Illegal Employer Problem

We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
only the incompetent, say that.

You're a legend in your own mind. You need some new material. You don't hold a monopoly on understanding.
We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
only the incompetent, say that.

You're a legend in your own mind. You need some new material. You don't hold a monopoly on understanding.
I cited our California State Constitution a few posts back. You still have nothing but fallacy instead of Any valid arguments.
I would not bullshit you. Show up when I have jobs available and if you can do the job for what I can afford, you got it.

I was referring to Trump. Libs have no ability to understand politically supporting someone, without thinking of them as nigh unto GODS.

Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.
We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
You are one of those freedom to fascism guys. Basically a libertarian. Libertarians are just the Republicans retarded cousins. In some ways you are better than Republicans but in most ways you are worse.
Sealybobo, I agree that the repubs, do not help the situation at all with their hiring of illegals. However I also see that the majority, if not all, mayors of sanctuary cities are dems { I cannot think of a mayor who is a repub doing this}. Also dems also own business and hire illegals. So what we get is a bunch of bloviating rhetoric from both sides while the problem continues. All I can think of when it comes to our politicans "talking" about solving problems is Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles pounding his desk saying "we have to protect our phoney baloney jobs gentelmen". Alot of talk, while things continue to deteroriate and nothing really worth while gets accomplished. IMHO.

Can you do me a favor? Please tell me if any of the 6 cities in Mississippi that were raided by ICE last week are sanctuary cities.

US Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi Mike Hurst told reporters the arrests took place at seven sites in six different cities in Mississippi on Wednesday. The raids, he said, are "believed to be the largest single-state immigration enforcement operation in our nation's history."

Targeted in Mississippi immigration raids, poultry company holds job fair just down the road - CNN

I'm willing to be $100 not one of those cities is a sanctuary city. So just remember sanctuary cities is just another bad right wing talking point.

Start worrying about sanctuary companies. They're in every red state in America. They are the ones hurting white blue collar Americans.
What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
only the incompetent, say that.

You're a legend in your own mind. You need some new material. You don't hold a monopoly on understanding.
I cited our California State Constitution a few posts back. You still have nothing but fallacy instead of Any valid arguments.

You've never quoted anything and California doesn't apply to me. If you told a judge that his rulings were fallacy, he'd probably tell you that you were in contempt of court. So, you know what I think about your idiotic bullshit. BTW, you need some new material.

Seems like when you look at Republican kids today they’re all either fat or they just want to go out and shoot guns and they’re always getting into fights. They don’t have any education. They can’t get jobs or they live in mom’s basement.

So the studies have shown that the children of immigrants that come here are like the most productive members of society.
Seems like they actually want to go out and get an education and start companies and stuff.
I was referring to Trump. Libs have no ability to understand politically supporting someone, without thinking of them as nigh unto GODS.

Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

Look where the report came from. The national academies of science medicine and engineering.

Republicans don’t believe in science, they don’t want people to have healthcare, and they certainly don’t appreciate engineering.
So report like that isn’t going to mean diddly squat to Republicans.
Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I’m curious, why would you think Hillary is the lesser of two evils? When she became the senator from New York she got first responders healthcare after Republicans have been blocking it for 10 years. This whole healthcare for first responders issues now is because it ran out. She got it for them but it ran out. Nothing is forever.
Do you think she would’ve embraced Vladimir Putin and North Korea is brutal dictator? And estranged us from all of our former friends or NATO? And destroyed every treaty or trade agreement that we have?
I’ve heard she’s evil, but she spent her entire life helping people. What is it that makes her evil?
We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
You are one of those freedom to fascism guys. Basically a libertarian. Libertarians are just the Republicans retarded cousins. In some ways you are better than Republicans but in most ways you are worse.

I'm not a doper and I'd hold my own against you IQ wise. I mean I did manage to finish law school. So, I'm not an idiot. Laissez-faire is the way I live my life and Milton Friedman did win a Nobel, so your attitude toward me is debatable.

