Intel Chief Says 2014 Deadliest Year for Terror Ever Recorded


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I hope Obama sees this on the news so he can get a fucking clue.

ISIS isn't some little radical group. The Obama administration is still sticking by the original false narrative that ISIS is a JV group. ISIS has declared war on infidels. They are strict Islamists who want a Caliphate and they intend to keep going until they get it. While there is opposition to them and they may have been slowed down, they continue their reign of terror. They have the apocolypse in mind and believe the time has come for Muslims to rule the world. Killing infidels is the main goal. With the open border policy of the Obama administration, more radicals than ever have settled into the U.S. to prepare for more attacks on our soil. This comes directly from ISIS members who state what their goals are. The radical Muslims intend to spread, multiply and conquer. They don't condone 'moderate Islam.' They are successfully polarizing more and more Muslims. No middle ground. Either join them or be killed.

Few Muslims speak out against them, whether due to fear or silent agreement. Those who do speak against ISIS become targets and the threat of being brutally murdered seems to have worked in keeping the majority of Muslims silent. There was a march of about 1,000 Muslims to protest the violence, but that is such a tiny percent of the more than billion Muslims in this world.

Now ISIS is destroying everything they can find in Syria and other countries that pertains to their history and culture. They believe they can literally erase their existence by killing people then destroying ancient artifacts, monuments and libraries.

ISIS is killing other Muslims that aren't radicalized the way they are. Anyone friendly towards non-Muslims and especially those whose Islam religion is questioned are as good as dead. You'd think that peaceful people would instantly ban together and condemn these animals. That is not happening. Instead we keep being told to be more tolerant, as if our attitude towards radical Muslims is the problem. It's perfectly reasonable to hate radicals. We should only tolerate those people who openly stand against them.

These radicals have been around since the beginning of the religion and managed to not only survive for centuries, but continue to grow. The Americans joining ISIS aren't the typical American people born and raised here. Most are fairly recent immigrants, many who came illegally or under the guise of refuge. In other words, not real Americans in the sense that they have always been loyal to another country or, specifically, to their radicalized religion.

While the left will roll their eyes and pretend that the threat is nothing to worry about, we have had 31,000 people murdered in the first 9 months of 2014. That count has grown considerly since then. Looks like they are going for a new record this year.

If a few people are killed by a lone gunman in the U.S., the left calls it an epidemic that requires immediately intervention by government and new laws. 31,000 murdered in a 9 month period by radical Muslims and the left says it's nothing to get worked up about.

So, lefties, don't bother to laugh and claim that I'm paranoid. You are paranoid for freaking out over a smal numnber of people killed by a lunatic. A threat such as radical Muslims is a problem in virtually every country and they continue to recruit and radicalize new members.

There are currently terrorist suspects in all 50 states. You've never been able to say that about crazed gunmen.

It is our intelligence community sounding the alarms here. They know what they are talking about, though the left will ignore them and see what Obama has to say. Obama has been wrong so many times, especially when it comes to Muslim terrorists.

Kerry can stop saying the world is safer than ever today. How can that be possible with more people slaughtered by terrorists recently than in the past? They broke their own record. How does that make us safer?

And, shut the fuck up about the crusades. I don't care that Christians defended themselves centuries ago. If they put up with the same shit we see now, I understand why they did what they did.

"Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn , former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Fox News that Kerry is "out of touch with reality, he clearly is not listening to the entire U.S. intelligence community."

Clapper on Thursday said that in 2013, about 11,500 worldwide attacks killed about 22,000 people. But in the first nine months alone of 2014, he said, preliminary data from a University of Maryland research unit show nearly 13,000 attacks killed 31,000 people.

Half of those attacks and fatalities were in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, he said. He said the Islamic State conducted more attacks than any other terror group in those first nine months.

FBI Director James Comey has said his bureau is investigating possible ISIS supporters in all 50 states."

Intel Chief Says 2014 Deadliest Year for Terror Ever Recorded
I wonder if any of these people who want to expand the war into invasion and ground combat have any kids in the service? Probably not. They are far too eager to feed other people's kids to that retarded wood-chipper.
Maybe John Kerry was referring to the number of Llammas and Kangaroos that were killed by snipers, terrorists, cars, lions, tigers and bears in comparison to the period of 100BC to 300AD? he is 85 years old, maybe he is beyond senile?
Me, I want to supply both sides with heavy weapons so they can kill each other off. Buy monkey models from the Russians and Chinese with lots of ammo so they can kill each other off.
Maybe John Kerry was referring to the number of Llammas and Kangaroos that were killed by snipers, terrorists, cars, lions, tigers and bears in comparison to the period of 100BC to 300AD? he is 85 years old, maybe he is beyond senile?
If he was alive in 100BC that would make him more than 85.
I wonder if any of these people who want to expand the war into invasion and ground combat have any kids in the service? Probably not. They are far too eager to feed other people's kids to that retarded wood-chipper.

