Increased Sun Spot, Solar Activity proves Gloabal warming is caused by Sun,Not humans

The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.
Besides the fact that Uranus is cooling, only around 6 planets or moons out of the more than 100 bodies in the solar system have been observed to be warming. The Sun has been cooling slightly over the past few decades while the Earth has been warming.
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

So, is the Pacific Northwest being blocked somehow, because our summer has been cooler than normal.

Yah, no kidding!

Obviously you don't understand the AGW point of view. Any weather, hot cold or indifferent, is proof of global warming. Oops I mean climate change.
Solar physicists may have discovered why the Sun recently experienced a prolonged period of weak activity.

The most recent so-called "solar minimum" occurred in December 2008.

Its drawn-out nature extended the total length of the last solar cycle - the repeating cycle of the Sun's activity - to 12.6 years, making it the longest in almost 200 years.

During a solar minimum the Sun is less active, producing fewer sunspots and flares.

BBC News - Sun's 'quiet period' explained
How Low Can It Go? Sun Plunges into the Quietest Solar Minimum in a Century

The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower.

2008 was a bear. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year's 366 days (73 percent). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days. Prompted by these numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom in 2008.

Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days (87 percent).

It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: "We're experiencing a very deep solar minimum," says solar physicist Dean Pesnell of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

"This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century," agrees forecaster David Hathaway of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

NASA - How Low Can It Go? Sun Plunges into the Quietest Solar Minimum in a Century
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

We must look at the historical data. When ever there has been an increase in Sun Spot activity, we have very hot summers.

When the "Solar maximum" event occurs, this coencides with
the incresed Sun Spot activity, and the hot summer years. This has been proven over all the years that records have been kept. When we have no Sun Spot activity, we tend to have cool summers and very harsh cold winters. This has all been documented by the U.S.
weather service records for the past 200 years.!:razz:

It is certainly a theory and maybe should be studied more than it currently is but the previous poster is correct, correlation does not mean causation. That is a fundamental precipt of the scientific method. It's a shame the alarmists don't follow it.
Why do most of you treat science as fact? I only know two hard facts in science. 1. Somehow, somewhen this universe began. 2. Somehow, somewhen it will cease to exist. Everything else in science is theory or a working hypothesis. The "laws" of science are determined by observation and speculation and are always subject to change when new data reveals a fallacy. Even if everyone agrees (consensus) that this science is settled and understood, it will always be subject to change. Just ask a Newtonian physicist about quantum physics. Pappadave.
Dang, you are grossly misinformed!!!

For example, the First Law of Thermodynamics was proven with a repeatable experiment by James Prescott Joule. You probably have a surge protector on your computer or stereo rated in Joules, a unit of energy named after him in honor of this great accomplishment.

Feynman would disagree with you.

"We can imagine that this complicated array of moving things which constitutes "the world" is something like a great chess game being played by the gods, and we are observers of the game. We do not know what the rules of the game are; all we are allowed to do is to watch the playing. Of course, if we watch long enough, we may eventually catch on to a few of the rules. The rules of the game are what we mean by fundamental physics..."
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

The falsification of that hypothesis is the warming of Uranus.

Sorry, I don't understand. Is Uranus cooling? Still, the sun is obviously acting erratically. At least according to our current knowledge.

Brightening Neptune, Cooling Uranus Fermi Paradox

Our current knowledge of the sun is rather limited. And we are still in a low activity period for the sun, with no increase in the TSI.
The latest sunspot cycle has been very atypical. Definitely no conclusive proof either way. Occam's razor would put the sun near the top of the list for the recent warming though, especially since we see warming on other planets and moons in the solar system.

So, is the Pacific Northwest being blocked somehow, because our summer has been cooler than normal.

Yah, no kidding!

Obviously you don't understand the AGW point of view. Any weather, hot cold or indifferent, is proof of global warming. Oops I mean climate change.

So, all the skeptics were telling us that the climate was cooling, there was no warming after 1998. Where are these people now?

No, I do not state that every event is related to global warming. However, when you get enough events, the totality does indicate a change.

For a number of years, the people that have been studying the climate, have been warning us that it is the food supply in a world of about 7 billion people that is in danger. Depending on the source of information, 20% to 33% of the Russian grain crop is gone. Pakistan's bread basket is devastated. And there are many smaller areas where the crops have been ruined by floods or heat, from Iowa and Mississippi to China.