If anyone is being smug, it would be you. You've probably had life handed to you.
I was referring to Trump. Libs have no ability to understand politically supporting someone, without thinking of them as nigh unto GODS.

Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

I'm not a doper and I'd hold my own against you IQ wise. I mean I did manage to finish law school. So, I'm not an idiot. Laissez-faire is the way I live my life and Milton Friedman did win a Nobel, so your attitude toward me is debatable.

If anyone is being smug, it would be you. You've probably had life handed to you.
We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I’m curious, why would you think Hillary is the lesser of two evils? When she became the senator from New York she got first responders healthcare after Republicans have been blocking it for 10 years. This whole healthcare for first responders issues now is because it ran out. She got it for them but it ran out. Nothing is forever.
Do you think she would’ve embraced Vladimir Putin and North Korea is brutal dictator? And estranged us from all of our former friends or NATO? And destroyed every treaty or trade agreement that we have?
I’ve heard she’s evil, but she spent her entire life helping people. What is it that makes her evil?

Do I need to write a book on Hitlery? She opposes the Constitution. HOWEVER, had she won, we'd be in gridlock mode right now - now full on sell the country out to globalists mode.

Look where the report came from. The national academies of science medicine and engineering.

Republicans don’t believe in science, they don’t want people to have healthcare, and they certainly don’t appreciate engineering.
So report like that isn’t going to mean diddly squat to Republicans.

Tell it to Republicans
We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
You are one of those freedom to fascism guys. Basically a libertarian. Libertarians are just the Republicans retarded cousins. In some ways you are better than Republicans but in most ways you are worse.

I'm one of those guys that 20 years ago were called "conservative." I think multidimensional so labels probably won't work for you.

Since I don't do dope and think we're making a BIG mistake, it's hard to fit me into a Libertarian mold. But, if labeling people as a diversion to discussing topics that you fear being wrong about works for you, go for it.
Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I work very hard from 8-5pm but in between I come here to relax like some people go outside and smoke.

I'm not lying. I make a $65K base and I'm going to probably sell 2 million this year. I get 1.5% commission. That's $30K in commission. So how much will I make at my real job? Around $95K. Then I have a side business where I make $20K clear money. No taxes on that money.

And I have no kids, no student loans, my car is paid off. I'm fucking loaded.

And my brother and his conservative friends say I have become much more conservative ever since I started making this kind of money. Trust me, I still think Democrats are better for me and people who make less than me. But one thing is for sure. Republican policies won't stop me from retiring at 62. But that's not true for 90% of the people who think they are middle class but not saving enough to retire. If they aren't saving enough to retire at 67 then how can they call themselves middle class?

I love it when cons here doubt a liberal is capable of making good money.

P.S. You are right. I do come here too much. Bye.
I was referring to Trump. Libs have no ability to understand politically supporting someone, without thinking of them as nigh unto GODS.

Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

I'm not telling anyone here who is the better for you to vote for. I won't vote for Trump and that is because he lied about gun control. He is the most anti-gun president in the history of the United States. He will NEVER get my vote.

I'm not "rich." I do, however, pay laborers much more than the other employers. But, that don't seem to matter. You see white guys here that will work in fast food for minimum wage, but turn down an outdoor job for twice that amount. Then they come here and bitch about the foreigner that does take the job.

You think socialism is a good route; I don't. I think the reason that wages are taking a shitter is that we're allowing multinational corporations to come in and think they are going to bring us down to third world level wages. We're screwing ourselves by not supporting SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS.
We should be making money on border policy by being faithful to our Commerce Clause not losing money on implied, right wing fantasy.

What does that even mean???
it means you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Just because you are an idiot does not make me clueless or causeless. You are such a simpleton, you call me right wing and you've never had enough common sense to ASK what my cause is. Now, I wouldn't even share that with you without an apology.

