Inflation and the bad economy is now hurting truckers- some truckers making minimum wage


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Truckers like Billy Randall who used to make $100,000 a year as a trucker is making minimum wage and struggling in America. The guy has $1200 to his name he’s one of those 57% of Americans that can’t afford $1000 emergency.

And who in the government is going to look out for this guy?

Clearly our countries not what it used to be. There was a time for decades in the 20th century when Democrats and Republicans cared for the middle class….not anymore seems that many of them are in it for themselves, only to enrich themselves.

There’s also a concern in the near future of robots taking over all of the trucking jobs. Another thing that is simply not a good thing kinda like how we lost the toll booth jobs due to automation. The juice is not worth the squeeze in such a case. Seeing fellow Americans lose jobs by the masses is never a good thing even when we think it might be resulting in cheaper products or less traffic or low wait times on the Thruway. It’s a simple math issue in a country of over 300 million people You can only have so many robots doing jobs.

People like Mr. Randall are trying to lead strikes around coal mines in Texas and throughout the country and he’s getting a lot of support from fellow Americans…. That’s a step in the right direction.
The fees were reduced from the pandemic high so they are making less, has nothing to do with inflation in fact it has more to do with the supply line going back to normal from the pandemic high.
If you let some people talk about their problems long enough they will tell you exactly why it's their fault.
That's a shame because truckers are critical to the entire country. They literally are the lynch pin that keeps every store in the country supplied with goods to sell, every single store. Even supplies a home builder needs or supplies the dentist uses are dependent on a trucker at some point. Even things like poker chips in casinos in vegas are dependent on truckers.

But as America slides away from its morals, standards and values we see everyday people become less and less valued. We don't value people who work and make the country run anymore, not like we used to.

When I started where I work now you couldn't get people to retire or leave. We never in 20 years had open interviews because there were tons of people dying to get a job here and the only way you did was if someone here got you in. Now, our new hires look like they are ready to retire and have a big turn over rate because the company stopped appreciating it's employees and treating them like they matter and the end result of that is we definitely do not run as well as we used to. The old timers here are always thankful for working here saying, because of this place I put my kids through college, have a nice home, vacations, a good retirement and so on. Newer people don't care and don't see it as a career because the company doesn't put it's employees first anymore. I like it here though because I make good money and I am one of the few that I'm the only one that does my job.
If you let some people talk about their problems long enough they will tell you exactly why it's their fault.
Is the US government’s fault for giving away millions of job to China, wrecking the middle class. Ihaving a bunch of fast food, junk restaurants in smoke shops to be built in this country

Americans were 60 years or older got to grow up in a much easier country then the filth we have today. And Republicans are to be blamed in large part for this they gave away tons of jobs to China and India in the 1980s. They are all about corporate profit agreed.

Eisenhower would be ashamed of them
That's a shame because truckers are critical to the entire country. They literally are the lynch pin that keeps every store in the country supplied with goods to sell, every single store. Even supplies a home builder needs or supplies the dentist uses are dependent on a trucker at some point. Even things like poker chips in casinos in vegas are dependent on truckers.

But as America slides away from its morals, standards and values we see everyday people become less and less valued. We don't value people who work and make the country run anymore, not like we used to.

When I started where I work now you couldn't get people to retire or leave. We never in 20 years had open interviews because there were tons of people dying to get a job here and the only way you did was if someone here got you in. Now, our new hires look like they are ready to retire and have a big turn over rate because the company stopped appreciating it's employees and treating them like they matter and the end result of that is we definitely do not run as well as we used to. The old timers here are always thankful for working here saying, because of this place I put my kids through college, have a nice home, vacations, a good retirement and so on. Newer people don't care and don't see it as a career because the company doesn't put it's employees first anymore. I like it here though because I make good money and I am one of the few that I'm the only one that does my job.
It’s just as you said, brother, we see truckers all over the country. Any restaurant relies on truckers to get them their supplies. Any convenience store, of course any major grocery store or shopping center needs truckers.

