Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

There is a pathology? What you call a pathology I might call a natural physiologic response. We call it a "pathology" because something is produced that we find "bad".
Thereisn't a specific pathology to homosexuality thus there is no reason to call it mental illness.

As for homosexuals, gay men in the US only account for about 5% of the population, yet they account for well over 60% of AIDS cases in the US.

Is this a bad outcome like cancer?
Well is it directly related to homosexuality? Can a man be homosexual without having aids? Is that overwhelmingly more common than not being infected with aids? Is it even common at all? Is it reasonable to think homosexuality isthe causeof aids?

Do we really have a pathology here?
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

Everyone is entitled to his subjective opinion provided he understands it’s legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Whether by birth or choice, gay Americans are entitled to Constitutional protections.

Unfortunately, those hostile to gay Americans seek to deny them their civil liberties predicated on the ‘choice’ argument, where if one doesn’t wish to sustain discrimination as a consequence of being gay, then the ‘remedy’ is that he simply ‘stops behaving gay.’

All persons are entitled to make choices concerning their private lives absent interference by the state, regardless how unpopular they might be perceived by some.
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

I believe our relations with soul-mates in life, or across generationas beyond lifetimes,
are part of a spiritual plan and purpose for growth in learning unconditional love and forgiveness. Collectively humanity tends toward wholeness or perfection, and in the progress to get there in stages, we overcome conflicts so problems stop repeating.
Whatever lessons we don't learn from the past, these can repeat not only in this lifetime but affect generations untli the cycle ends.

I believe there are spiritual causes and processes in everything,
and homosexuality is just one area.

I believe some attractions (homo or hetero) are Unnatural
while others are Natural, depending on the karma. How it manifests (such as same sex attractions, or people into child porn, or people having affaris or sexual addictions, or people having perfectly healthy happy fulfilling relations regardless of orientation and gender)
can vary and is not limited to just homosexuality which is a small % of the population.

My reasons:
1. I have friends who have shared with me their past life memories and karmic experiences that affected their attractions, to either same sex or opposite sex partners,
where both partners shared these same memories of being connected to
soul-mates from another generation and they still carried the karma from these relations
2. I have friends who have experienced and I have researched generational healing, where some of these karmic attractions can be healed, and the persons or relations changed. (as for orientation, I have two friends who changed their minds about being bisexual or transgender after healing therapy; I have heard of enough cases of people who did not change but stayed their original orientation, and cases of sexual abuse causing "unnatural" sexual behavior, whether heterosexual or homosexual, that changed after healing from abuse.)
3. I also have friends who Do Not Change after receiving spiritual healing.
so just because they heal of the karma does not mean they will
change either their orientation, attraction or religious beliefs. I posted before I even had a friend who came out as transgender AFTER healing, so that was the natural state restored.

Because I have seen people change or not change, heal or not heal,
this tells me that they do what is natural for them, and go through their spiritual process,
which can come out in any form, and is between them and God what their path is.

This is individual for each person, who has to determine for themselves
what is natural for them and what is unnatural, what is meant to change and what is not; it affects not just sexuality
or not just homosexuality, but all their relationships in life and how they respond and act.

So I look at it as a Spiritual Process, and all other issues work out from there.

The number one issue that is being learned, across all cases and conditions,
is the difference it makes between Forgiveness and Unforgiveness.

That is the common factor, regardless of religion or no religion,
orientation gender or sexuality, application to physical mental or social issues.
Someone recovering from losing a parent or child, or someone addressing a drug addiction, or someone with PTSD all go through stages of Grief that are similar.

Because it involves forgiving emotions and incidents at each step,
this process can never be forced but only works by free will when people feel it is right.

If people learn to forgive and let go, they move to a higher level of understanding
and fulfillment in life. But it has to be in keeping with their seasons as they move through changes and stages in life.