I can just laugh my ass off at you for being so smug about your stupidity, thinking you have something beneficial to say.
You are one of those freedom to fascism guys. Basically a libertarian. Libertarians are just the Republicans retarded cousins. In some ways you are better than Republicans but in most ways you are worse.

I'm one of those guys that 20 years ago were called "conservative." I think multidimensional so labels probably won't work for you.

Since I don't do dope and think we're making a BIG mistake, it's hard to fit me into a Libertarian mold. But, if labeling people as a diversion to discussing topics that you fear being wrong about works for you, go for it.

Bruce Jenner doesn't like how Republicans treat gays but that doesn't mean he's not a Republican. You don't like pot? That doesn't mean you aren't a libertarian. Even Ron Paul agrees with you that the income tax is unconstitutional.

Like I said before it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or Libertarian. They're just two different nuts in a mixed bag of nuts.

And you don't get to tell us what you are. We tell you what you are based on your comments. Trust me dude, you're a libertarian.

And like you doubt me, I doubt you make the kind of money you say you make or that you own a business. To me it sounds like you made all that up just to go along with your narrative. Then you tell us an American worker asked you for $500 hr and you hired an illegal for $30 hr? Whatever dude. You sound more like a nut job than a small business owner.

And do you still own the business? You spend way too much time on here to be running a business. I bet your business did go under.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, over 50% of small businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail within the first five years.
We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I work very hard from 8-5pm but in between I come here to relax like some people go outside and smoke.

I'm not lying. I make a $65K base and I'm going to probably sell 2 million this year. I get 1.5% commission. That's $30K in commission. So how much will I make at my real job? Around $95K. Then I have a side business where I make $20K clear money. No taxes on that money.

And I have no kids, no student loans, my car is paid off. I'm fucking loaded.

And my brother and his conservative friends say I have become much more conservative ever since I started making this kind of money. Trust me, I still think Democrats are better for me and people who make less than me. But one thing is for sure. Republican policies won't stop me from retiring at 62. But that's not true for 90% of the people who think they are middle class but not saving enough to retire. If they aren't saving enough to retire at 67 then how can they call themselves middle class?

I love it when cons here doubt a liberal is capable of making good money.

P.S. You are right. I do come here too much. Bye.

Unless you're peddling illegal drugs, you are probably blowing smoke. Living in a fantasy world is a good thing. BTW, the truth be known, the liberals control more of the big money than the Goofy Old Party.

You shouldn't worry. After Trump shows his real liberal true colors and enacts gun control, there won't be any Republican Party to worry about. They only exist because Democrats are socialists and intelligent people realize socialism don't work - unless you are like Donnie the Dictator Trump.
Did you see 30 Americans showed up for jobs at that Koch Food place the government raided. 300 illegals were let go so there are still 270 jobs available that pay $12 hr. How is Mr. Koch going to find enough people to fill those 270 unfilled jobs now?

We have the same problem in Georgia. One time a farmer advertised on the local paper; he listed jobs with the state employment service (which gave access to the job to every person drawing an unemployment check); he passed out flyers. Of the 280 positions this guy offered, less than half enough people showed up. FOUR Americans show up and two of them didn't last until noon. It was on the evening news. A newsman was there for the entire thing.

To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

I'm not telling anyone here who is the better for you to vote for. I won't vote for Trump and that is because he lied about gun control. He is the most anti-gun president in the history of the United States. He will NEVER get my vote.

I'm not "rich." I do, however, pay laborers much more than the other employers. But, that don't seem to matter. You see white guys here that will work in fast food for minimum wage, but turn down an outdoor job for twice that amount. Then they come here and bitch about the foreigner that does take the job.

You think socialism is a good route; I don't. I think the reason that wages are taking a shitter is that we're allowing multinational corporations to come in and think they are going to bring us down to third world level wages. We're screwing ourselves by not supporting SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS.

Maybe people in GA would support you if they didn't see illegals working in the back.

