Is AntiSemitism Now Mainstream on the Far Left? Are Jews Walking Away From Dems Now?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
By embracing the most radical forms of Islam, to include Salafists and worse, the far left is now at least implicitly anti-Jewish.

But is it really mainstream as this article suggests?

Have the Salafists taken over the Marxist left?

Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar

“I feel confident that [Omar’s] words were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

Many Jewish Dems in the city aren’t buying it.

“The fake defense she doesn’t know what she’s saying? I don’t believe it,” said Sara, a Queens teacher who asked not to be fully identified. “This is a grown woman and a member of Congress. Trying to excuse this as naivete is inexcusable.”

For her and others, anger is sparking immediate action.

“The watered-down resolution triggered my decision to walk away from the Democratic Party,” said Allison Gangi of Manhattan.

“I never dreamed anti-Semitism would have become mainstream on the left, but it has.”

Sara said she is “not comfortable anymore being a Democrat” and will register as an independent.

Among his Teaneck neighbors, Schwartz said, “Our only question now is, do we start voting Republican, or do we become Republicans?”

Others say they feel like the wandering Jew of legend.

“I’m homeless. I don’t think I can vote for Trump, even though he’s great for Israel,” said Jason, a start-up owner from Long Island who asked that his surname not be used. “But as a Jew, I can’t see a way to support the Democratic Party. It’s supporting your own destruction.”​
Obviously both you and the people in the article who say what Omar said was anti-Semitic, have no idea what it even means.

For the umpteenth time to you people...attacking the policies of the Israeli government is NOT anti-Semitism.

'Definition of anti-Semitism in English:
(also antisemitism)

mass noun
  • Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.'
anti-Semitism | Definition of anti-Semitism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

The woman said NOTHING about Judaism in the statements in question...thus it is NOT anti-Semitic.

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And yet not one Jew is a senator in the GOP and only 2 in the house are republicans.
By embracing the most radical forms of Islam, to include Salafists and worse, the far left is now at least implicitly anti-Jewish.

But is it really mainstream as this article suggests?

Have the Salafists taken over the Marxist left?

Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar

“I feel confident that [Omar’s] words were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

Many Jewish Dems in the city aren’t buying it.

“The fake defense she doesn’t know what she’s saying? I don’t believe it,” said Sara, a Queens teacher who asked not to be fully identified. “This is a grown woman and a member of Congress. Trying to excuse this as naivete is inexcusable.”

For her and others, anger is sparking immediate action.

“The watered-down resolution triggered my decision to walk away from the Democratic Party,” said Allison Gangi of Manhattan.

“I never dreamed anti-Semitism would have become mainstream on the left, but it has.”

Sara said she is “not comfortable anymore being a Democrat” and will register as an independent.

Among his Teaneck neighbors, Schwartz said, “Our only question now is, do we start voting Republican, or do we become Republicans?”

Others say they feel like the wandering Jew of legend.

“I’m homeless. I don’t think I can vote for Trump, even though he’s great for Israel,” said Jason, a start-up owner from Long Island who asked that his surname not be used. “But as a Jew, I can’t see a way to support the Democratic Party. It’s supporting your own destruction.”​
Was there an actual time when it wasn't ?
Bill Maher makes sense on this one.

I hate it when he does that, cuz it makes me forget what a screwball he really is.


Joe Leiberman nails it regarding the anti-Jewish tenor of the radical left today..
Lieberman: By Not Denouncing Antisemitism, Pelosi and Dems Make Antisemitism Acceptable | Breitbart

Lieberman said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Democrats not denouncing her comments is “not acceptable.”

“The Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish party, but there are some people in the party now, including in Congress, as we’ve seen from Congresswoman Omar – the new congresswoman from Minnesota – who were saying explicitly antisemitic things,” Lieberman told host John Catsimatidis. “To talk about Jews supporting Israel being guilty of dual loyalty – the reality is that most of the supporters of Israel in America are Christians.”...

He continued, “[T]hey are loyal to America, and they love Israel. The reason they do that is that the values of both countries, based on the Bible really, and based on the rule of law, are pretty much the same. No, the Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish or antisemitic party. But I will tell you I didn’t like the way the House of Representatives handled their response to the really grotesquely antisemitic remarks of Congresswoman Omar. Just uninformed and hurtful to people, and not what you’d expect from a young woman of her background, where she suffered discrimination herself.

“You’ve got to respond to it as it was fired at you, which is directly,” he added. “And if you don’t then you begin to send a message that those hateful statements are acceptable. And that’s not acceptable.”
By embracing the most radical forms of Islam, to include Salafists and worse, the far left is now at least implicitly anti-Jewish.

