Incoming NY attorney general vows to use full power of the state to get Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
Letitia James: “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well”

Watch your P's and Q's with this slick talking bitch , another loser who wants to support the NEW WORLD ORDER and create a new world group of slaves. That is exactly what the dumb fk loser democtards want stupidity doesn't let them hear or see just what President JOhnson said years and years ago ' WE WILL HAVE THOSE NEGORS VOTING DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YRS" you dumb mother fkrs are making him right jackasses WAKE UP all of you be it you are pink, purple, yellow whatever the piss you are as a human.

The useless will dream up all the lies possible to make their idiots believe what ever pieces they can put together and make it fit lie or not.
This is but a taste of what the next republican daring to run for office will get. Democrat socialists will make sure every possible candidate knows this and is intimidated.
She sounds like an idiot to me.

Hell Trump has lived in NY City for decades and has paid their high city taxes for decades.

He has a Trump tower in NY City that generates millions in taxes for the city every year.

She sure isn't using her brain. If she has one that is.
This is but a taste of what the next republican daring to run for office will get. Democrat socialists will make sure every possible candidate knows this and is intimidated.
This is deeper than just being a republican...Cheeto is one of the hoi polloi, who has no business busting his way into their little club of elite insiders.....Hell, he's even from *gaaaasp* Queens ferchrissakes!...He doesn't even belong in the upper crust of Manhattan high society, let alone be the President of the whole damn nation!
This is but a taste of what the next republican daring to run for office will get. Democrat socialists will make sure every possible candidate knows this and is intimidated.
This is deeper than just being a republican...Cheeto is one of the hoi polloi, who has no business busting his way into their little club of elite insiders.....Hell, he's even from *gaaaasp* Queens ferchrissakes!...He doesn't even belong in the upper crust of Manhattan high society, let alone be the President of the whole damn nation!

so true-------he is only a TOKEN noo yawka. The powerful elitist
evil ones would nevah tolerate a BROOKLYN BUM
If pieces of shit like the mindless dumbfucking parasite bed wetting liberals on this board hate Trump, he can't be too bad of a guy.
"to get Trump"....that is why he will fail....the people recognize hate and revenge when they see bring it on...he may as well have said he is going "to get" 51% of the people....bring it on pal....
I was PERSONALLY offended at the stalinesque comments of " 'tish " ---
-------but she really went over the top with the FAMILY issue------
OVER THE TOP!!!!! ps------she has some other kill the kulaks
These are Marxists we are dealing with people.

You still think gulags won’t happen under Dems?
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
Letitia James: “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well”

Watch your P's and Q's with this slick talking bitch , another loser who wants to support the NEW WORLD ORDER and create a new world group of slaves. That is exactly what the dumb fk loser democtards want stupidity doesn't let them hear or see just what President JOhnson said years and years ago ' WE WILL HAVE THOSE NEGORS VOTING DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YRS" you dumb mother fkrs are making him right jackasses WAKE UP all of you be it you are pink, purple, yellow whatever the piss you are as a human.

The useless will dream up all the lies possible to make their idiots believe what ever pieces they can put together and make it fit lie or not.
We already know the OP want's criminals to go free.

If I were Trump and this person made this threat I'd have investigators start digging into the persons past so the dirt could be leaked covertly.


If justice was the intent wouldn't it be more logical to go after the relationship between former Ny congressman Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner's illegal relationship with the Hillary presidential campaign through his wife? Rumors were flying around about a pedophile ring in the Hildabeast campaign before the MSM dismissed them without investigation.
The democrats are going to find a way to make something up.

The AG is black so it will definitely be a racist thing. Soon the KKK will be as big as the democrat socialists say it is.
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
Letitia James: “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well”

Watch your P's and Q's with this slick talking bitch , another loser who wants to support the NEW WORLD ORDER and create a new world group of slaves. That is exactly what the dumb fk loser democtards want stupidity doesn't let them hear or see just what President JOhnson said years and years ago ' WE WILL HAVE THOSE NEGORS VOTING DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YRS" you dumb mother fkrs are making him right jackasses WAKE UP all of you be it you are pink, purple, yellow whatever the piss you are as a human.

The useless will dream up all the lies possible to make their idiots believe what ever pieces they can put together and make it fit lie or not.

She ran on the platform that included investigating trump. Which is why she received over 61% of the votes while the republican received only 35% of the votes.

She's doing what the people of NY state want her to do.

Since it didn't take long for Mueller to find a lot of crimes committed by trump, his campaign and his family.

It won't take long for the AG of NY to find crimes too. The beauty of it is that trump can't interfere with it. It can't fire anyone. He can't replace someone with his own followers. He can't pardon anyone from those crimes that the state finds and no one can pardon trump either. Only the governor of the state of NY can pardon anyone for crimes committed in NY state.

The odds of any pardon for trump is zero in NY state.
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
Letitia James: “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well”

Watch your P's and Q's with this slick talking bitch , another loser who wants to support the NEW WORLD ORDER and create a new world group of slaves. That is exactly what the dumb fk loser democtards want stupidity doesn't let them hear or see just what President JOhnson said years and years ago ' WE WILL HAVE THOSE NEGORS VOTING DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YRS" you dumb mother fkrs are making him right jackasses WAKE UP all of you be it you are pink, purple, yellow whatever the piss you are as a human.

The useless will dream up all the lies possible to make their idiots believe what ever pieces they can put together and make it fit lie or not.

She ran on the platform that included investigating trump. Which is why she received over 61% of the votes while the republican received only 35% of the votes.

She's doing what the people of NY state want her to do.

Since it didn't take long for Mueller to find a lot of crimes committed by trump, his campaign and his family.

It won't take long for the AG of NY to find crimes too. The beauty of it is that trump can't interfere with it. It can't fire anyone. He can't replace someone with his own followers. He can't pardon anyone from those crimes that the state finds and no one can pardon trump either. Only the governor of the state of NY can pardon anyone for crimes committed in NY state.

The odds of any pardon for trump is zero in NY state.

I am not so sure------my impression is that Di Blasio is already
skating on thin ice. The same may be true of 'tish

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