If the ACA succeeds, the GOP may be history


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!
No, the GOP is not only the Anti-ACA Party. As long as the Democrats exists the GOP will exist and the other way around.
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

Hardly, remember, the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare. While they will spend trillions to turn Iraq from an enemy into a deadly enemy, they are afraid American helping American will make us a (gasp) "socialist nation".

The "dirty little secret" here is that no one has told Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are "government programs".
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

Hardly, remember, the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare. While they will spend trillions to turn Iraq from an enemy into a deadly enemy, they are afraid American helping American will make us a (gasp) "socialist nation".

The "dirty little secret" here is that no one has told Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are "government programs".

I heard a caller on the radio slamming the Federal Government and the ACA this morning. The DJ asked him where he worked....and you guessed it. For the Government. Another GOP Hypocrite....
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

The ACA IS succeeding.

And, whether they like it or not, that's good for Americans.
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

Hardly, remember, the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare. While they will spend trillions to turn Iraq from an enemy into a deadly enemy, they are afraid American helping American will make us a (gasp) "socialist nation".

The "dirty little secret" here is that no one has told Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are "government programs".

There were Republicans who voted for both programs.


Does that teach you anything?

Probably not.

Neither of those programs were an attempt to enslave Americans.

ACA is.

Neither of those two programs put Americans out of work or cost them, personally, thousands of dollars to implement.

Neither of those two programs resulted in life threatening decisions having to be made by individuals and families just to stay alive.

Neither of those two programs was created and passed through the use of underhanded, sneaky, manipulative games by lawmakers in collusion with the President of the United States.

Neither of those two programs forced businesses to lay off employees or cut their employees' hours.

You aren't just ignorant or stupid. You are a tool being used to effect the downfall of America.
Dear Luddly: if the ACA is developed by voluntary participation and funding, yes that is good for America.
it reinforces the idea that people should be responsible for our own health care decisions and financial stability, independent of govt.

If the ACA is pushed as a political ploy against the Republicans, the Constitution, and
against free market choices to pay for health care coverage for more people in more sustainable ways,
NO it is not good for America. it is politically discriminatory and divisive, and promotes dependence on govt to force funding and regulate programs that limit natural freedoms
and PUNISH business development, instead of promoting Constitutional govt where the citizens enforce limitations on govt in order to handle responsibilities directly.

Again Luddly I ask you to consider what if this was a prolife program,
that announced a "victory" in saving the lives of more babies at the expense of free choice
(and any women who would die of illegal abortions, since that number is less than the lives saved in comparison).

Would you be cheering on a victory if a prolife program succeeded
in "saving more lives" than were lost, at the expense of "freedom of choice"?

There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

The ACA IS succeeding.

And, whether they like it or not, that's good for Americans.

This reminds me when Democrats were against the Iraq War and blamed Bush.

And regardless of cost, waste, or political conflicts overridden,
as long as the war supporters could rally for victory, they smeared it in the faces
of opponents, calling them names and denouncing their objections as fake and politically
motivated against Bush, since "they were benefitting from the war" and "voted for it."

This sounds like equal and opposite karma, coming full circle.
And I can't wait for both sides of this dirty storm to pass!
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If obama could fly, he'd be able to drop his own turd bombs. obamacare has already been a massive failure. The boat has sailed.
No, the GOP is not only the Anti-ACA Party. As long as the Democrats exists the GOP will exist and the other way around.

I think you have been led to believe this is all just tit 4 tat and politics as usual.

It isn't.

This is a struggle to determine whether America will continue to be a free, strong and prosperous land. Whether we will have government for the people, of the people and by the people you grew up in or whether it will become a totalitarian nation with all Americans toeing the Government line as subjects.

The Democrat party no longer leans toward democracy except as democracy helps them maintain or gain power over us.

That is not what I ever believed the Democrat party was about.

The Democrats today have as their unwritten goal the elimination of any significant opposition and please do not take my word for it.

Find out for yourself whether what I'm saying has any validity.

I love America and I respect our two party system of government.

But today's Democrats are anti-American and want totalitarianism to result from the struggles we are seeing in Washington and reflected here on the pages of USMB.
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

That is like saying if the ION didn't fail then Saturn would still be around here!

The ACA has been an utter failure and it has NOTHING to do with the GOP! It has everything to do with shit piece of legislation!
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

Hardly, remember, the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare. While they will spend trillions to turn Iraq from an enemy into a deadly enemy, they are afraid American helping American will make us a (gasp) "socialist nation".

The "dirty little secret" here is that no one has told Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are "government programs".

Dear Rdean: Maybe your problem is you don't work with enough Republicans to find out the solutions they would support.

The conservatives and Republicans I know OPPOSED medicare and social security for leading to more and more of this govt controls of medical care, because it promoted more unconstitutional dependence on govt.

That was their whole argument, that by opening the door to this, it would get worse.
And ACA proved their worst fears came true. That's why they were opposed in the first place,
and wanted to limit or replace govt welfare with private systems with more financial accountability.

Social Security was supposed to be a TEMPORARY program.
Welfare could be replaced with microlending so there is financial accountability.

Even Obama believes in microlending as a solution to poverty.
So why not turn this whole system into microlending, where people borrow and lend through their party, and anything done through govt is PAID BACK.

Woudn't that satisfy both parties?
And where they disagree over right to health care, right to life or right to choose,
the parties can fund their own separate health care networks, so members can
fund the policies of their choice.

Why not push for both for parties recognize and protect these political beliefs equally?

