Interpretation of signs.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
There is a photograph going around taken frim somewhere in the Philippians, that shows near total destruction except for a giant statue if Jesus. The picture is said to be an inspiration to the survivors.

I guess it takes a very strong faith not to look at that statue and ask Why? Why Jesus, did you allow this to happen? Do you really exist? Are you simply as helpless as we are against the forces of nature?

I'm not an atheist at all, but my faith is not strong enough to not ask these questions when I see that statue.
There is a photograph going around taken frim somewhere in the Philippians, that shows near total destruction except for a giant statue if Jesus. The picture is said to be an inspiration to the survivors.

I guess it takes a very strong faith not to look at that statue and ask Why? Why Jesus, did you allow this to happen? Do you really exist? Are you simply as helpless as we are against the forces of nature?

I'm not an atheist at all, but my faith is not strong enough to not ask these questions when I see that statue.

Did you notice if any other stone or concrete materials survived the wind? If the statue of Jesus was made of lighter materials, I'm sure it would have blown away, too.

The Spanish brought stone statues of mother Mary to Latin America and planted them in the mountains to show the natives their false gods. The natives marveled at the sight of their statues but statues can't save anyone from their flesh as is perishes during this age. Only our invisible Creator can save us from our flesh that is of this world. Trust in the invisible God that no man has ever seen, not in statues built with human hands.
When our founding fathers created the U.S. Constitution our capitol was than in NYC. After making the Constitution the law of the land they walked together down the street to a little church and consecrated America to God. That spot is known today as ground zero. The little stone church they went too is still there, and was untouched on 9/11.
When our founding fathers created the U.S. Constitution our capitol was than in NYC. After making the Constitution the law of the land they walked together down the street to a little church and consecrated America to God. That spot is known today as ground zero. The little stone church they went too is still there, and was untouched on 9/11.

It's amazing how man needs physical gods to believe in to justify their lack of faith in our true invisible Creator.
I am curious of what correlation you see in the thread title and the content of your OP. It seems disconnected to me but it is an interesting topic.

Why do bad things happen? Or more poignantly, why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow it? Why didn't Jesus stop it? Age old questions with absolutely no good answers.

But assuming God and Jesus are the same entity but in different personas, how do we know He/they didn't warn the people? We know that hurricanes and typhoons are beneficial, even necessary, to readjust climate imbalances. So the typhoon was not evil. It was just destructive to those who found themselves in its path.

What if the people had been fully tuned in to hear God's voice and had heeded the warning and had done what was necessary to get out of harm's way to to have constructed structures capable of withstanding the storm? The lesson is in the story of Noah. As the story goes he heard and obeyed God's voice warnng him of the coming destruction and he did what he was instructed to prepare for it.

Whether we take that story as an actual event or allegory to teach a concept, the lesson is a good one.
When our founding fathers created the U.S. Constitution our capitol was than in NYC. After making the Constitution the law of the land they walked together down the street to a little church and consecrated America to God. That spot is known today as ground zero. The little stone church they went too is still there, and was untouched on 9/11.

It's amazing how man needs physical gods to believe in to justify their lack of faith in our true invisible Creator.

I really don't know how to take your comment. Is an insult towards me? I am a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. The comment that I made was from my recent discovery of a book called, "The Harbinger". God's judgment is on America. Have a look at the following.
[ame=]Jonathan Cahn: The Harbinger - YouTube[/ame]
When our founding fathers created the U.S. Constitution our capitol was than in NYC. After making the Constitution the law of the land they walked together down the street to a little church and consecrated America to God. That spot is known today as ground zero. The little stone church they went too is still there, and was untouched on 9/11.

It's amazing how man needs physical gods to believe in to justify their lack of faith in our true invisible Creator.

I really don't know how to take your comment. Is an insult towards me? I am a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. The comment that I made was from my recent discovery of a book called, "The Harbinger". God's judgment is on America. Have a look at the following.
[ame=]Jonathan Cahn: The Harbinger - YouTube[/ame]

False prophets are way more interesting to liars than God's true saints who speak the Truth. Liars hate the Truth unless they are chosen by our Creator to listen to our gospel, which is the voice of God.
There is a photograph going around taken frim somewhere in the Philippians, that shows near total destruction except for a giant statue if Jesus. The picture is said to be an inspiration to the survivors.