Now the worst type of capitalists imagine a world where robots take over for truck drivers. Anybody in this country who is OK with that is OK with the destruction of America or they just don’t mind they don’t mind us turning into a third world country. We really have to have a check on robots, artificial intelligence and automation.

In someways, the younger generation might be to be blame some portion of the younger generation we have turned to far left politics. But also, some portion of the older generation who have this very bizarre mentality of people complain too much or wine too much. They’re saying this about truckers now and construction workers whereas in the past, maybe they were saying about fast food workers, and that makes sense I mean, if somebody’s working at Burger King or McDonald’s you can’t expect much

But when it comes to a trucker, if we have some portion of old Republicans and young BLM Democrats who oppose them protesting for better pay or less government regulation, and they see that is “whining or complaining” …. that’s a problem.

Amazon is a problem. ive
heard Democrats on the US message board say “don’t you like cheap goods”. As those Democrats are completely fine with workers getting screwed over so they can pay less money at Walmart or Amazon.

Astonishing to see Democrats say that.

Amazon delivery workers are all over the country one of the largest employers in this country. They get paid a very low wage no benefits. There’s videos showing them not being able to have enough time for bathroom breaks …. So whatever you think about it that’s a problem. It’s a problem that in our country we have a faltering middle class and the politicians today are trying to divide us by race they pop out the BLM nine cents and I had to say that a lot of Republicans are talking about things that don’t matter like a personal life of Hunter Biden. It’s one thing to go after him and corruption, but they keep talking about his personal life, distracting us from the bad economy. Whereas, almost all Democrats are providing the racist BLM message again a distraction from our faltering economy.

So we have a huge problem here it’s the downfall of the middle class no matter what side of the political I’ll people come down and hopefully we can have some solutions to these issues
The US Govt does not give away jobs, they do not belong to the US Govt.

The private companies are the ones that did that, all in the name of profit
And the government could’ve checked that like they did in the past. Politicians helped us to eliminate child labor. Remember that child sweatshops back in the day. Politicians and Americans who cared brought us the eight hour workday and overtime pay. That’s what we get from a good government. Well we have a bad government today.

We have a terrible government right now almost all Democrats give us the racist BLM message and too many Republicans. Keep on talking about Hunter Biden. That’s a bad formula.

The government printed trillions of dollars and decided to lock us down during the coronavirus. That was a terrible decision, and we’re seeing the rotten fruit of it today. In these inflation prices, the astronomical price of a home, for example. That’s the fault of the US government.

Truckers like Billy Randall who used to make $100,000 a year as a trucker is making minimum wage and struggling in America. The guy has $1200 to his name he’s one of those 57% of Americans that can’t afford $1000 emergency.

And who in the government is going to look out for this guy?

Clearly our countries not what it used to be. There was a time for decades in the 20th century when Democrats and Republicans cared for the middle class….not anymore seems that many of them are in it for themselves, only to enrich themselves.

There’s also a concern in the near future of robots taking over all of the trucking jobs. Another thing that is simply not a good thing kinda like how we lost the toll booth jobs due to automation. The juice is not worth the squeeze in such a case. Seeing fellow Americans lose jobs by the masses is never a good thing even when we think it might be resulting in cheaper products or less traffic or low wait times on the Thruway. It’s a simple math issue in a country of over 300 million people You can only have so many robots doing jobs.

People like Mr. Randall are trying to lead strikes around coal mines in Texas and throughout the country and he’s getting a lot of support from fellow Americans…. That’s a step in the right direction.

Free Trade Agreements, Private Equity Scams and and such are USA job killers.

Inflation and the bad economy​

Unemployment - record low at 3.5%
GDP growth +2.4%
Real weekly wage growth +3.3%


Watch out, going to have to go find some new bullshit to peddle.
The fees were reduced from the pandemic high so they are making less, has nothing to do with inflation in fact it has more to do with the supply line going back to normal from the pandemic high.

Moonglow explains that Truckers earning minimum wage is back to normal.

Save this country from Democrats, MAGA

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