Senator Cruz Accused Biden Administration

Ted Cruz is the head cuck of all the cucks. He let Trump call his wife ugly, and accuse his dad of killing Kennedy. Then he dropped to his knees and has been fellating Trump ever since.

What a spineless little worm he is.
He’s smarter than most lawyers and most members of Congress. And it is indisputable that he is vastly smarter than you are.
Of funding Hamas and the October 7th massacre. In your heart you know he's right. But there was no deliberate attempt. They're just stupid that way

Everything the left does is stupid and winds up hurting the very people they are trying to help. That's why the most social injustice is in dark blue states, the most income inequality is in dark blue states, the most super rich people live in dark blue states, and the most homeless are in dark blue states.

And, they send humanitarian aid money to those poor Palestinian "civilians" and the money gets funneled to Hamas, eventually leading to the destruction of these poor Palestinian "civilians" because of atrocities committed by Hamas using the Palestinian's humanitarian aid money for terrorist attacks against Israel.
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The same people who run the democrats, run Israel and Hamas.

The 10/7 attacks could have only happened if both sides were working together. Israel gave a stand down order, otherwise Hamas would have been crushed at the fence.
Of funding Hamas and the October 7th massacre. In your heart you know he's right. But there was no deliberate attempt. They're just stupid that way

You're talking about the all time cuck....the guy who kisses the ass of trump, who said cruz's wife is ugly. I guess cuck's of a feather flock together...

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