Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?
I would say no because whites dont understand objectivity. They believe what they think is correct..end of discussion. No one says you cant express opinions but when you are white and parade your opinions about what Black people think or how they live then you pretty much look like a fool. Whites have only paid attention to propaganda. Its a necessity for Blacks to understand whites.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?
I personally believe it's possible to have an objective conversation regarding the state of racial relations in the United States. In my opinion, the topic needs to be approached the same way any conversation about a contentious subject would be irrespective of the party you need to engage. Think of approaching it the same way you would if you needed to bring up a topic that your significant other would really rather not discuss. If you come off in an accusatory manner, the person will get defensive and will be too busy trying to deflect and defend themselves to actually hear and process the points you're trying to make. If you're verbally abusive towards them, they'll shut down and not even hear what you're saying. So the best way to approach the situation, in my opinion, is to indicate that there is a matter of importance that you'd like to discuss but that you're really interested in hearing their thoughts on the matter as well with the hope that together you can come up with a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue.

I for one am always willing to hear the other side of an issue. I realize we all weren't brought up with the same ideas of curtesy, civilly, etc. so I give leeway for those who don't express themselves with the same decorum as myself but generally draw the line when things devolve into nothing more than nastiness and name calling.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

I honestly think it is a waste of time for any white person to engage on the subject. Just ignore it and pretend there's no issue. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

You're one of the reasons why we can't have a reasonable discussion on the topic....
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

You're one of the reasons why we can't have a reasonable discussion on the topic....

Be more specific.
I believe there is because I've had them. But it doesn't seem this forum is a place where that can happen. Whites here want to tell us all about ourselves and when we try explaining our experiences we are told it can't be so. Only the way whites see things must be so. For example, there can be no effects from at least 188 years of legalized racism today just because some laws were passed. It doesn't matter that people still refuse to follow those laws because some words written on a piece of paper made it all just disappear.

Continuing racism doesn't happen to us even as we see racist opinions posted by whites here who are real life people. We as blacks must accept the white opinion that we are only complaining about the past for our failures even after reading blatant modern examples of racism posted here by whites.

Then if we point out too many examples of white racist actions, we are called racists. The definition of racism changes here every day. It has changed from the original dictionary definitions to if you just mention a persons race, point out what a race has done, or if all you do is talk about race in a forum section that you are supposed to talk about race in, then you are a racist. Now that doesn't apply to the white posters here, it seems like the white posters believe they get make all the rules and that we all must agree with their gaslighting.

No one has said whites cannot express racial opinions. However most opinions from whites are not grounded in proven statistical, historical, or legally documented fact. For example, whites here claimed that backs killed 2 times more whites than whites did blacks. In the information it showed Blacks killed 400 whites, whites killed 200 black. So while that did happen those are low numbers that do not constitute any serious violent threat to whites from black people. In the same information it was shown that whites killed just over 2,600 whites. So whites killed 6 times more whites than blacks did but we didn't get that in the discussion and when we blacks bring it up, we are race baiting or we believe something whites here decided was fake or revised just because it doesn't fit the narrative.

Then we get the false equivalences whereby we can't know how it is to be white just because we say whites can't understand us. Yet American culture is based on whiteness and that non whites must adapt or assimilate into white culture to survive while the reverse doesn't have to happen. So you learn little to nothing about us then issue opinions about us based on beliefs you have been taught, most of them not reality.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

You're one of the reasons why we can't have a reasonable discussion on the topic....

Be more specific.

You have a tendency to butt into threads and call everyone who doesn't tow the line: "all races are exactly the same" an ignorant bigot.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.
Is it possible to have an objective conversation about race?

ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE, because racism has been built up into this massive bloated political balloon. Now we have kooks seeking "reparations" for crimes never done them, nor their fathers, nor their fathers, fathers, fathers, father. Not that they can even show a debt. Then you have the absolutely disgusting, lying, cowardly, idiots like Asciepias (he compares himself to a milkweed?!), the most polarized, racist, unobjective person on the planet who pollutes EVERY thread about race with insane, indefensible remarks like "The white man doesn't understand objectivity." Now, according to this meathead, lack of objectivity now runs in the genes? This man is so full of reverse racism and quarter-baked rationalizations enough to make your head spin. So it is impossible to have intelligent, objective conversations about race with people who start out their life basing their entire ideology and philosophy and outlook on the world based on race, skin color, black power, and a hatred, animosity, envy and vengeance towards whites.

This is the race and racism section. So then what is A supposed to talk about? His lasagna recipe?

We are owed money. Period.

You are owed nothing but a kick in the pants.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?
No. It isn't. Blacks commit egregious race crimes every day. But that is acceptable. If you are white and notice black crime, that is "racism", according to some. And black hate crimes are just ignored like nothing happened. Opps, what was all that? Tears in the rain. Please.
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

You're one of the reasons why we can't have a reasonable discussion on the topic....

Be more specific.

You have a tendency to butt into threads and call everyone who doesn't tow the line: "all races are exactly the same" an ignorant bigot.

So, you think an “objective conversation” is one where your views go unchallenged?
I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?
No. It isn't. Blacks commit egregious race crimes every day. But that is acceptable. If you are white and notice black crime, that is "racism", according to some. And black hate crimes are just ignored like nothing happened. ......

I am specifically referring to the frequent assertions in this forum that Whites cannot understand Blacks and that they should not express any opinions about racial issues in the U.S. Combined with the latest canard about people having their own "realities," Where does that leave us? Is there any genuine interest in problem resolution, or is it all just a political guilt game designed to influence public opinion?

Of course it's possible to have such a conversation. Just not here in the "Screeching, Irrational, Idiotic, Hateful Racist Forum."

It would be nice if the site had a forum for reasonable conversations.

You're one of the reasons why we can't have a reasonable discussion on the topic....

Be more specific.

You have a tendency to butt into threads and call everyone who doesn't tow the line: "all races are exactly the same" an ignorant bigot.

So, you think an “objective conversation” is one where your views go unchallenged?

Calling people stupid is a great way to shut down a conversation. Doesn't really seem to me like you're interested in having an honest dialogue.

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