Is Home-Schooling a Fundamental Right?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Barack Obama’s Department of Justice ...considers a German homeschooling family a threat to America’s future.AG Eric Holder’s DOJ is arguing against providing asylum for Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, German parents who fled from Germany after they were threatened with jail, fines and the forcible removal of their children from their home. What was their crime? They were homeschooling their children!

2. The Germany family was initially granted asylum, but then the Obama Administration appealed the case to the Board of Immigration Appeals.

3. This case will not only impact this German home schooling family, but ... the right of parents to bring up their children without government intrusion.

4. The Obama DOJ is arguing in this case that there is no fundamental Constitutional right to homeschool children anywhere – including the U.S. The DOJ is also claiming that there is no such thing as an “individual right” to religious liberty and conscience.

5. AG Eric Holder and his gang of thugs at the DOJ believe that there are only “group” rights. If you belong to a group, you’re protected; if you don’t, you can’t expect any legal protection.

6. “The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear in the past that religious freedom is an individual right. Yet our current government does not seem to understand this. They only think of us as members of groups and factions. It is an extreme form of identity politics that directly threatens any understanding of individual liberty.”

7. ...the Obama DOJ is rejecting the fundamental principles of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which clearly deal with individual rights of religious liberty and conscience.

8. This isn’t surprising, given the collectivist mentality of Obama and his minions running the White House and the U.S. Senate. They are totalitarians – and they will do whatever they can to undermine our fundamental individual rights."
Obama ?Justice? Department Seeks To Block Asylum For German Homeschooling Family

I feel certain that even our Liberal friends will see this attack on individual liberty is a line that no democracy should cross.
1. "Barack Obama’s Department of Justice ...considers a German homeschooling family a threat to America’s future.AG Eric Holder’s DOJ is arguing against providing asylum for Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, German parents who fled from Germany after they were threatened with jail, fines and the forcible removal of their children from their home. What was their crime? They were homeschooling their children!

2. The Germany family was initially granted asylum, but then the Obama Administration appealed the case to the Board of Immigration Appeals.

3. This case will not only impact this German home schooling family, but ... the right of parents to bring up their children without government intrusion.

4. The Obama DOJ is arguing in this case that there is no fundamental Constitutional right to homeschool children anywhere – including the U.S. The DOJ is also claiming that there is no such thing as an “individual right” to religious liberty and conscience.

5. AG Eric Holder and his gang of thugs at the DOJ believe that there are only “group” rights. If you belong to a group, you’re protected; if you don’t, you can’t expect any legal protection.

6. “The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear in the past that religious freedom is an individual right. Yet our current government does not seem to understand this. They only think of us as members of groups and factions. It is an extreme form of identity politics that directly threatens any understanding of individual liberty.”

7. ...the Obama DOJ is rejecting the fundamental principles of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which clearly deal with individual rights of religious liberty and conscience.

8. This isn’t surprising, given the collectivist mentality of Obama and his minions running the White House and the U.S. Senate. They are totalitarians – and they will do whatever they can to undermine our fundamental individual rights."
Obama ?Justice? Department Seeks To Block Asylum For German Homeschooling Family

I feel certain that even our Liberal friends will see this attack on individual liberty is a line that no democracy should cross.

The proper question is if the government has the right to force people to send thier children to government schools.
every child has a right to learn about the world.

Its child abuse to teach them lies
I believe strongly it is the responsibility of the parent to educate their children. It is not the responsibility of a government.

Last time our country got into the business of 'reeducation for the public good', it looked like this.
::: American Indians of the Pacific Northwest :::

"The goal of Indian education from the 1880s through the 1920s was to assimilate Indian people into the melting pot of America by placing them in institutions where traditional ways could be replaced by those sanctioned by the government. Federal Indian policy called for the removal of children from their families and in many cases enrollment in a government run boarding school. In this way, the policy makers believed, young people would be immersed in the values and practical knowledge of the dominant American society while also being kept away from any influences imparted by their traditionally-minded relatives."

I personally object to this happening again. I am 54, and have Apache and Navajo friends my age who were taken from their families and 'educated'. This went on until fairly recently.
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when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves
If that family had sneaked in from Mexico and committed some crimes, they'd be granted amnesty. Instead, they do things right and have good reason for wanting to start a new life here and the Obama administration has no sympathy. And what are his reasons for releasing so many illegal criminals who should have been deported and wanting to make all of them here citizens? Why turn on one family who has done nothing wrong?
Where does it say in the COTUS, that children should be taught fantasy passed off as "education"?

Or are you all ones that think the earth is 10 thousand years old and that man walked with dinasours?

