Increased Sun Spot, Solar Activity proves Gloabal warming is caused by Sun,Not humans


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:
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This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

Corellation does not prove causation, but that can be applied to the anthro-centric theory as well.
How dare you question Science by Consensus!! Everyone knows that once a roomful of paid shills agree, that's it!! The Science is SETTLED!!! Al Gore said so. Settled. Done. Over. Globull Warming is caused by humans.
PS - make your check payable to "Al Gore", or "the Goremons".........
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

We must look at the historical data. When ever there has been an increase in Sun Spot activity, we have very hot summers.

When the "Solar maximum" event occurs, this coencides with
the incresed Sun Spot activity, and the hot summer years. This has been proven over all the years that records have been kept. When we have no Sun Spot activity, we tend to have cool summers and very harsh cold winters. This has all been documented by the U.S.
weather service records for the past 200 years.!:razz:
Here is hard eveidence of a CME that just happened today 8/13/2010
a CME is Coronal mass ejection of the Suns plasma that sends chasoalr particles to the Earth.
We are actual now in a solar event where there is little to no sun spot activity.
Conservative Science:

Snow comes up out of the ground. The wind blows it around so it looks like it's coming down, but it comes up! Snow comes up!
Why do most of you treat science as fact? I only know two hard facts in science. 1. Somehow, somewhen this universe began. 2. Somehow, somewhen it will cease to exist. Everything else in science is theory or a working hypothesis. The "laws" of science are determined by observation and speculation and are always subject to change when new data reveals a fallacy. Even if everyone agrees (consensus) that this science is settled and understood, it will always be subject to change. Just ask a Newtonian physicist about quantum physics. Pappadave.
Why do most of you treat science as fact? I only know two hard facts in science. 1. Somehow, somewhen this universe began. 2. Somehow, somewhen it will cease to exist. Everything else in science is theory or a working hypothesis. The "laws" of science are determined by observation and speculation and are always subject to change when new data reveals a fallacy. Even if everyone agrees (consensus) that this science is settled and understood, it will always be subject to change. Just ask a Newtonian physicist about quantum physics. Pappadave.
Dang, you are grossly misinformed!!!

For example, the First Law of Thermodynamics was proven with a repeatable experiment by James Prescott Joule. You probably have a surge protector on your computer or stereo rated in Joules, a unit of energy named after him in honor of this great accomplishment.
Conservative Science:

Snow comes up out of the ground. The wind blows it around so it looks like it's coming down, but it comes up! Snow comes up!

Liberal Science:
You mean we can get paid if we lie about the results? Ok. We'll lie. We need the money.
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

Hey! That sounds like logic to me! No place for that around here buddy ... keep it to yourself.
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.
Conservative Science:

Snow comes up out of the ground. The wind blows it around so it looks like it's coming down, but it comes up! Snow comes up!

Liberal Science:
You mean we can get paid if we lie about the results? Ok. We'll lie. We need the money.

The lying has been done by people like you, Zander. You have yet to post a peer reviewed article to support your nonsense. You do know what a peer reviewed article is?
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

The falsification of that hypothesis is the warming of Uranus.
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

The falsification of that hypothesis is the warming of Uranus.

Sorry, I don't understand. Is Uranus cooling? Still, the sun is obviously acting erratically. At least according to our current knowledge.
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

So, is the Pacific Northwest being blocked somehow, because our summer has been cooler than normal.

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