Other than that, you are starting to sound more reasonable and I don't disagree with everything you say.
To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I work very hard from 8-5pm but in between I come here to relax like some people go outside and smoke.

I'm not lying. I make a $65K base and I'm going to probably sell 2 million this year. I get 1.5% commission. That's $30K in commission. So how much will I make at my real job? Around $95K. Then I have a side business where I make $20K clear money. No taxes on that money.

And I have no kids, no student loans, my car is paid off. I'm fucking loaded.

And my brother and his conservative friends say I have become much more conservative ever since I started making this kind of money. Trust me, I still think Democrats are better for me and people who make less than me. But one thing is for sure. Republican policies won't stop me from retiring at 62. But that's not true for 90% of the people who think they are middle class but not saving enough to retire. If they aren't saving enough to retire at 67 then how can they call themselves middle class?

I love it when cons here doubt a liberal is capable of making good money.

P.S. You are right. I do come here too much. Bye.

Unless you're peddling illegal drugs, you are probably blowing smoke. Living in a fantasy world is a good thing. BTW, the truth be known, the liberals control more of the big money than the Goofy Old Party.

You shouldn't worry. After Trump shows his real liberal true colors and enacts gun control, there won't be any Republican Party to worry about. They only exist because Democrats are socialists and intelligent people realize socialism don't work - unless you are like Donnie the Dictator Trump.

You don't think public schools work? You don't think medicare works?

Why do they have to be illegal drugs? I'm in MI. We just made pot legal. I just don't pay taxes on my profits.

I'm not lying. I started at my company making $40K 5 years ago. I doubled aftermarket sales and after the first year the president only gave me a $10K raise. The next year I tripled sales and the new president bumped me up to $65K plus 1.5% commission. Trust me, I just about shit when he gave that to me too. It was going to be $50K or $60K plus and when I got back to my desk the email said $65K plus 1.5% commission. I thought, "maybe it was a mistake" but before he could take it back I forwarded it to HR and told them I approve and the next paycheck I was making $65K plus. HOLY SHIT! Why is that so hard to believe? Probably because no one in GA makes that kind of money including you.

My brother is like a level 3 VP at a fortune 500 and he makes $800K. Do you not believe that either? Who cares what you believe.

You know who I love? The cons on here who get all bent out of shape because I don't pay taxes on my side gig. Why would I? They say it makes me a hypocrite because I cry that corporations don't pay their fair share. Well you know what? If you can't beat them, join them. That's why I am slowly but surely becoming a conservative. Not because I agree with them but because the poor people who vote GOP or don't vote at all make me sick. If they don't get it and if they don't care, why should I care about them?

P.S. Thanks for not believing I make what I make. It's flattering to know I make an unbelievable amount compared to the rest of you. Thanks for making me feel good.
To be honest, when the economy is good, which it is now, usually people stop caring about illegals. But Trump made too good of an argument to blue collar workers. He said it was illegals who were here illegally competing for jobs and bringing wages down. That is/was true. The only problem is all these white blue collar workers are still competing for these low paying blue collar jobs and the corporations don't want to pay more even though they say they can't find enough help. They/You refuse to raise your wages. You're just waiting it out. You're waiting for the illegals to dig a hole under Trump's wall and start coming back. LOL.

Trump did not make any kind of case. All Donald Trump did was to parrot the Democrats party line message. He conned rednecks with low IQs and exposed how easily duped the average white American really is. He gave you National Socialist "solutions" he got from a white supremacist. Proof? Figure it out:

The people who vote for Democrats are idiots. That is a given. If, for instance, what you think were true why would the bulk of blue collar workers still be voting for the Ds given that above history lesson?

There is NO proof that foreign labor drives down wages. When America had conservative economists (Nobel Prize winners at that) holding a similar view as mine, they were the good guys:

Free to Choose (Milton Friedman, 1980) – The Tyranny of Control

Classically Liberal: What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

Anti-immigrants quote Friedman up to a certain point. The second link continues where the anti-immigrant argument leaves off.

