For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....

Neat. So show the real map.
It depends on what is regarded as climate change.
If it is the rhetoric spewed by bureaucrats about rising levels of co2 and it's getting warmer because of it, then that is bullshit. But that can be understood if you're talking about the sun and its expansions and contractions during its cycles. But I suspect the weather is manipulated in one form or another to give the impression of the 1st statement on climate change.
It depends on what is regarded as climate change.
If it is the rhetoric spewed by bureaucrats about rising levels of co2 and it's getting warmer because of it, then that is bullshit. But that can be understood if you're talking about the sun and its expansions and contractions during its cycles. But I suspect the weather is manipulated in one form or another to give the impression of the 1st statement on climate change.

If the SUN got hotter when NORTH AMERICA MELTED, it would not have FROZE GREENLAND TOO

Solar fluctuations are minor noise.

The FRAUD put out solar cycle. Whenever Toddster's heroes commit massive fraud and many figure that out, they put out false "conspiracy theories" for "skeptics" to parrot. "Solar cycle" is the same as saying

the KKK
the mob

did JFK
Neat. So show the real map.
Climate change was once known as Fall, Winter, Summer, and Spring. To believe Algore we would have already drown or grown gills. If I believed anything it would be the Earth is cooling because I haven't seen 126 degree in 10 years. As long as some need doom and gloom there will be ones cashing in on it. So right now I'm having a special on carbon credits. Algore approved for the mentally inapt. Supply is limited so apply fast.
If the SUN got hotter when NORTH AMERICA MELTED, it would not have FROZE GREENLAND TOO

Solar fluctuations are minor noise.

The FRAUD put out solar cycle. Whenever Toddster's heroes commit massive fraud and many figure that out, they put out false "conspiracy theories" for "skeptics" to parrot. "Solar cycle" is the same as saying

the KKK
the mob

did JFK
The clowns who bang on about "climate change"don't provide much factual data to take them seriously.
The volume of co2 doesn't help, how come it is increasing? Because what used to absorb it, trees, are being reduced with fuck all 'sustainable' forestry practices. So when you get a region with fuck all trees, it's much hotter than other areas that do have them. Especially when the sun is at its solar peak (expansion) shit is going to get hotter.
If the sun is not a cause then why is Mars clearly, visibly warming as well. For over 400 years people have viewed Mars through telescopes. In all that time Mars Northern ice cap was a continuous cap during the Martian winter. Then in 2021 Mars had warmed to the extent that its Northern polar region did not have a continuous cap but instead had separate segments of ice separated by areas of bare ground.
Speaking of 2021 do you know when Antarctica had its coldest winter in recorded history. Yep, it was 2021. Check it out.
The clowns who bang on about "climate change"don't provide much factual data to take them seriously.
The volume of co2 doesn't help, how come it is increasing? Because what used to absorb it, trees, are being reduced with fuck all 'sustainable' forestry practices. So when you get a region with fuck all trees, it's much hotter than other areas that do have them. Especially when the sun is at its solar peak (expansion) shit is going to get hotter.

The Sun is supposedly going to expand in a billion or so years and engulf Earth.

Co2 does nothing. Co2 is a total fraud by sick people obsessed with money, power, publicity and control.
If the sun is not a cause then why is Mars clearly, visibly warming as well. For over 400 years people have viewed Mars through telescopes. In all that time Mars Northern ice cap was a continuous cap during the Martian winter. Then in 2021 Mars had warmed to the extent that its Northern polar region did not have a continuous cap but instead had separate segments of ice separated by areas of bare ground.
Speaking of 2021 do you know when Antarctica had its coldest winter in recorded history. Yep, it was 2021. Check it out.

Well, you put a lot of credibility in telescopes 400 years ago.

Mars cannot hold water and atmosphere because it has a weak magnetic field. Its Co2 polar cap, yeah just one not two, would be subjected to the same issues. Mars also appears to lack any tectonic movement.

Just simple saying that any visible "change" in Mars one Co2 cap is 100% certainly the sun and just the sun and only the sun is pretty lame.

There really is just noise about the Sun. There is no real evidence of any statistically different solar output since we've measured it.

And then there is the atmospheric temps on Earth... the highly correlated satellite and balloon data....

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 in atmosphere will warm atmosphere

The Data - NOPE

real science THEORY REJECTED

Algore's FRAUd - fudge data and keep right on going...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

We know urban heat sink effect has warmed growing urban areas. That is the Co2 fraud's entire warming in the raw data. Nothing else is warming at all. And even with increased urban heat from the surface, the atmosphere still is NOT WARMING....

