If there was a "Gay" gene.. why are we here?

Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

Calling someone an asshole is not "calling them names". An Asshole is part acronym and a descriptive term for an arrogant, self serving person of no substance (a hole is a noun which in the final analysis describes nothing).

You offer nothing of substance in ypur many posts as trolls seem to want to do. You also have an attitude, an arrogant show typical of charlatans and narcissists. One must infer your posts are nothing more than attention getting behaviors, typical agains of trolls and those desperate for attention.

Oh, I digress. IMHO you're an A.S.S HOLE.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

Frankly, I see it like any other mental disorder:

Homosexuality has been taken off the list of mental disorders a long time ago.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

Frankly, I see it like any other mental disorder:

Homosexuality has been taken off the list of mental disorders a long time ago.

Yes it was. 1973 to be precise. ANYONE who sat through psychology 101 should know this.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

Frankly, I see it like any other mental disorder:

Homosexuality has been taken off the list of mental disorders a long time ago.

Yeah, and alcoholism is a "disease". You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit about politically-motivated "medical" decisions.
Frankly, I see it like any other mental disorder:

Homosexuality has been taken off the list of mental disorders a log time ago.

Yeah, and alcoholism is a "disease". You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit about politically-motivated "medical" decisions.

Do you have any evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder or that the decision was politically motivated or do you just believe whatever bullshit psychology fits you?
So when the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the DSM-II classification of mental disorders in 1973, this was politically motivated? I'll have to do some research on this, because I don't recall this being a motive.

Other than being more-or-less unable to respond physically to members of the opposite sex, I've seen no difference in them. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, yes. I think John Wayne Gacy, as well. And the chick....Aileen Wuornos. I'm sure that I'm missing some. But look at how many serial killers and rapists WERE NOT gay. Being gay does not increase your likelihood of being a pedophile. How insulting.
Yeah, and alcoholism is a "disease". You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit about politically-motivated "medical" decisions.
As usual, you have no evidence the APA’s decision was ‘politically motivated.’

And again, you’re entitled to exhibit your hate and ignorance, you’re not entitled to attempt to codify it, however.

Do you have any evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder or that the decision was politically motivated or do you just believe whatever bullshit psychology fits you?

She believes what conforms to her political dogma, facts notwithstanding.
Yeah, and alcoholism is a "disease". You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit about politically-motivated "medical" decisions.
As usual, you have no evidence the APA’s decision was ‘politically motivated.’

And again, you’re entitled to exhibit your hate and ignorance, you’re not entitled to attempt to codify it, however.

Do you have any evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder or that the decision was politically motivated or do you just believe whatever bullshit psychology fits you?

She believes what conforms to her political dogma, facts notwithstanding.

Don't let it distress you too much.

The people with "very strong" opinions on this matter have zero sway over the facts of the matter.

Any person that thinks alcoholism isn't a disease hasn't had much exposure to medicine.
So when the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the DSM-II classification of mental disorders in 1973, this was politically motivated? I'll have to do some research on this, because I don't recall this being a motive.

Other than being more-or-less unable to respond physically to members of the opposite sex, I've seen no difference in them. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, yes. I think John Wayne Gacy, as well. And the chick....Aileen Wuornos. I'm sure that I'm missing some. But look at how many serial killers and rapists WERE NOT gay. Being gay does not increase your likelihood of being a pedophile. How insulting.

Politically Motivated? Hilarious.

There are all kinds of tests that can be administered to discover mental disorders. Researchers could find no difference between gays and straights. This is the sole reason being gay was removed from the list of "mental disorders". In fact, the number one physiological problem for gays is the stress that comes from straight hate. It's exactly the same for the children of gays whose classmates found out that kid has a "second Mom or Dad". The only problem gays have are straight people.

Now this is what is truly hilarious. Which political Party is it that gays don't feel "comfortable" being a part of?
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

Frankly, I see it like any other mental disorder:

Homosexuality has been taken off the list of mental disorders a long time ago.
Yes, in the 1970s, but cons don't believe in science.
Sexually repressed people need to stop over-analyzing the sexual habits of other consenting adults who are just doing what feels good to them.

If there are homosexuals who are tired of living like homosexuals, all they need to do is start enjoying the other sex. There's nothing in the law books today that says they can't flip-flop back and forth between sexes as much as they want. It seems to me, people who are in need of reparative therapy need to address a much larger concern than just who they want to sleep with.