Wouldn't they be better at collecting taxes or managing loans toward their own programs,
where they both have vested interest in making sure programs SUCCEED instead of FAIL?
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Dear Luddly: if the ACA is developed by voluntary participation and funding, yes that is good for America.
it reinforces the idea that people should be responsible for our own health care decisions and financial stability, independent of govt.

If the ACA is pushed as a political ploy against the Republicans, the Constitution, and
against free market choices to pay for health care coverage for more people in more sustainable ways,
NO it is not good for America. it is divisive, and promoting dependence on govt to regulate and limit natural freedoms,
instead of promoting Constitutional govt where the citizens enforce limitations on govt in order to handle responsibilities directly.

There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

The ACA IS succeeding.

And, whether they like it or not, that's good for Americans.

This reminds me when Democrats were against the Iraq War and blamed Bush.

And regardless of cost, waste, or political conflicts overridden,
as long as the war supporters could rally for victory, they smeared it in the faces
of opponents, calling them names and denouncing their objections as fake and politically
motivated against Bush, since "they were benefitting from the war" and "voted for it."

This sounds like equal and opposite karma, coming full circle.
And I can't wait for both sides of this dirty storm to pass!

You have been around awhile. Long enough to have seen and noticed a real shift in the national political tenor which you call a "dirty storm."

I have found what may well be the smoking gun behind this dirty storm.

Bill Ayers and people like him have corrupted the educational process in America to the point where new teachers are (and have been for some time now) being indoctrinated into anti-American beliefs and principles.

And, in turn, these teachers, who have become infected with this anti-American propaganda, have accepted this belief system and are turning out thousands upon thousands of new students in America's classrooms who are quite different from how we were raised and taught.

They are undermining America by way of our youngest citizens. And now that these youngsters have started to reach the age of majority they're coming into their own and into our valued institutions: The news media - to reflect their skewed perspectives; America's boardrooms - to affect business policies there; In our movies, TV shows and in the music we listen to - to affect our young people's attitudes and morality.

And closer to home, they are showing up on the pages of USMB and are acting as though THEY are right and we America loving patriots are the perverse extremists.

The dirty storm isn't going to pass unless we stop them from further infecting Americans with this fatal disease of anti-American Progressivism or until we succumb or surrender.

And if the latter comes to fruition all will be lost.

America as we know it...America as our Founding Fathers created it, will be just history.

And then, expect that page of history to be erased by these anti-Americans so that no one in the future will ever get the idea of creating a new American revolution based on our founding principles.
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There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

The ACA IS succeeding.

And, whether they like it or not, that's good for Americans.
I will agree on this. A healthcare reform that succeed would be good for America. Obaminationcare is not that.
(1) More people have LOST their coverage than gained coverage.
(2) The decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is marginal
(3) Premium, co-pays and deductibles have SKY-ROCKETED, while other benefits have decreased
(4) The vast majority of doctors and hospitals refuse to take policies off the Obaminationcare exchanges
(5) The exchanges have been a disaster
(6) The youth enrollment, who needed to sign up to make the program work, have not signed up for the program.
(7) It's squeezing small business. The once under 50 with policies are either dropping them or paying a ton to keep them putting them at another disadvantage against the big corps. The ones above 50 are cutting back to 50 and dropping coverage or they are getting squeezed also.

It's been a disaster and by design. They want to destroy the private insurance industry and achieve their true end-game (Single Payor)!
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

Hardly, remember, the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare. While they will spend trillions to turn Iraq from an enemy into a deadly enemy, they are afraid American helping American will make us a (gasp) "socialist nation".

The "dirty little secret" here is that no one has told Republicans that Social Security and Medicare are "government programs".

There were Republicans who voted for both programs.


Does that teach you anything?

Probably not.

Neither of those programs were an attempt to enslave Americans.

ACA is.

Neither of those two programs put Americans out of work or cost them, personally, thousands of dollars to implement.

Neither of those two programs resulted in life threatening decisions having to be made by individuals and families just to stay alive.

Neither of those two programs was created and passed through the use of underhanded, sneaky, manipulative games by lawmakers in collusion with the President of the United States.

Neither of those two programs forced businesses to lay off employees or cut their employees' hours.

You aren't just ignorant or stupid. You are a tool being used to effect the downfall of America.

So not only are the new rules from Republicans that you need a majority in the House and 60 votes in the Senate, unless you can get a Republican to vote for a law it is not valid
There has to be a reason the GOP is lying so much about the ACA. It has to be if this becomes a popular law and it succeeds, the GOP is toast. WOW!

The ACA IS succeeding.

And, whether they like it or not, that's good for Americans.
I will agree on this. A healthcare reform that succeed would be good for America. Obaminationcare is not that.
(1) More people have LOST their coverage than gained coverage.
(2) The decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is marginal
(3) Premium, co-pays and deductibles have SKY-ROCKETED, while other benefits have decreased
(4) The vast majority of doctors and hospitals refuse to take policies off the Obaminationcare exchanges
(5) The exchanges have been a disaster
(6) The youth enrollment, who needed to sign up to make the program work, have not signed up for the program.
(7) It's squeezing small business. The once under 50 with policies are either dropping them or paying a ton to keep them putting them at another disadvantage against the big corps. The ones above 50 are cutting back to 50 and dropping coverage or they are getting squeezed also.

It's been a disaster and by design. They want to destroy the private insurance industry and achieve their true end-game (Single Payor)!

Unless you can provide a link verifying your claims I will assume it is your opinion

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