If people are caught in some cycle of unforgiveness, they can stay stuck in
a place of conflict and suffering, internally or with other people.
That is where karma can play a part, in whether they are not ready to change
but are meant to struggle through certain experiences for development of character or conscience, like a butterfly
that has to go through a cocoon phase that cannot be rushed; or a wound that
has to form a protective scab that can't be picked off early or it gets infected all over again.

So this isn't just about homosexuality, but healing or recovering from
negative memories, experiences or karma from the past on any level affecting us
and our relations in life.

Like the Serenity prayer it is about accepting what we can or can't change in life
and forgiving what happens either way. And understanding all other people are going through this in different ways, and we can't dictate their process either.

The one thing I can try to share with people, is to forgive "the process"
so even if we cannot control or change the stages, if we forgive the fact that these conflicts are happening,
at least we can be at peace with the process while it goes on. To get the "fear" out of the way,
so we can help ourselves and others navigate through, even if we can't control when how or where changes are going to happen or not.
But to trust in the process as heading toward positive resolutions, and accepting that it is mutual for others, and universal for humanity.
Thanks for asking!
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So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.Romans 1:24-27
There is a pathology? What you call a pathology I might call a natural physiologic response. We call it a "pathology" because something is produced that we find "bad".

As for homosexuals, gay men in the US only account for about 5% of the population, yet they account for well over 60% of AIDS cases in the US.

Is this a bad outcome like cancer?

Although homosexuality may be natural for some people,
I can think of no cases where cancer is natural for anyone.

However there are similar conditions here:
a. the same way some cancer is by birth, so are some homosexuals spiritually born that way (the difference is that it may not be found in the genetics, but spiritually created)
b. the same way some cancer is caused by environmental or other outside factors,
so are some cases of homosexuality unnaturally caused, such as by sexual abuse

c. the same way some cancer can be healed by applying spiritual healing
also some cases of homosexuality such as caused by abuse can be healed by the same methods
d. the same way some cancer cannot be healing by prayer therapy
some cases of homosexuality cannot change either

Not all cases are by birth, not all cases are caused by external factors.
Not all cases can be healed, but yes some cases can be changed.

We do not judge people for having cancer by birth, and either healing or not healing of it.
So why do we judge people for their orientation by birth, and either changing or not.

If we assume all cases are by choice, like choosing cancer by smoking,
what about the cases that were not caused by any external factors by choice?

What about people who tried to change, didn't want to stay that way, but didn't change?
Even if you believe this is a mental illness, like schizophrenia, would you condemn a person who didn't want to have schizophrenia and tried to change but couldn't help it?
Although homosexuality may be natural for some people,
I can think of no cases where cancer is natural for anyone.

However there are similar conditions here:
a. the same way some cancer is by birth, so are some homosexuals spiritually born that way (the difference is that it may not be found in the genetics, but spiritually created)
b. the same way some cancer is caused by environmental or other outside factors,
so are some cases of homosexuality unnaturally caused, such as by sexual abuse

c. the same way some cancer can be healed by applying spiritual healing
also some cases of homosexuality such as caused by abuse can be healed by the same methods
d. the same way some cancer cannot be healing by prayer therapy
some cases of homosexuality cannot change either

Not all cases are by birth, not all cases are caused by external factors.
Not all cases can be healed, but yes some cases can be changed.

We do not judge people for having cancer by birth, and either healing or not healing of it.
So why do we judge people for their orientation by birth, and either changing or not.

If we assume all cases are by choice, like choosing cancer by smoking,
what about the cases that were not caused by any external factors by choice?

What about people who tried to change, didn't want to stay that way, but didn't change?
Even if you believe this is a mental illness, like schizophrenia, would you condemn a person who didn't want to have schizophrenia and tried to change but couldn't help it?

