users, weed probably would've been the best thing for addiction


I've known people addicted.

Granted, coming down is less painfull from weed than pain pills, and I have no idea the high people get from pill popping.

Principles? in the media? pfft, I check multiple sources when it comes to politics, and keep my mouth shut unless I'm confident in what all the facts are.

(note; That has yet to prevent me from being wrong, once, maybe twice in my life.)

I had a friend who seemed addicted to weed, but I think it was addicted to being high, similar but not the same. Either way we agree it would've been an improvement over the prescriptions.

I thought I had found a principled media voice when I watched Lou Dobbs show for awhile, then when the presidential campaign got going it was clear there was nothing down the middle or independent about him. He always claimed to "not have a horse in the race" but it was obvious he did.
Yeah it's hard finding any media person paid to give political opinion who has any principles. Of course people are going to disagree on stuff, but at least have principles.

He was probably high half the time he was bashing drug users, weed probably would've been the best thing for addiction


I've known people addicted.

Granted, coming down is less painfull from weed than pain pills, and I have no idea the high people get from pill popping.

Principles? in the media? pfft, I check multiple sources when it comes to politics, and keep my mouth shut unless I'm confident in what all the facts are.

(note; That has yet to prevent me from being wrong, once, maybe twice in my life.)

I had a friend who seemed addicted to weed, but I think it was addicted to being high, similar but not the same. Either way we agree it would've been an improvement over the prescriptions.

I thought I had found a principled media voice when I watched Lou Dobbs show for awhile, then when the presidential campaign got going it was clear there was nothing down the middle or independent about him. He always claimed to "not have a horse in the race" but it was obvious he did.

YIKES. Lou Dobbs isn't that bad if you watch those clips.....he's no Chris Matthews/Sean Hannity.
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"Oil is a commodity you need.
Crude oil is a commodity just like any other. It doesn't matter if you buy it from another country or your next door neighbor!”

Sir; a car is also a commodity I need. According to you it doesn't matter if I buy one from China or from one of your show's sponsors-GM. My food and dog food are also a commodities I need. It doesn't matter if I buy tainted food from China or organic food from my neighbor's farm-according to you.

Sir; I heard you once say:

“We get our crude oil from many countries. We get oil from Canada, Venezuela, the Gulf of Mexico and OUR FRIENDS, THE SAUDIS!”

Sir,I have friends near Battle Creek Michigan who have oil under their property. I would much rather buy gasoline refined from their oil than oil owned by the Saudi Royal Family. My friends take the money they get from their oil and they BUY AMERICAN!!!! They buy groceries made in AMERICA. They do 99% of their business,products and services with their neighbors; maybe a few items from Canada Mexico and Japan. Now, what do you think the “HITLERS” of the Saudi Royal Family spend their oil revenues on?! Anything that promotes Michigan's economy? Very little, I'de say. How about Mercedes, Jaguars, Chinese road making equipment; building equipment GOLD, DIAMONDS........!!!

Unlike the Saudis, my next door neighbor doesn't promote terrorism by directly supporting terrorists or cow-towing to them. My neighbor doesn't promote terrorism by keeping a country on an elitist ,oil- based economy like the Royal Family.which stifles a diversified economy which would raise the living standard and educational standards of the people of Saudi Arabia.. Those are prerequisites to preventing terrorism. The Saudi people also depend on the Royal Family's oil treasury for handouts.

Mr Limbaugh- how dare you equate buying ANY product from my neighbor to buying from the “HITLERS” or “AFRICAN BLOOD DIAMOND DESPOTS “which best describes the Saudi Royal Family or others like them!!!. How dare you equate the morality of it or the economic benefit for Americans.

The Saudi Royal Family are YOUR friends, sir- not ours!

Mike Corman

[email protected]

1) You do realize the plastics, vinyls, rubber, polyurethane, and other stuff in your car are all made from OIL right? You also realize the steel needs oil to be resourced and created correct?

2) I totally agree that it would be better to drill for our own oil here at home and use that instead of buying it from the Saudis, Venezuela, or any other country who's interests are hurting the United States as a whole.

3) I think your stretching in your assessment of what Limbaugh said but Limbaugh is an ass-hat so I could be wrong.

It's a chain mail that got posted.

there was no realizing or thinking involved. It got the chain mail, signed up, did the 10 needed to do a thread, posted it and left.
Who is the moron called "Sir?" The conversation was intelligent until they called a car a commodity. They don't know what commodity means. Rush was right that oil is a commodity, Sir was wrong that a car is a commodity and then the conversation didn't make sense because it was Rush versus a clueless dolt

The person called "Sir" is Mike Corman who is misterfact, misterfact can be found on message boards and blogs posting trolls and flames against Rush Limbaugh.

I've known people addicted.

Granted, coming down is less painfull from weed than pain pills, and I have no idea the high people get from pill popping.

Principles? in the media? pfft, I check multiple sources when it comes to politics, and keep my mouth shut unless I'm confident in what all the facts are.

(note; That has yet to prevent me from being wrong, once, maybe twice in my life.)

I had a friend who seemed addicted to weed, but I think it was addicted to being high, similar but not the same. Either way we agree it would've been an improvement over the prescriptions.

I thought I had found a principled media voice when I watched Lou Dobbs show for awhile, then when the presidential campaign got going it was clear there was nothing down the middle or independent about him. He always claimed to "not have a horse in the race" but it was obvious he did.

YIKES. Lou Dobbs isn't that bad if you watch those clips.....he's no Chris Matthews/Sean Hannity.

No i agree, it took me awhile with him and I still don't think he's terrible, he just wasn't down the middle during the campaigns. I agree with him on the importance of border security, kinda the hot button topic of his.
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Who is the moron called "Sir?" The conversation was intelligent until they called a car a commodity. They don't know what commodity means. Rush was right that oil is a commodity, Sir was wrong that a car is a commodity and then the conversation didn't make sense because it was Rush versus a clueless dolt

The person called "Sir" is Mike Corman who is misterfact, misterfact can be found on message boards and blogs posting trolls and flames against Rush Limbaugh.

So it didn't happen.

gee, i'm totally stunned to find that out

no really
Who is the moron called "Sir?" The conversation was intelligent until they called a car a commodity. They don't know what commodity means. Rush was right that oil is a commodity, Sir was wrong that a car is a commodity and then the conversation didn't make sense because it was Rush versus a clueless dolt

The person called "Sir" is Mike Corman who is misterfact, misterfact can be found on message boards and blogs posting trolls and flames against Rush Limbaugh.

So it didn't happen.

gee, i'm totally stunned to find that out

no really

Oil is a commodity. A car is not a commodity.

The Saudis are a despotic barbaric theocracy that promotes an 8th century version of Islam and funds terrorists that kill Westerners. They are not our friends.

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