Zone1 in favor of a more Generalized Economic Engine?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
the decadence of modern society is all around us, with a very steep & hierarchial economic engine under the 'economic competition' and 'meritocracy' principles as they are advertised today in mainstream media.

i'm in favor of a more Generalized Economic Engine, with these decadent excesses curtailed by an enactment of 'tax the rich' policies (instead of the smokers and beer drinkers, which only turn the masses into jogging cannonfodder!)..

what do you say?
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the decadence of modern society is all around us, with a very steep & hierarchial economic engine under the 'economic competition' and 'meritocracy' principles as they are advertised today in mainstream media.

i'm in favor of a more Generalized Economic Engine, with these decadent excesses curtailed by an enactment of 'tax the rich' policies (instead of the smokers and beer drinkers, which only turn the masses into jogging cannonfodder!)..

what do you say?
Could use more details on your "Generalized Economic Engine". What is presented by you so far is too vague and diffuse.
Could use more details on your "Generalized Economic Engine". What is presented by you so far is too vague and diffuse.
steep = superyachts being so popular, ultra-expensive make-up too, etc, etc, etc.
hierarchial = for instance; Hunter Biden selling mediocre looking modern paintings for millions to select audiences.
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the decadence of modern society is all around us

Ancient society was pretty decadent too...

true of course, but i was thinking primarily about the future when i wrote this thread. :)

Perhaps the common factor across ALL societies is decadence.

Perhaps, instead of trying to control how people make and spend their money, embrace the freedom to choose and let the market decide.
'Markets' controlled by monopolies are no different than markets controlled by pirates and gangsters.

;Freedum to choose ...

"NAMBLA"logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained."

StirlingS. Newberry

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