Because D's are the lesser of two evils when it comes to working class Americans. I'm not going to go dig up all the facts that prove this. It's obvious. Oh and by the way, the middle class was BOOMING when Clinton was president. The middle class struggled under Bush. And I follow politics pretty close to know Bush's policies really fucked the middle class hard.

And please stop telling us laborers that the GOP is the better choice for us. YOU are a business owner. YOU sound like you are rich. So of course you are going to try to con us into believing the party you like best is the party that we should like best. The fact is, over the past few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class is shrinking. And you are right, Trump conned stupid white voters into thinking he was going to MAGA. That's a riot huh?

The funny thing is, I'm doing great under the Republican way. Since 2015 I've seen my pay go from $40k when I started to $90K last year. But the rest of the people at my company are still making what they were making in 2015. Of course I quadrupled my companies aftermarket sales so I deserved the raises but the point is, Democrats would say as long as the company is making good profits, every employee should get at least a cost of living raise every year. That's the liberal way. The conservative way says let them work for a decade without raises. And that's where Americans are. If they didn't lose a good job and have to take a shittier one, they're stuck making the same amount they made 10 years ago. They were barely making it then and are just getting by now. And none of them are saving enough for retirement. I am.

And before you go thinking I lied when I said I made 6 figures, I was counting my $20K a year tax free side gig. $90K plus $20K is 6 figures.

You are on here too many hours to be making serious money. I'm not rich by any metric unless you want to compare me to someone in the third world. I hire a lot of handymen for gigs. Sometimes they make more per hour than I make. My house and car are paid for, but then again, I'm driving a 2007 Toyota that I bought when it was new.

I pay people a HELL of a lot more than the Bubba dude with his 6 mpg new dual wheelie submitting "proposals" for replacing an overflow valve (with a customer supplied valve) at $240 (a fifteen minute job that a monkey with a pipe wrench could do.) He pays his help $15 an hour unless they have a specific skill set. I pay $20 an hour. WTF more do you think I should be doing? I'm too close to being able to retire to stick money into a full blown operation and hire master plumbers. But, I will give one a gig for $80 an hour.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote. I voted for Trump, but admit it was a mistake that WILL NOT be repeated. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But, my word to you is that any law that infringes on my unalienable Rights is totally ignored.

I work very hard from 8-5pm but in between I come here to relax like some people go outside and smoke.

I'm not lying. I make a $65K base and I'm going to probably sell 2 million this year. I get 1.5% commission. That's $30K in commission. So how much will I make at my real job? Around $95K. Then I have a side business where I make $20K clear money. No taxes on that money.

And I have no kids, no student loans, my car is paid off. I'm fucking loaded.

And my brother and his conservative friends say I have become much more conservative ever since I started making this kind of money. Trust me, I still think Democrats are better for me and people who make less than me. But one thing is for sure. Republican policies won't stop me from retiring at 62. But that's not true for 90% of the people who think they are middle class but not saving enough to retire. If they aren't saving enough to retire at 67 then how can they call themselves middle class?

I love it when cons here doubt a liberal is capable of making good money.

P.S. You are right. I do come here too much. Bye.

Unless you're peddling illegal drugs, you are probably blowing smoke. Living in a fantasy world is a good thing. BTW, the truth be known, the liberals control more of the big money than the Goofy Old Party.

You shouldn't worry. After Trump shows his real liberal true colors and enacts gun control, there won't be any Republican Party to worry about. They only exist because Democrats are socialists and intelligent people realize socialism don't work - unless you are like Donnie the Dictator Trump.

They aren't "illegal" drugs but you are supposed to have a medical marijuana card in order to go to a despensary. Most people don't have a card so they can't go to those yet.

You can "gift" someone some pot but you can't sell it if you aren't a caregiver or legal grower. So I "gift" my friends the pot they want but then I sell them a pencil for $200. LOL.

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