Iran complying with nuclear deal

The billion dollar question is will they continue to comply and honor the deal after the sanctions are lifted?
not all sanctions are lifted at once.

It is easy to restate sanctions

Not so easy to rebuild Centerfuges and nuclear stockpiles
It's easy to reinstate sanctions? Would that be the same sanctions it took years to orginally get in place?

Yup, same sanctions that did prevent them to acquire the medical supplies they needed to cure their children...

Maybe Iran should be pursuing manufacturing medical supplies and equipment instead of nukes?
The billion dollar question is will they continue to comply and honor the deal after the sanctions are lifted?
not all sanctions are lifted at once.

It is easy to restate sanctions

Not so easy to rebuild Centerfuges and nuclear stockpiles
It's easy to reinstate sanctions? Would that be the same sanctions it took years to orginally get in place?

Yup, same sanctions that did prevent them to acquire the medical supplies they needed to cure their children...

Maybe Iran should be pursuing manufacturing medical supplies and equipment instead of nukes?

That makes sense. I agree.

But it is a good thing they did not, because otherwise sanctions would not be this effective...
It's just like Albright and the gang toasting up the big treaty with Kim jong il. North Korea and Iran would never deceive........
No, actually it isn't

Korea did not have the level of verification that Iran has

But that won't stop Conservative denial
Let the Republican denial begin

Iran nuclear deal: IAEA says implementation can go ahead - BBC News

The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says Iran has put in place all the measures necessary to start implementing the nuclear deal, paving the way for the lifting of sanctions.

Director General Yukiya Amano said it was "an important day for the international community".

The agency's inspectors on the ground had verified that Iran had carried out the measures required, he said.

A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed in July last year.

Lifting the international sanctions on Iran would unfreeze billions of dollars of assets and allow Iranian oil to be sold internationally.

Civilized diplomacy is so much better than war

Except when it will lead to a greater war. Reference Chamberlain. Obama/Kerry will prove to be an even more egregious example.
When facts overwhelm the story you are trying to sell.....resurrect Hitler
The billion dollar question is will they continue to comply and honor the deal after the sanctions are lifted?

More gloom and doom

Conservatives claimed we would never reach this point. Centerfuges HAVE been destroyed, depleted uranium stock dismantled

The entire WORLD is laughing at Republucans

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you?
Let the Republican denial begin

Iran nuclear deal: IAEA says implementation can go ahead - BBC News

The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says Iran has put in place all the measures necessary to start implementing the nuclear deal, paving the way for the lifting of sanctions.

Director General Yukiya Amano said it was "an important day for the international community".

The agency's inspectors on the ground had verified that Iran had carried out the measures required, he said.

A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed in July last year.

Lifting the international sanctions on Iran would unfreeze billions of dollars of assets and allow Iranian oil to be sold internationally.

Wow! Good for them! So, basically, what you are saying is that we have no need to worry for the next 10 years, when we, the United States, give them free will to incinerate us. Oh, and let us not forget the 150 Billion dollars that they can use to fund terrorism throughout the world. All in all, I guess it's a great day for the President, wouldn't you agree!?!
The billion dollar question is will they continue to comply and honor the deal after the sanctions are lifted?

More gloom and doom

Conservatives claimed we would never reach this point. Centerfuges HAVE been destroyed, depleted uranium stock dismantled

The entire WORLD is laughing at Republucans
It's just a very simple question that it seems you can't answer,
Why would they comply?

Because sanctions can be reinstated at the stroke of a pen

US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

You just keep defending them, don't you? Jesus, what has happened to the American people!?!?! Well, enjoy the bright light when it comes.....

I'm not defending anything, I'm stating simple facts. You're welcome to attempt to refute them instead of just clutching your pearls and wailing.
What the ballistic missile test did was violate UN Security Resolutions, not the Nuclear deal.

NOTE: there are restrictions in the Nuclear Deal that prevent Iran from testing "nuclear capable" ballistic missiles.
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

You just keep defending them, don't you? Jesus, what has happened to the American people!?!?! Well, enjoy the bright light when it comes.....
Those long range missile tests were just celebration fireworks that forgot to explode.

Yeah....I have to admit, I sometimes believe that we deserve what is going to happen to us...... :(
Oh, brother.

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

The 'gloom 'n' doom' nonsense from the right is as inane as it is boring.
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

You just keep defending them, don't you? Jesus, what has happened to the American people!?!?! Well, enjoy the bright light when it comes.....

I'm not defending anything, I'm stating simple facts. You're welcome to attempt to refute them instead of just clutching your pearls and wailing.

Of course you are. You can't help but do it. It's in your DNA. Protect the liberal, Marxist president at all cost. "Clutching my pearls" and waiting? You are a fool. YOU want to give them 150 Billion to support terrorism - then YOU bow down and bear YOUR neck. Me? I'll fight them every step of the way. I guess that's the difference between a patriot and a wuss. And if you feel "micro-aggressed" - tough. Head to your safe place and cry to Mommy.
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

You just keep defending them, don't you? Jesus, what has happened to the American people!?!?! Well, enjoy the bright light when it comes.....
Those long range missile tests were just celebration fireworks that forgot to explode.

Yeah....I have to admit, I sometimes believe that we deserve what is going to happen to us...... :(
Oh, brother.

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

The 'gloom 'n' doom' nonsense from the right is as inane as it is boring.

Another wussy. Let me give you a little friendly advice you hypocrite - go to hell. It's nice and warm there.
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

You just keep defending them, don't you? Jesus, what has happened to the American people!?!?! Well, enjoy the bright light when it comes.....
Those long range missile tests were just celebration fireworks that forgot to explode.

Yeah....I have to admit, I sometimes believe that we deserve what is going to happen to us...... :(
Oh, brother.

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

The 'gloom 'n' doom' nonsense from the right is as inane as it is boring.

Another wussy. Let me give you a little friendly advice you hypocrite - go to hell. It's nice and warm there.



Keep on "fighting" by bitching and whining on the internet, tough guy. You're not impressing anyone.

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