Co2 does absolutely NOTHING - the DATA

Earth NOT WARMING - the DATA save surface of growing urban areas (where most of the 100 year surface temp records are from)

Urban areas are 1 to 10 degrees warmer than surrounding undeveloped land.
The Sun is supposedly going to expand in a billion or so years and engulf Earth.

Co2 does nothing. Co2 is a total fraud by sick people obsessed with money, power, publicity and control.
Yes and no.

CO2 is a factor but not one to be that concerned about, yet. But those who are obsessed with money, power and control will take advantage of the situation to brainwash the gullible and have political parties do stupidly idiotic things that do nothing but make things worse.
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....
I didnt know they had cameras 1 million yrs ago let alone satellites to take pictures from space,,
I didnt know they had cameras 1 million yrs ago let alone satellites to take pictures from space,,

Well, actually, you could warp out 1 million light years with a big telescope, but there are other ways...

Take Greenland. Above is the link where pinecones etc. under the thickest portion of Greenland's ice carbon date 400-800k years ago. More recently....

So, here is the timeline.

2 million years ago tip of Northern Greenland fully green.

400-800k years ago center of Greenland went from forest to ice age.

1400 AD Vikings forced off southern tip of Greenland because too cold, had been farming there for centuries.

Here's how it works. Because of the angle of the fault in the center of the North Atlantic, Greenland has been moving NW while Europe has been moving SE (why all Europe's glaciers are melting). When the top of Northern Greenland got to within 600 or so miles of the North Pole, the "summer" started to fail to fully melt the snow from the winter, causing it to start to stack. That is the start of an ICE AGE which is a CONTINENT SPECIFIC EVENT because we know ice does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off. So, the ice age started at the top of Northern Greenland, moved South, eventually stuck on the mountain range at the northern part of the southern tip, and that is how the Vikings originally found it. Well, the ice is here, and we are there, so nothing to worry about... well, not SOON at least...

Antarctica did the same thing. AA has dino fossils that date 70 million years old, because AA was not on the South Pole 70 million years ago, it moved there and went into continent specific ice age some 40+ million years ago. AA was still attached to South America at the time, which is why the southern tip of South America glaciated...

Yes and no.

CO2 is a factor but not one to be that concerned about, yet. But those who are obsessed with money, power and control will take advantage of the situation to brainwash the gullible and have political parties do stupidly idiotic things that do nothing but make things worse.

Any gas molecule is a "factor" because the thicker the atmosphere, the more heat trapped in the atmosphere.

Co2 absorbs weak IR. Ozone absorbs strong high energy UV. Those two are on the opposite sides of visible light. IR is not warming anything and never did...
Well, actually, you could warp out 1 million light years with a big telescope, but there are other ways...

Take Greenland. Above is the link where pinecones etc. under the thickest portion of Greenland's ice carbon date 400-800k years ago. More recently....

So, here is the timeline.

2 million years ago tip of Northern Greenland fully green.

400-800k years ago center of Greenland went from forest to ice age.

1400 AD Vikings forced off southern tip of Greenland because too cold, had been farming there for centuries.

Here's how it works. Because of the angle of the fault in the center of the North Atlantic, Greenland has been moving NW while Europe has been moving SE (why all Europe's glaciers are melting). When the top of Northern Greenland got to within 600 or so miles of the North Pole, the "summer" started to fail to fully melt the snow from the winter, causing it to start to stack. That is the start of an ICE AGE which is a CONTINENT SPECIFIC EVENT because we know ice does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off. So, the ice age started at the top of Northern Greenland, moved South, eventually stuck on the mountain range at the northern part of the southern tip, and that is how the Vikings originally found it. Well, the ice is here, and we are there, so nothing to worry about... well, not SOON at least...

Antarctica did the same thing. AA has dino fossils that date 70 million years old, because AA was not on the South Pole 70 million years ago, it moved there and went into continent specific ice age some 40+ million years ago. AA was still attached to South America at the time, which is why the southern tip of South America glaciated...

pinecones etc. under the thickest portion of Greenland's ice carbon date 400-800k years ago

Are you a liar, or an idiot? LOL!
pinecones etc. under the thickest portion of Greenland's ice carbon date 400-800k years ago

Are you a liar, or an idiot? LOL!

The oldest ever recovered DNA samples have been collected from under more than a mile of Greenland ice, and their analysis suggests the island was much warmer during the last Ice Age than previously thought.

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such a

At least I can click a link and READ

The oldest ever recovered DNA samples have been collected from under more than a mile of Greenland ice, and their analysis suggests the island was much warmer during the last Ice Age than previously thought.

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such a

At least I can click a link and READ

Read a link about carbon dating, idiot.

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