But is it really mainstream as this article suggests?

Have the Salafists taken over the Marxist left?

Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar

“I feel confident that [Omar’s] words were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

Many Jewish Dems in the city aren’t buying it.

“The fake defense she doesn’t know what she’s saying? I don’t believe it,” said Sara, a Queens teacher who asked not to be fully identified. “This is a grown woman and a member of Congress. Trying to excuse this as naivete is inexcusable.”

For her and others, anger is sparking immediate action.

“The watered-down resolution triggered my decision to walk away from the Democratic Party,” said Allison Gangi of Manhattan.

“I never dreamed anti-Semitism would have become mainstream on the left, but it has.”

Sara said she is “not comfortable anymore being a Democrat” and will register as an independent.

Among his Teaneck neighbors, Schwartz said, “Our only question now is, do we start voting Republican, or do we become Republicans?”

Others say they feel like the wandering Jew of legend.

“I’m homeless. I don’t think I can vote for Trump, even though he’s great for Israel,” said Jason, a start-up owner from Long Island who asked that his surname not be used. “But as a Jew, I can’t see a way to support the Democratic Party. It’s supporting your own destruction.”​
Was there an actual time when it wasn't ?
yes, lol
Joe Leiberman nails it regarding the anti-Jewish tenor of the radical left today..

Joe Lieberman is probably the best example of a politician who puts Israel's interests above America's.

So let's boil it down. The real problem is that the Israel has become kind of an international embarrassment. It went from being a "refuge for the Jews" to "An apartheid State". Most sensible people can see this, even if they don't want to discuss it in polite society.
Bill Maher makes sense on this one.

I hate it when he does that, cuz it makes me forget what a screwball he really is.


Joe Leiberman nails it regarding the anti-Jewish tenor of the radical left today..
Lieberman: By Not Denouncing Antisemitism, Pelosi and Dems Make Antisemitism Acceptable | Breitbart

Lieberman said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Democrats not denouncing her comments is “not acceptable.”

“The Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish party, but there are some people in the party now, including in Congress, as we’ve seen from Congresswoman Omar – the new congresswoman from Minnesota – who were saying explicitly antisemitic things,” Lieberman told host John Catsimatidis. “To talk about Jews supporting Israel being guilty of dual loyalty – the reality is that most of the supporters of Israel in America are Christians.”...

He continued, “[T]hey are loyal to America, and they love Israel. The reason they do that is that the values of both countries, based on the Bible really, and based on the rule of law, are pretty much the same. No, the Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish or antisemitic party. But I will tell you I didn’t like the way the House of Representatives handled their response to the really grotesquely antisemitic remarks of Congresswoman Omar. Just uninformed and hurtful to people, and not what you’d expect from a young woman of her background, where she suffered discrimination herself.

“You’ve got to respond to it as it was fired at you, which is directly,” he added. “And if you don’t then you begin to send a message that those hateful statements are acceptable. And that’s not acceptable.”

What are if not having dual loyalty:

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC /ˈeɪpæk/ AY-pak) is a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch[3] of the United States. The current President of AIPAC is Lillian Pinkus.[4]

One of several pro-Israel lobbying organizations in the United States,[5] AIPAC states that it has more than 100,000 members,[6] seventeen regional offices, and "a vast pool of donors".[7] Congressman Brad Sherman of California has called AIPAC "the single most important organization in promoting the U.S.-Israel alliance".[8] In addition, the organization has been called one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States.[7] The group does not raise funds for political candidates itself, but its members raise money for candidates through political action committees AIPAC helped establish and by other means.[7]
Obviously both you and the people in the article who say what Omar said was anti-Semitic, have no idea what it even means.

For the umpteenth time to you people...attacking the policies of the Israeli government is NOT anti-Semitism.

'Definition of anti-Semitism in English:
(also antisemitism)

mass noun
  • Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.'
anti-Semitism | Definition of anti-Semitism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

The woman said NOTHING about Judaism in the statements in question...thus it is NOT anti-Semitic.


That wasn’t the point. Trolling talking points was. The fringe lunatic right are become more unglued every passing day now. The one sure way you can telll is how frequent they start using their prepackaged talking points. Over the next few months pay close attention to how many times these words are used.


Late term abortion

Anti Semitiism

Gun grabber

Open borders

The more desperate they get, the closer we get to the election, and especially when the investigations into dotards family get even more intense, that’s the only thing that you will here. Trump already is. This is the strategy that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dons, and Rupert Murdoch are giving him on their daily calls with him.

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