The "demons of Lasciviousness". Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)

The demons use you as much as they can, getting you to commit all ungodliness before they can cause the death of your body and soul. Their primary goal is spiritual death. They want you to die in your sins, but before you do, they want to live inside of you long enough to influence others to agree with your sinful lifestyle, so that they can possess them also. These demons are the creators of Homosexuality". Its not gay, its sin, evil and surely demonic! and biblically called "sodomite".
==THOSE LIVING IN THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION GOD can free you from demon control,believe,confess and repent and accept JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND HE will forgive you and wash you clean. Lasciviousness is all lustful and sexual forms of perverseness. Its the loss of reason to bridle ones desires and causing one to adventure into any and all forms of lustful desires. Its having no control of and living with no boundaries. Lascivious is a demon. Theyre the demons that influence and control the mind of man, causing him not to accept any and all things that are of the natural or normal. For an example, its natural and normal for a man to only want a woman, and a woman to only want a man. But with this demon inside of you, he has your mind in a sexual perverseness of confusion. Thats why, it becomes normal to you if youre a man and want to lie down with a man, and vice versa for a woman being with a woman. Now you live your life with this spirit causing you to go against nature and God, therefore reaping up the Judgement of God against you. Another perfect plan of Satan and his demons.(Rom.1: 24-32/Gal.5: 19)
LIVING IN THE SEXUAL PERVERSION OF homosexuality ""IS"" a choice!!! Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:27 ==== SIN IS A CHOICE=A BAD CHOICE. THEIVES DESIRE TO STEAL SO THEY CHOOSE TO STEAL, LIARS DESIRE TO LIE SO THEY CHOSE TO BE LIARS. SIN IS A CHOICE!!!
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

It's a plot by Crab People to take over the world.

The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

The APA is not a scientific organization, despite their claims, why do you use them as a source in the first place.

Studies on monozygotic twins have shown a correlation in sexual preference, but the fact that it is not 100% conclusively proves that it is not genetic. Since we know it is not genetic, and no actual evidence exists to prove that we are controlled by evil aliens from Planet X, I chose to believe that it is a choice. The fact that there are actually people out there who have stated that they have made that choice is also evidence that supports my opinion. The people that reject that we make that choice are, essentially, calling everyone who states they made a choice liars based on nothing other than their own prejudices.

They are the ones that have to live with their bigotry, I prefer to believe people unless the evidence contradicts them.
I think they are born with it and its probably something with their hard wiring mixed with their hormones maybe.

The problem with that is that there is not a single "marker" for homosexuality that doesn't exist in straight people as well. Additionally, you have thee problem that, if it is actually a hormone imbalance, that makes sexual preference something that is curable, in theory.

Which is another reason I go with the ability to chose as my preferred theory, it doesn't leave me floundering when people advocate for a cure. No one needs to be cured of being able to make choices, they need to be encouraged to do so. I seriously do not understand why freedom scares so many people.
All sexuality is hardwired. You cannot control your biological make-up. You can, however, control how you act.

Hard wired how? What is the mechanism? Why do monozygotic twins exhibit different hardwired choices?

Until you can answer those questions, and many others, you cannot convince me that sexual preference is not a choice.
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

Everyone is entitled to his subjective opinion provided he understands it’s legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Whether by birth or choice, gay Americans are entitled to Constitutional protections.

Unfortunately, those hostile to gay Americans seek to deny them their civil liberties predicated on the ‘choice’ argument, where if one doesn’t wish to sustain discrimination as a consequence of being gay, then the ‘remedy’ is that he simply ‘stops behaving gay.’

All persons are entitled to make choices concerning their private lives absent interference by the state, regardless how unpopular they might be perceived by some.

This thread is not about the law, it is about the science behind sexual preference. The fact that anyone has to explain that to you in the first place is astounding. The fact that you will still come back and scream about the law the next time someone asks about the science is proof that you shouldn't be allowed to post in threads you don't understand.
So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.Romans 1:24-27

If the rules did not prohibit neg repping in this forum I would neg you for using the Bible to justify your bigotry.

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