Iran complying with nuclear deal

I don't understand the question.

You asked "If you just agreed to a deal that prevented you from making a nuclear bomb, just why would you be testing ballistic missiles?" - which implies that Iran not having nuclear warheads would somehow rule out their desire to test new ballistic missiles.

Ballistic missiles are not limited to nuclear warheads - in fact, most don't care nuclear warheads.

Really? What do they carry?

Skittles, so the Israelis can taste the rainbow?

They carry conventional explosive warheads.

Countries that have nuclear warheads don't waste their time with piss-ant missiles systems with conventional warheads. It is a waste of time and effort, Very little bang for a lot of bucks.

Iran is not a country that has nuclear weapons.

Don't get me wrong, testing that missile was Iran saber-rattling. That's what Iran does, they posture. They puff out their chests just like the Internet Tough Guys in this thread.

And you guys eat it up - as do the hardliners in Iran.

Geezz...Janitor....Looks as though I am back for 20 minutes and already under your "liberal, commie skin". Hell, who knows? Maybe I AM an "internet tough guy".

Iran has made it perfectly CLEAR that they will detonate their nuclear device over Israel or the United States and still, STILL, we give them the means to do it. Now, dumbass - do you take the Mullah's at their word, or do you stand by that clown in the White House? Hell, what does he care - he will be forgotten history by then. As you, no doubt, will be, too. You have a nice day!
You asked "If you just agreed to a deal that prevented you from making a nuclear bomb, just why would you be testing ballistic missiles?" - which implies that Iran not having nuclear warheads would somehow rule out their desire to test new ballistic missiles.

Ballistic missiles are not limited to nuclear warheads - in fact, most don't care nuclear warheads.

Really? What do they carry?

Skittles, so the Israelis can taste the rainbow?

They carry conventional explosive warheads.

Countries that have nuclear warheads don't waste their time with piss-ant missiles systems with conventional warheads. It is a waste of time and effort, Very little bang for a lot of bucks.

Iran is not a country that has nuclear weapons.

Don't get me wrong, testing that missile was Iran saber-rattling. That's what Iran does, they posture. They puff out their chests just like the Internet Tough Guys in this thread.

And you guys eat it up - as do the hardliners in Iran.

Geezz...Janitor....Looks as though I am back for 20 minutes and already under your "liberal, commie skin". Hell, who knows? Maybe I AM an "internet tough guy".

Iran has made it perfectly CLEAR that they will detonate their nuclear device over Israel or the United States and still, STILL, we give them the means to do it. Now, dumbass - do you take the Mullah's at their word, or do you stand by that clown in the White House? Hell, what does he care - he will be forgotten history by then. As you, no doubt, will be, too. You have a nice day!


Of course I don't take the Mullahs at their word. Why do you?

Are you a Shi'a?
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.
Correct. It is a foolproof plan to prevent Iran from doing what they said they had never done and never planned to do. So we will make a plan with them that enables them to do all the other things contrary to our best interests so long as they never do THAT ONE THING..
More gloom and doom

Conservatives claimed we would never reach this point. Centerfuges HAVE been destroyed, depleted uranium stock dismantled

The entire WORLD is laughing at Republucans
It's just a very simple question that it seems you can't answer,
Why would they comply?

Because sanctions can be reinstated at the stroke of a pen

US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
wrong example

this posts is dejavu for me.
iranian hardliner are angry because they think
iran swap amercian spies to businessman
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
wrong example

this posts is dejavu for me.
iranian hardliner are angry because they think
iran swap amercian spies to businessman
Like I said before...we have Muslims in the White House trying to our deceive Muslims in Iran. Our deceivers so are not as good as yours.
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
wrong example

this posts is dejavu for me.
iranian hardliner are angry because they think
iran swap amercian spies to businessman
Like I said before...we have Muslims in the White House trying to our deceive Muslims in Iran. Our deceivers so are not as good as yours.
It's just a very simple question that it seems you can't answer,
Why would they comply?

Because sanctions can be reinstated at the stroke of a pen

US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down

Why do libs always find new and interesting ways to display their ignorance?
Why would they comply?

Because sanctions can be reinstated at the stroke of a pen

US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down

Why do libs always find new and interesting ways to display their ignorance?
It emanates from gender fluidity.
Why would they comply?

Because sanctions can be reinstated at the stroke of a pen

US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down

Why do libs always find new and interesting ways to display their ignorance?
Why don't you edumacate me asshole?
US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down

Why do libs always find new and interesting ways to display their ignorance?
Why don't you edumacate me asshole?

I am not a proctologist. It is you that is an asshole in need of repair. I suggest you see one!

Iranians selling oil was part of the sanctions.
US sanctions alone will be meaningless. No other nation will reinstate them once business is rolling.

It is a global agreement as were the sanctions

Guess what?
We don't need Irans oil like we once did, no reason NOT to reinstate sanctions

We never bought Iranian oil. Try again.
Still on the global market pal

We don't need their oil to keep prices down

Why do libs always find new and interesting ways to display their ignorance?
It emanates from gender fluidity.
Real men don't do "unbelievably small"....

John Kerry: U.S. Attack on Syria Would Be ‘Unbelievably Small’ |
Iran has already broken the treaty by test firing missiles.

No, they haven't.

The Iran Nuke deal isn't a treaty, and had nothing to do with any missiles that Iran has tested.

U.S.: Iran missile test 'likely' broke U.N. resolution -

Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions | Fox News

Iran's October missile test violated U.N. ban: expert panel

Whatever you say skippy......
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
You're a complete fucking retard.

how're relations with germany and japan these days?
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
wrong example

this posts is dejavu for me.
iranian hardliner are angry because they think
iran swap amercian spies to businessman
Like I said before...we have Muslims in the White House trying to our deceive Muslims in Iran. Our deceivers so are not as good as yours.
name them
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
You're a complete fucking retard.

how're relations with germany and japan these days?
What did we do to Germany and Japan before relations improved? So who is the retard, retard?
Let the Republican denial begin

Iran nuclear deal: IAEA says implementation can go ahead - BBC News

The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says Iran has put in place all the measures necessary to start implementing the nuclear deal, paving the way for the lifting of sanctions.

Director General Yukiya Amano said it was "an important day for the international community".

The agency's inspectors on the ground had verified that Iran had carried out the measures required, he said.

A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed in July last year.

Lifting the international sanctions on Iran would unfreeze billions of dollars of assets and allow Iranian oil to be sold internationally.

President Obama has in effect stopped Iran from getting atomic bombs.

Something George W Bush couldn't do with North Korea for 8 long years, and now we have the mess we have with North Korea because of his and the Republicans ineptness with foreign policy. The same ineptness that caused the 9/11 attackes.
The back channels created for the Iran Deal are why the 10 sailors and the 5 American detainees were handed over so smoothly.

Under a Republican administration right now, there'd have been no deal in the first place, which means the Iranians would have 15 of our people while the GOP President beats his chest to no avail.

"Bridge of Spies" was a fine movie about the same kind of situation in the 50's. The Obama administration has conducted itself as well as the Eisenhower one in using their heads to solve problems instead of constantly defaulting to belligerence.
So...someone rapes your wife five times and you negotiate to give him seven of his best friends who were justly in your jail...just so he won't rape your wife any more. Sounds like the manly thing to do.
wrong example

this posts is dejavu for me.
iranian hardliner are angry because they think
iran swap amercian spies to businessman
Like I said before...we have Muslims in the White House trying to our deceive Muslims in Iran. Our deceivers so are not as good as yours.
name them
BHO and Val...

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