And you wonder why our childrens education is sucking hind tit. Imagine the up and coming scientist who was taught that the earth is only 10 thousand years old. Gee they sure would command respect and their opinion would be highly thought of. At least by todays Rethugs who believe that ONLY the Bible has the "right" information.

Don't the taliban believe that only the Koran has the right information also.

But what I am really tired of is using Federal tax dollars to make kids more stupid by allowing parents to send their kids to a "religious" schools. You parents that want your kids ignorant and stupid, pay for their supposed education yourselves.
the SCOTUS has had many an opportunity to say public education is extraconstitutional.

They never have and never will you crazy brain dead cons
when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

Who determines what the truth is?

One of the the unalienable rights with which we are all endowed by our nature is the right to believe what we believe. Freedom of conscience. You can not force people to believe something even if it is true. They have to believe it for themselves.
when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

Who determines what the truth is? FACTS DO!

One of the the unalienable rights with which we are all endowed by our nature is the right to believe what we believe. Freedom of conscience. You can not force people to believe something even if it is true. They have to believe it for themselves.

stop embracing the lies of the right
every child has a right to learn about the world.

Its child abuse to teach them lies

So government schools are guilty of child abuse?

In every sense:

"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It’s an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system.

The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday."
Officials: NYC High School Students Entering CUNY Need Remedial Help « CBS New York

Liberalism in full effect.
Where does it say in the COTUS, that children should be taught fantasy passed off as "education"?

Or are you all ones that think the earth is 10 thousand years old and that man walked with dinasours?

And you wonder why our childrens education is sucking hind tit. Imagine the up and coming scientist who was taught that the earth is only 10 thousand years old. Gee they sure would command respect and their opinion would be highly thought of. At least by todays Rethugs who believe that ONLY the Bible has the "right" information.

Don't the taliban believe that only the Koran has the right information also.

But what I am really tired of is using Federal tax dollars to make kids more stupid by allowing parents to send their kids to a "religious" schools. You parents that want your kids ignorant and stupid, pay for their supposed education yourselves.

"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge."
the SCOTUS has had many an opportunity to say public education is extraconstitutional.

They never have and never will you crazy brain dead cons

Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925)

The Court stated that children were not "the mere creature of the state", and that, by its very nature, the traditional American understanding of the term liberty prevented the state from forcing students to accept instruction only from public schools. The Court ruled that this responsibility belonged to the child's parents or guardians, and that the ability to make such a choice was a "liberty" protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

BTW, the decision was unanimous.
1. "Barack Obama’s Department of Justice ...considers a German homeschooling family a threat to America’s future.AG Eric Holder’s DOJ is arguing against providing asylum for Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, German parents who fled from Germany after they were threatened with jail, fines and the forcible removal of their children from their home. What was their crime? They were homeschooling their children!

2. The Germany family was initially granted asylum, but then the Obama Administration appealed the case to the Board of Immigration Appeals.

3. This case will not only impact this German home schooling family, but ... the right of parents to bring up their children without government intrusion.

4. The Obama DOJ is arguing in this case that there is no fundamental Constitutional right to homeschool children anywhere – including the U.S. The DOJ is also claiming that there is no such thing as an “individual right” to religious liberty and conscience.

5. AG Eric Holder and his gang of thugs at the DOJ believe that there are only “group” rights. If you belong to a group, you’re protected; if you don’t, you can’t expect any legal protection.

6. “The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear in the past that religious freedom is an individual right. Yet our current government does not seem to understand this. They only think of us as members of groups and factions. It is an extreme form of identity politics that directly threatens any understanding of individual liberty.”

7. ...the Obama DOJ is rejecting the fundamental principles of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which clearly deal with individual rights of religious liberty and conscience.

8. This isn’t surprising, given the collectivist mentality of Obama and his minions running the White House and the U.S. Senate. They are totalitarians – and they will do whatever they can to undermine our fundamental individual rights."
Obama ?Justice? Department Seeks To Block Asylum For German Homeschooling Family

I feel certain that even our Liberal friends will see this attack on individual liberty is a line that no democracy should cross.

The proper question is if the government has the right to force people to send thier children to government schools.

when a parent home schools a child to a pack of lies instead of reality that is child abuse.

some parents care MORE about their own ideas than teaching their child how to think for themselves

Who determines what the truth is? FACTS DO!

One of the the unalienable rights with which we are all endowed by our nature is the right to believe what we believe. Freedom of conscience. You can not force people to believe something even if it is true. They have to believe it for themselves.

stop embracing the lies of the right

Who determines what the facts are?

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