I guess it takes a very strong faith not to look at that statue and ask Why? Why Jesus, did you allow this to happen? Do you really exist? Are you simply as helpless as we are against the forces of nature?

I'm not an atheist at all, but my faith is not strong enough to not ask these questions when I see that statue.

Then strengthen your faith. Do it by exercising your faith. Faith is like a muscle. It gets stronger as we use it.

Go to the Lord and ask Him for undestanding and wisdom concerning this. He will answer. He gives wisdom to all men liberally when they ask in faith. He does not punish sincere questions. Nor does he rebuke us for it.

I cannot answer your questions. The Lord hasn't revealed to me why the huricane occured or why a statue still stood. Maybe it's to give hope and inspiration to the people. That even though we are sometimes called to pass through difficult trials, that Christ is always there to help and heal us.
In all due respect people, are you addressing the OP? It seems so far that I am the only one to do so?

I think my point was in regard to the OP. He stated that the statue of Jesus was untouched by the storm there, and I stated that the little church at ground zero was untouched on 9/11.
To get back on point with the OP. God puts a hedge of protection around a nation that govern itself according to God principles of faith. When a nation removes God as it's foundation and does not repent of it than God will remove His hedge of protection from around it. After that it is up to that nation to go to God and repent from turning away for God to replace that protection.
To get back on point with the OP. God puts a hedge of protection around a nation that govern itself according to God principles of faith. When a nation removes God as it's foundation and does not repent of it than God will remove His hedge of protection from around it. After that it is up to that nation to go to God and repent from turning away for God to replace that protection.

I know many believe that. But on that basis, does any nation exist that deserves God's protection? Was the Phillipines more wicked than many other nations that have not experienced natural disasters?

And still right now I am in the miserable situation of watching one of the most devout, good hearted, godly men I know suffer mightily after multiple back surgeries that have not relieved, but rather have increased, his intractable severe pain. And yes, I do ask why? Of all people I know who do not deserve that, why him? Why is a small child struck down with cancer? Why did my beloved cousin, who was such an inspiration and great help to us all and was possessed of boundless energy and life, contract fungal meningitis and die within 48 hours? Why did my Aunt who never harmed a soul in her life and who has devoted her life to ease the suffering of others have to lose her only child that way?

These are unanswerable questions and they do test our faith. All we can do is understand that we can't know answers to such things. So we put it in God's hands to deal with and allow him to be God in good times and bad. And know that in the end, it will all somehow be okay.
To get back on point with the OP. God puts a hedge of protection around a nation that govern itself according to God principles of faith. When a nation removes God as it's foundation and does not repent of it than God will remove His hedge of protection from around it. After that it is up to that nation to go to God and repent from turning away for God to replace that protection.

I know many believe that. But on that basis, does any nation exist that deserves God's protection? Was the Phillipines more wicked than many other nations that have not experienced natural disasters?

And still right now I am in the miserable situation of watching one of the most devout, good hearted, godly men I know suffer mightily after multiple back surgeries that have not relieved, but rather have increased, his intractable severe pain. And yes, I do ask why? Of all people I know who do not deserve that, why him? Why is a small child struck down with cancer? Why did my beloved cousin, who was such an inspiration and great help to us all and was possessed of boundless energy and life, contract fungal meningitis and die within 48 hours? Why did my Aunt who never harmed a soul in her life and who has devoted her life to ease the suffering of others have to lose her only child that way?

These are unanswerable questions and they do test our faith. All we can do is understand that we can't know answers to such things. So we put it in God's hands to deal with and allow him to be God in good times and bad. And know that in the end, it will all somehow be okay.

Those are truly tough trials to have to deal with. I don't really know how to answer your questions, only that God works in mysterious ways. It's during the hard times that we must lean on our faith the most. Perhaps when God allows someone to suffer it has nothing to do with that person, but maybe he using that situation to bring about something else in the lives of one of their loved ones.
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To get back on point with the OP. God puts a hedge of protection around a nation that govern itself according to God principles of faith. When a nation removes God as it's foundation and does not repent of it than God will remove His hedge of protection from around it. After that it is up to that nation to go to God and repent from turning away for God to replace that protection.

