Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?

You asked for an explanation of the phrase. I gave you one. On the house. You don't even have to send the promised money.

You didn't read what I asked for. Read it again.

You wrote this:

Let Founding Father Alexander Hamilton explain it to you:

Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing, and as they retain every thing, they have no need of particular reservations."


I will literally pay someone $20, via Paypal, to explain to me, to my satisfaction (and I'm a fair man) what the fuck the above jibberish means,

and more importantly, how it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that I got something wrong.

The Founders would have easily said that the people of any state or community could establish whatever norms they wished to create the kind of society they wished to have. For instance, if a marriage is not consummated it can be annulled, but also certain rules regarding annulment or divorce can apply. It can be illegal to commit adultery or to have sex with an underaged person or to commit bigamy, etc. etc. etc. And such laws do not have to be uniform from state to state. So there is no constitutional right to have sex per se but rather there is the right to order a society any way you want it to be.

More on this in my thread "A government of the people, by the people, for the people."

I did edit my previous post and requested that you send the $20 to USMB in my name. :)

There is as much constitutional right for adults to have consensual sex as there is a constitutional right to bear arms.
The protection of rights come from laws. But the only rights that are protected are those that the lawmakers have decided are rights.

Remember the potato vs. the idea of a potato? Until they are grown they do not exist, except in the mind.

And rights? Until they are established and protected by law,

rights only exist as ideas. In fact, until they are legally established, rights only exist as arguments;

you say there is no right to an abortion. I say there is. Two conflicting ideas. The conflict is decided by the law;

abortion, at least some abortion, becomes a right here and now in the USA.

Not so.

The Constitution limits the powers of the federal government, and applies to all incorporated amendments.

Anything else you'd like to do, do it.

Restrictions would be laws passed in your state.

The Constitution creates the power of the federal government and declares it supreme.

No, the Constitution restricts the power of the federal government.
every child has a right to learn about the world.

Its child abuse to teach them lies
As much as I am against home schooling, I believe that the US Government has no monopoly on truth. I think it is a right for parents to home school their children if they choose, but that each home schooled child should be required to take basic tests in math, science, English and civics at regular, say one year intervals, or to take a High School equivalency exam with the results being kept confidential and given to the parents only. How are the Amish children taught?
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The protection of rights come from laws. But the only rights that are protected are those that the lawmakers have decided are rights.

Remember the potato vs. the idea of a potato? Until they are grown they do not exist, except in the mind.

And rights? Until they are established and protected by law,

rights only exist as ideas. In fact, until they are legally established, rights only exist as arguments;

you say there is no right to an abortion. I say there is. Two conflicting ideas. The conflict is decided by the law;

abortion, at least some abortion, becomes a right here and now in the USA.

Not so.

The Constitution limits the powers of the federal government, and applies to all incorporated amendments.

Anything else you'd like to do, do it.

Restrictions would be laws passed in your state.

The Constitution creates the power of the federal government and declares it supreme.

I love it.

Can you explain why, if the Constitution says that federal government is always supreme, states are able to ignore the federal speed limit?
You didn't read what I asked for. Read it again.

You wrote this:

I will literally pay someone $20, via Paypal, to explain to me, to my satisfaction (and I'm a fair man) what the fuck the above jibberish means,

and more importantly, how it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that I got something wrong.

The Founders would have easily said that the people of any state or community could establish whatever norms they wished to create the kind of society they wished to have. For instance, if a marriage is not consummated it can be annulled, but also certain rules regarding annulment or divorce can apply. It can be illegal to commit adultery or to have sex with an underaged person or to commit bigamy, etc. etc. etc. And such laws do not have to be uniform from state to state. So there is no constitutional right to have sex per se but rather there is the right to order a society any way you want it to be.

More on this in my thread "A government of the people, by the people, for the people."

I did edit my previous post and requested that you send the $20 to USMB in my name. :)

There is as much constitutional right for adults to have consensual sex as there is a constitutional right to bear arms.

Not true.

Prostitution is illegal in every state in the union, and the Supreme Court has actually ruled that it is unconstitutional for states to deny people the right to carry arms by not issuing concealed carry permits.
Felons buying guns is illegal. Does that mean there's no right to bear arms?