And then there is the little matter of about 40% of the oceans phytoplankton gone missing. Nothing to worry about, just the base of the ocean's food chain, and the largest single source for converting CO2 into O2 and food.
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

You haven't proven anything. They can BOTH be real. Any wonder the deniers can't get much traction in the scioentific world?
Yup, the sunspot minimum could be masking what would be even greater warming. We will see after the sun goes back to being regular and the data comes in.
Given the fact that in 2008, we had both a record solar minimum and a strong and persistant La Nina, yet still had the 10th warmest year on record, I would guess this to be the case.
Given the fact that in 2008, we had both a record solar minimum and a strong and persistant La Nina, yet still had the 10th warmest year on record, I would guess this to be the case.

Uhhhh you might want to restate that there old fraud. According to GISSTEMP, HadCRUT and NCDC it was one of the cooler years of the decade. And taken further back it was not the "tenth warmest year on record" unless you cheated...


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2008, #10

20 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean) Year Global[40] Land[41] Ocean[42]
2005 0.6154 0.9574 0.4886
1998 0.5971 0.8321 0.5087
2003 0.5818 0.7726 0.5109
2002 0.5745 0.8318 0.4794
2006 0.5601 0.8151 0.4664
2009 0.5556 0.7595 0.4830
2007 0.5472 0.9827 0.3889
2004 0.5416 0.7095 0.4812
2001 0.5173 0.7208 0.4416
2008 0.4803 0.7784 0.3727
1997 0.4782 0.5584 0.4498
1999 0.4199 0.6760 0.3237
1995 0.4073 0.6531 0.3191
2000 0.3886 0.5175 0.3406
1990 0.3861 0.5484 0.3279
1991 0.3360 0.4094 0.3105
1988 0.3006 0.4196 0.2585
1987 0.2968 0.2963 0.2999
1994 0.2934 0.3597 0.2699
1983 0.2817 0.3718 0.2508
2008 Global Temperature Ties As Eighth Warmest On Record

2008 Global Temperature Ties As Eighth Warmest On Record
ScienceDaily (Jan. 19, 2009) — The year 2008 tied with 2001 as the eighth warmest year on record for the Earth, based on the combined average of worldwide land and ocean surface temperatures through December, according to a preliminary analysis by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. For December alone, the month also ranked as the eighth warmest globally, for the combined land and ocean surface temperature. The assessment is based on records dating back to 1880.
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

Of course it's too much for you to imagine that they BOTH might be effecting the earth, right?

Cause according to your current theory, the world's environment is only acted upon by one thing, right?

Take off your partisan blinders.

They're preventing you from seeing the whole picture.
This is going down as the hottest summer on record ever since records have been kept.

NASA, new Solar observatory satellite has been showing an event called "Solar maximum",
that occurs every 11 years. When we observe these solar maximum events, it has been noted that we tend to experience very hot summers here on the Earth. When we observe the increase in Sun spot activity, we also experience very hot temperatures here on Earth.

This has been proven time and time again.
Human global warming is all false a scam. Solar maximum activity is real.!!:razz:

Of course it's too much for you to imagine that they BOTH might be effecting the earth, right?

Cause according to your current theory, the world's environment is only acted upon by one thing, right?

Take off your partisan blinders.

They're preventing you from seeing the whole picture.

We must all realize that the Earth has been going through these hot and cold cycles long before humans on Earth became industrialized, and producing, and releasing large amounts of CO2 gases into the atmospher. With the entire earth heating up, large quantities of methane gas are being released from frozen Siberian permafrost, and peat moss, that has been trapped for thousands of years. This is also happening in the north and south polar regions. And Methane has been proven to be a even more volatile green house gas when compared to CO2. So all of this combined with the new data implicting Sun spot , and solar activity, with regards to increasing the Earths temperature must be taken into account. Human input can be seen as very negligable, or insignificant, with the other Solar, and Earthly causes. And to factor in that humans have been industrialized for
less than 150 years or so, when compared to events that have been in motion, without human input, for the past 300 milion years, humans can not be realistically factored into
the Earth cyclical hot and cold cycles.:razz:
Why do most of you treat science as fact? I only know two hard facts in science. 1. Somehow, somewhen this universe began. 2. Somehow, somewhen it will cease to exist. Everything else in science is theory or a working hypothesis. The "laws" of science are determined by observation and speculation and are always subject to change when new data reveals a fallacy. Even if everyone agrees (consensus) that this science is settled and understood, it will always be subject to change. Just ask a Newtonian physicist about quantum physics. Pappadave.
Dang, you are grossly misinformed!!!

For example, the First Law of Thermodynamics was proven with a repeatable experiment by James Prescott Joule. You probably have a surge protector on your computer or stereo rated in Joules, a unit of energy named after him in honor of this great accomplishment.

Indeed. What experiment has proven AGW?

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