I know many believe that. But on that basis, does any nation exist that deserves God's protection? Was the Phillipines more wicked than many other nations that have not experienced natural disasters?

And still right now I am in the miserable situation of watching one of the most devout, good hearted, godly men I know suffer mightily after multiple back surgeries that have not relieved, but rather have increased, his intractable severe pain. And yes, I do ask why? Of all people I know who do not deserve that, why him? Why is a small child struck down with cancer? Why did my beloved cousin, who was such an inspiration and great help to us all and was possessed of boundless energy and life, contract fungal meningitis and die within 48 hours? Why did my Aunt who never harmed a soul in her life and who has devoted her life to ease the suffering of others have to lose her only child that way?

These are unanswerable questions and they do test our faith. All we can do is understand that we can't know answers to such things. So we put it in God's hands to deal with and allow him to be God in good times and bad. And know that in the end, it will all somehow be okay.

Those are truly tough trials to have to deal with. I don't really know how to answer your questions, only that God works in mysterious ways. It's during the hard times that we must lean on our faith the most. Perhaps when God allows someone to suffer it has nothing to do with that person, but maybe he using that situation to bring about something else in the lives of one of their loved ones.

Perhaps, but I have much trouble believing that my friend's suffering is God's will. I do not want to accept a concept that God would torture somebody for the benefit of another. It's sort of like I take the story of Job as an allegory rather than actual history--I just don't believe God allowed Job to be tortured just to win a silly bet with the Devil. That goes against all that God has allowed me to know and understand about him.
There are a lot of questions about God that we just can't answer. I think that sometimes when we have these questions and can't find the answers to them we tend than to begin to lose faith. God never intended for us to suffer at all. It was the fall of man in the garden of Eden that changed that in the first place. That is what allowed God's hedge of protection to be removed. I like to remember that God said, "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 NIV
We come here to learn, and the most effective way to learn is through adversity. Since our stay here is temporary, our focus should be not so much on our level of happiness here, but to learn the lessons offered to us while we ARE here and take them back with us.
I am curious of what correlation you see in the thread title and the content of your OP. It seems disconnected to me but it is an interesting topic.

Why do bad things happen? Or more poignantly, why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow it? Why didn't Jesus stop it? Age old questions with absolutely no good answers.

But assuming God and Jesus are the same entity but in different personas, how do we know He/they didn't warn the people? We know that hurricanes and typhoons are beneficial, even necessary, to readjust climate imbalances. So the typhoon was not evil. It was just destructive to those who found themselves in its path.

What if the people had been fully tuned in to hear God's voice and had heeded the warning and had done what was necessary to get out of harm's way to to have constructed structures capable of withstanding the storm? The lesson is in the story of Noah. As the story goes he heard and obeyed God's voice warnng him of the coming destruction and he did what he was instructed to prepare for it.

Whether we take that story as an actual event or allegory to teach a concept, the lesson is a good one.

The correlation is that some people see the surviving statue as an inspiration. I have a difficult time understanding that kind of faith.
There is a photograph going around taken frim somewhere in the Philippians, that shows near total destruction except for a giant statue if Jesus. The picture is said to be an inspiration to the survivors.

I guess it takes a very strong faith not to look at that statue and ask Why? Why Jesus, did you allow this to happen? Do you really exist? Are you simply as helpless as we are against the forces of nature?

I'm not an atheist at all, but my faith is not strong enough to not ask these questions when I see that statue.

Then strengthen your faith. Do it by exercising your faith. Faith is like a muscle. It gets stronger as we use it.

Go to the Lord and ask Him for undestanding and wisdom concerning this. He will answer. He gives wisdom to all men liberally when they ask in faith. He does not punish sincere questions. Nor does he rebuke us for it.

I cannot answer your questions. The Lord hasn't revealed to me why the huricane occured or why a statue still stood. Maybe it's to give hope and inspiration to the people. That even though we are sometimes called to pass through difficult trials, that Christ is always there to help and heal us.

I would wonder why God would send such a destructive and deadly storm there and leave a statue standing, just to provide hope and inspiration.

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