Prostitution is illegal.

It is legal for felons to buy, own, and bear, guns.

You tell me.

Prostitution is legal in Nevada.

People keep saying that, too bad they don't know what they are talking about. Nevada defines legal prostitution as prostitutes working in brothels that are licensed by the county, and the state constitution actually prohibits prostitution in Las Vegas, Reno, and Washoe County.
every child has a right to learn about the world.

Its child abuse to teach them lies
As much as I am against home schooling, I believe that the US Government has no monopoly on truth. I think it is a right for parents to home school their children if they choose, but that each home schooled child should be required to take basic tests in math, science, English and civics at regular, say one year intervals, or to take a High School equivalency exam with the results being kept confidential and given to the parents only. How are the Amish children taught?

I believe that the state should have the right to test my grandchildren but that each bureaucrat must FIRST take a Constitutional Law Exam given by the parents.

Prostitution is illegal.

It is legal for felons to buy, own, and bear, guns.

You tell me.

Prostitution is legal in Nevada.

People keep saying that, too bad they don't know what they are talking about. Nevada defines legal prostitution as prostitutes working in brothels that are licensed by the county, and the state constitution actually prohibits prostitution in Las Vegas, Reno, and Washoe County.

Prostitution was legal until last year in Rhode Island. It had been for a century, until a bunch of bluenoses realized it and had a conniption.
Prostitution is legal in Nevada.

People keep saying that, too bad they don't know what they are talking about. Nevada defines legal prostitution as prostitutes working in brothels that are licensed by the county, and the state constitution actually prohibits prostitution in Las Vegas, Reno, and Washoe County.

Prostitution was legal until last year in Rhode Island. It had been for a century, until a bunch of bluenoses realized it and had a conniption.

I love it when people don't do basic research.

Do you have any idea how long it took me to find something that proves you wrong?

Prostitution in Rhode Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow...that long ago? Seemed more recent.

Which does not change the point I made: it was legal...and nobody really noticed for 25+ years!

It was legal, if you didn't solicit, pimp, work in a brothel, or any of the other things that prostitutes do.
Prostitution is illegal.

It is legal for felons to buy, own, and bear, guns.

You tell me.

Prostitution is legal in Nevada.

People keep saying that, too bad they don't know what they are talking about. Nevada defines legal prostitution as prostitutes working in brothels that are licensed by the county, and the state constitution actually prohibits prostitution in Las Vegas, Reno, and Washoe County.

You live in a fantasy world. It's hard to have an intelligent discussion with you.
It isn't a constitutional right.

If the right to an abortion, at least in some cases, and let's stick to those cases, cannot be constitutionally denied,

how can that not be a constitutional right?

Because it isn't. The same logic applies to why it is not a constitutional right to sing in the shower.

There has not been a Supreme Court decision declaring singing in the shower a constitutional right; there has been for abortion, so no, in that sense, logic wouldn't apply.

On the other hand, singing in the shower, in and of itself, would probably qualify as an unenumerated right,

in the event it were banned and such ban was subsequently challenged. It would depend on why it was banned.
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There are no "constitutional rights" there are only constitutionally PROTECTED rights.
The nineth amendment states:
" The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the

There is no place in the constitution that states "the rights provided by the constitution" because it does not provide those rights. The framers knew that all our rights were endowed by the fact that we are born human. They set the bill of rights up to ensure that the government would protect them.

Man, were they wrong!
If the right to an abortion, at least in some cases, and let's stick to those cases, cannot be constitutionally denied,

how can that not be a constitutional right?

Because it isn't. The same logic applies to why it is not a constitutional right to sing in the shower.

There has been a Supreme Court decision declaring singing in the shower a constitutional right; there has been for abortion, so no, in that sense, logic wouldn't apply.

On the other hand, singing in the shower, in and of itself, would probably qualify as an unenumerated right,

in the event it were banned and such ban was subsequently challenged. It would depend on why it was banned.

You had to get some serious help to even figure out what I meant, didn't you? Too bad you didn't listen to whoever explained it to you.

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