Zone1 If we worship One God...

There are a few in here. It amazes me how some get the bible so twisted. So much they are closeminded to even admit what they read exists like 1Peter 4:5-6. or 1 Cor. 15:29.
It seems they do not read the Bible at all.
...why bash the worship of others by attacking their faith, religious denomination, or the ways they worship?
In my opinion, some people are hateful enough to try to destroy a person's religious faith because Satan is nudging them to do it.

Some people are fanatical enough about their beliefs that they think it earns them Heaven or more stars in their crown or something if they can shame, bludgeon, coerce, demand, persuade others to believe as they do.

And there are other reasons too of course. I personally think a Christian seriously errs when he attacks another's way of worship instead of using gentle persuasion (taking a cue from the Quakers) to correct doctrines and behaviors that are materially or physically harmful to the person and/or others.

As for judging what is in another's heart, I think that is God's prerogative to deal with.
You can't answer the articles, can you. Yep! Stars out there older than the universe. Science publications stating the Big Bang was a dud.

the rain of ambiguity - exactly how old they actually were was never stated nor they were or were not homogeneous w/ the milky way in part their trajectory as in why are they there.
Typical leftist as well. Anytime you guys are put in your place, asked questions you cannot answer or you are shown to be wrong or illogical, you always try to just ignore your predicament. But, you can answer the questions to the best of your abilities. I know I've embarrassed you substantially. But, hey, that's what like if all about. :hhello:
Believe whatever you want.
No. The science behind improved performance.
Can we just skip ahead?

Say I told you a study showed you Hindus were happier than Christians. Would you convert?

No. You could not force yourself to believe in all of those gods and myths.

So I guess we're back to brainwashing children.

Brainwash children into believing in religion, to make them happier.

Uh... no thanks.
Can we just skip ahead?

Say I told you a study showed you Hindus were happier than Christians. Would you convert?

No. You could not force yourself to believe in all of those gods and myths.

So I guess we're back to brainwashing children.

Brainwash children into believing in religion, to make them happier.

Uh... no thanks.
No. We can't skip ahead.

That's a horrible analogy.

I couldn't be happier or more unsurprised by your decision.
And there are other reasons too of course. I personally think a Christian seriously errs when he attacks another's way of worship instead of using gentle persuasion (taking a cue from the Quakers) to correct doctrines and behaviors that are materially or physically harmful to the person and/or others.
Yes. And I would go a step further, and forego gentle persuasion as well. Jesus' words of those who sow are often not those who reap. Why not simply sow the seeds of another perspective. If that seed, nourished by the Holy Spirit, sprouts and grows, then each individual can decide for him/herself which mature "plant" provides the best health and beauty. The seeds we each plant need both time and care. We, the sowers, may never see what may eventually be reaped.
Yes. And I would go a step further, and forego gentle persuasion as well. Jesus' words of those who sow are often not those who reap. Why not simply sow the seeds of another perspective. If that seed, nourished by the Holy Spirit, sprouts and grows, then each individual can decide for him/herself which mature "plant" provides the best health and beauty. The seeds we each plant need both time and care. We, the sowers, may never see what may eventually be reaped.
There is no harm in sowing seeds of another perspective. I personally believe it is beneficial to study different religious traditions and beliefs once a person has matured in his/her faith. It is interesting to study the differences between transubstantiation as observed in the Roman Catholic Mass and consubstantiation as observed the Anglican/Episcopal Eucharist vs the memorial service that most Protestant traditions observe as 'communion' or 'the Lord's supper'.

And it is interesting to understand the different traditions of baptism from pouring (Roman Catholics/Anglican/Episcopalian and some others) to immersion practiced by numerous Protestant denominations to sprinkling practiced by other Protestant denominations to immersing three times and oiling the body (Greek Orthodox et al). Infant, believers baptism, adult baptism all vary from tradition to tradition.

Quakers, Mennonites, old fashioned Church of Christ et al allow no musical instruments in their worship services while a piano and/or an organ is common in others. Contemporary churches are popular now with some sort of band (guitars, drums, etc.) Some mega churches have full orchestras to accompany massive choirs and congregational singing.

I love a high church service that encompasses all the senses with light, music, incense et al. Traditional worship or contemporary worship, I can get into either. I love a participatory charismatic service or a simple meeting of the faithful for reading of the scriptures, perhaps a prepared message, prayer.

To me the God of Creation is in all of it. And I accept that some believe their religious tradition to be the only acceptable one.

I think the one God is far more interested in what is in our heart and minds than the theology we use to worship.
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I'm sure they used the same method as coming up with the age of the Universe. I've read other articles saying so.

well per other speculations what would be equally a blow to bb would be if their trajectory were not in line w/ the rest of the celestial universe.

or that some matter simply escaped the grand scheme of the cyclical event.

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