Despite a liberal once commenting that our military aren't the best and brightest, the fact is that we have an awesome military. As a military brat, spouse and mom, I support our people and understand that sometimes we must get involved.

Right now, we might be better off lending more intel and support to those who are clamping down on terrorism in the form of ground troops. We should continue the air strikes and I say that having a son in that field. Obama needs to change his mind about sharing intel on targets. We should also immediately stop foreign aid to terrorist-friendly countries and direct that money to those fighting terrorism. Our military has undergone deep cuts and I'm not sure if we are as ready as we should be to take the lead right now in any war.
Maybe John Kerry was referring to the number of Llammas and Kangaroos that were killed by snipers, terrorists, cars, lions, tigers and bears in comparison to the period of 100BC to 300AD? he is 85 years old, maybe he is beyond senile?
If he was alive in 100BC that would make him more than 85.
well Kerry does look at least 100. maybe he was frozen around 150BC and was defrosted around 2001?
Maybe John Kerry was referring to the number of Llammas and Kangaroos that were killed by snipers, terrorists, cars, lions, tigers and bears in comparison to the period of 100BC to 300AD? he is 85 years old, maybe he is beyond senile?
If he was alive in 100BC that would make him more than 85.
well Kerry does look at least 100. maybe he was frozen around 150BC and was defrosted around 2001?
you got me there.
seems to me that ADULTS volunteered to join the military Occupied . who knows what these ADULT volunteers will be Ordered to do some day .
I wonder if any of these people who want to expand the war into invasion and ground combat have any kids in the service? Probably not. They are far too eager to feed other people's kids to that retarded wood-chipper.

Despite a liberal once commenting that our military aren't the best and brightest, the fact is that we have an awesome military. As a military brat, spouse and mom, I support our people and understand that sometimes we must get involved.

Right now, we might be better off lending more intel and support to those who are clamping down on terrorism in the form of ground troops. We should continue the air strikes and I say that having a son in that field. Obama needs to change his mind about sharing intel on targets. We should also immediately stop foreign aid to terrorist-friendly countries and direct that money to those fighting terrorism. Our military has undergone deep cuts and I'm not sure if we are as ready as we should be to take the lead right now in any war.
Ever heard of "mission creep"? Putting in a few could easily lead to putting in thousands. Fuck that. As horrible as the situation is we have spent too much and lost too many already. Until the locals can mount their own defenses sending our men and women there is a useless waste.
I wonder if any of these people who want to expand the war into invasion and ground combat have any kids in the service? Probably not. They are far too eager to feed other people's kids to that retarded wood-chipper.

Despite a liberal once commenting that our military aren't the best and brightest, the fact is that we have an awesome military. As a military brat, spouse and mom, I support our people and understand that sometimes we must get involved.

Right now, we might be better off lending more intel and support to those who are clamping down on terrorism in the form of ground troops. We should continue the air strikes and I say that having a son in that field. Obama needs to change his mind about sharing intel on targets. We should also immediately stop foreign aid to terrorist-friendly countries and direct that money to those fighting terrorism. Our military has undergone deep cuts and I'm not sure if we are as ready as we should be to take the lead right now in any war.
Ever heard of "mission creep"? Putting in a few could easily lead to putting in thousands. Fuck that. As horrible as the situation is we have spent too much and lost too many already. Until the locals can mount their own defenses sending our men and women there is a useless waste.
The sunk cost fallacy is a fallacy.
Gonna have to be thousands Occupied , thousands of Adult military volunteers . You know that its headed that way . Might even be a return to a draft !!
seems to me that ADULTS volunteered to join the military Occupied . who knows what these ADULT volunteers will be Ordered to do some day .

I'm old enough to see 18 year-olds as kids and would like to see them mature into adults, not laying in an Arlington grave because the war hawks wanted another stupid ground war and occupation in the middle east in spite of the fact that it has not been successful in the past at pacifying the region. What do you think would be different this time?

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