Quit dragging it into the public arena and trying to make laws rationalizing it, and we'll be more than happy to forget they exist entirely.

please try to keep the irony from dripping onto other posts
Asshole babies !


  • $anallube.jpg
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Because the first one with the gene got confused mistook a something completely different for a real nice piece of azz????
Sexually repressed people need to stop over-analyzing the sexual habits of other consenting adults who are just doing what feels good to them.

If there are homosexuals who are tired of living like homosexuals, all they need to do is start enjoying the other sex. There's nothing in the law books today that says they can't flip-flop back and forth between sexes as much as they want. It seems to me, people who are in need of reparative therapy need to address a much larger concern than just who they want to sleep with.

Quit dragging it into the public arena and trying to make laws rationalizing it, and we'll be more than happy to forget they exist entirely.

please try to keep the irony from dripping onto other posts

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to del again.

The irony train is heading down the track.
Yeah, and alcoholism is a "disease". You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit about politically-motivated "medical" decisions.
As usual, you have no evidence the APA’s decision was ‘politically motivated.’

And again, you’re entitled to exhibit your hate and ignorance, you’re not entitled to attempt to codify it, however.

Do you have any evidence that homosexuality is a mental disorder or that the decision was politically motivated or do you just believe whatever bullshit psychology fits you?

She believes what conforms to her political dogma, facts notwithstanding.

Don't let it distress you too much.

The people with "very strong" opinions on this matter have zero sway over the facts of the matter.

Any person that thinks alcoholism isn't a disease hasn't had much exposure to medicine.

You realize that ALL organisms that have a life/death cycle are responding totally TOTALLY to chemical actions..i.e. exposure to medicine starts with understanding of chemistry!
And as a result, what "Chemistry/medical connection does "homosexuality" have with medicine? Now that's one of the reasons the APA removed the coding for "homosexuality" psychiatric treatment.

SO.. if that was the APA to show that "homosexuality" was NOT a disease anymore then having more Melanin is a disease causing "blackness".
SO.. Based on APA all homosexuality is genetic!

Which is what the layman (no pun..) means when meming "I gotta be Me!"
If it is GENETIC what is the purpose as all genes have some design functionality! I mean blue eye genes provides "blue eyes", etc.

So what was the purpose of the "Gay" gene (which is still to be identified!)
I don't know if there is a specific gay gene, but I do know that since we've gotten better medical equipment and are now able to get images of the brain, that gay brains are different from straights................

What makes people gay? Biologists may never get a complete answer to that question, but researchers in Sweden have found one more sign that the answer lies in the structure of the brain.

Scientists at the Karolinska Institute studied brain scans of 90 gay and straight men and women, and found that the size of the two symmetrical halves of the brains of gay men more closely resembled those of straight women than they did straight men. In heterosexual women, the two halves of the brain are more or less the same size. In heterosexual men, the right hemisphere is slightly larger. Scans of the brains of gay men in the study, however, showed that their hemispheres were relatively symmetrical, like those of straight women, while the brains of homosexual women were asymmetrical like those of straight men. The number of nerves connecting the two sides of the brains of gay men were also more like the number in heterosexual women than in straight men.

Just what these brain differences mean is still not clear. Ever since 1991, when Simon LeVay first documented differences in the hypothalamus of gay and straight men, researchers have been struggling to understand what causes these differences to occur. Until now, the brain regions that scientists have come to believe play a role in sexual orientation have been related to either reproduction or sexuality. The Swedish study, however, is the first to find differences in parts of the brain not normally involved in reproduction — the denser network of nerve connections, for example, was found in the amygdala, known as the emotional center of the brain. "The big question has always been, if the brains of gay men are different, or feminized, as earlier research suggests," says Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at University of California Los Angeles, "then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? For the first time, in this study it looks like there are regions of the brain not directly involved in sexuality that seem to be feminized in gay males."

Read more: What the Gay Brain Looks Like - TIME

And, I can also tell you of an experience that I've had with a lesbian female. She and I were pretty decent friends, and one day she asked if I would have sex with her to make sure she was gay or not. Once we'd gotten naked and there had been penetration, she said she felt uncomfortable and asked if we could stop.

We also tried again later, but the same results. Nope, sorry, but according to the recent brain studies, as well as my own experience with gay people, no, I really don't think that being gay is a choice.

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