Thought For The Day by John Jaeger, MBA

In ten years [I.E. 1980] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of the coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.”

“By 1985, enough millions will have died to reduce the earth’s population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people.” (Eco-Catastrophe!, 1969), Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist, scientist
“I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” – Paul Ehrlich in 1970

“In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.” - The Population Bomb (1968), by Paul R Ehrlich, scientist
"A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything." - Aristotle
"The success of Darwinism was accompanied by a decline in scientific integrity.
This situation, where scientific men rally to the defence of a doctrine they are unable to define scientifically, much less demonstrate with scientific rigour, attempting to maintain its credit with the public by the suppression of criticism and the elimination of difficulties, is abnormal and undesirable in science." - Professor W. R. Thompson, Introduction to the 1956 reprint of 'The Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life'
"It was the marvelous fit of organisms to the environment, much more than the great diversity of forms, that was the chief evidence of a Supreme Designer." - (Richard Lewontin, Scientific American, September 1978, p. 213)
"THE TRUTH IS that climate policies hurt the poor everywhere, even in countries like the United States, because higher energy prices have a disproportionate negative impact on the poor. " - Bjorn Lomborg, False Alarm, page 143
Alarm rather than genuine scientific curiosity, it appears, is essential to maintaining funding. And only the most senior scientists today can stand up against this alarmist gale, and defy the iron triangle of climate scientists, advocates and policymakers. - Richard Lindzen, MIT Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT (Wall Street Journal, April 12, 2006)
"We must hate," Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin exhorted his followers. "Hatred is the essence of communism."

"We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us." - Vladimir Lenin, atheist, Leftist

["Democrat" substitutes today for "Vladimir Lenin"]
When Hitler fired Chief of General Staff General Franz Halder he told him, "We need National Socialist ardor now, not professional ability."
The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is: Conservatives believe man was created in God’s image; liberals believe they are God. All their other behavioral tics proceed from this one irreducible minimum.

… They can lie, with no higher power to constrain them, because they are gods. - Treason, by Ann Coulter, page 292
America is like a healthy body, and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome ..." - Sir Winston Churchill; (Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London).
"A recent poll of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, published in Scientific American, indicated that more than ninety percent are atheists. " - Uncommon Dissent - Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing (page 124)

In contrast, 85% of Nobel Laureates are Christians and Jews.
…descriptions of the world are heavily influenced by (atheist) scientism.

… philosopher Thomas Nagel identifies one reason for this as “the fear of religion itself.”… “It’s that I hope there is no God. I don’t want there to be a God….”

(Ibid, page 145)
Allan Sandage, widely regarded as the father of modern astronomy, discoverer of quasars:

“I find it quite improbable that order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something rather than nothing.”
I have a lot of thyme on my hands...

I have a lot of thyme on my hands.jpg
"We now face Darwinian thought police… insidious as any secret police at ensuring conformity and rooting out dissent.

Gallup poll after Gallup poll indicates that only about ten percent of the U.S. population accepts Darwinian evolution."

(Uncommon Dissent - Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing, Introduction, page xxxiv, by William A. Dembski
"Two-thirds to three-quarters of next year's $2 trillion federal budget represents legalized plunder, where Congress makes it possible for one American to live at the expense of another." --Walter Williams
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently, it will be believed. - Adolph Hitler (Climate change)

It is proof of a bad cause when it is applauded by the mob. - Seneca

(Climate change, open border)

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