If Romney is a liar Obama is a two faced scumbag

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Romember when obama was called a liar during the state of the union? All of his surrogates said such name calling and personal attacks we're below the line and innapropriate.

Yet here we are and its all the obama surrogates have at this point. Pathetic
I'm still waiting for one of our resident lefties to quote something Romney said and why it was a lie. Just one example. With all these lies flying around, one would think it would be easy to point to one...just one. So far, crickets.
It doesn't work that way, Romney is definately a liar. He lied about everybody throughout the primaries. That man is a douche.
Romember when obama was called a liar during the state of the union? All of his surrogates said such name calling and personal attacks we're below the line and innapropriate.

Yet here we are and its all the obama surrogates have at this point. Pathetic

Really? You don't think yelling out that the president is a liar during the State of the Union is innapropriate?

No wonder Conservative candidates are always such sleazebags.
Romney is definately a liar. He lied about everybody throughout the primaries. That man is a douche.

Okay Sarah, enlighten us. Please quote something Romney has said and then tell us specifically why you think it's a lie.

I'm not saying Romney hasn't lied, most politicians do at some point, I'm just looking for someone...anyone...to back up the claim with specificity. Can you do it or are you just trolling?
It wasn't a State of the Union address.

And Obama is a liar. The Supreme Court made that official. :thup:

And you're a moron but you don't see me sitting around calling you that.

Romney is a huge liar and so is Ryan but it's ok because they're Republicans, right?
It wasn't a State of the Union address.

And Obama is a liar. The Supreme Court made that official. :thup:

And you're a moron but you don't see me sitting around calling you that.

Romney is a huge liar and so is Ryan but it's ok because they're Republicans, right?

So you calling him a liar just makes him that but you wont quote any..

Here is a some of Obama lies

Close Gitmo
Cut the debt in half by the end of his first term Oh hell here is a full list
List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies
After Chris Stevens and Libya, If 'Bams lips be movin' he be lyin'
A spontaneous Muslim Riot replete with RPG's, mortars, and anti aircraft machine guns over a film clip? Yeah.
The Administration tried pushing the story for over a week but there was just so much evidence to the contrary the Obama Court Media could no longer stand in the way obfuscating the overwhelming evidence without looking like a pack of court jesters.
As someone opined this AM, the "Truth is not evil, its just the truth".
Romney is a huge liar

So I ask again, please quote something Romney said and tell us what you think it's a lie.

Surely if he's a "huge liar", it wouldn't be difficult to give us just one example.
I don't think dupes know what a lie IS anymore...it's not a promise that was obstructed by Pubs, it's not an position that changes, it's a statement that is FACTUALLY WRONG, like: or "Obama gutted Medicare, Workfare, had control for 2 years", or the BS in my sig pp3.

Romney? O fought for ACA for 2 years? Passed after 13 months.

Half of alt energy projects failed? 3 of 38?

Romney's plans are BS. The 5 trillion deal...HIS experts are the Heritage Foundation LOL.So much BS. Seniors will lose donut hole again, 716 billion medicare figure is SAVINGS, don't hurt benefits- the whole pile usual Pubcrappe. He's a GREAT Con man/ BS.salesman.

He did zip for Mass. education.
It doesn't work that way, Romney is definately a liar. He lied about everybody throughout the primaries. That man is a douche.

A douche is refreshing, cleansing, and healing; whereas the
groundless, venomous diatribe and crude verbal excrement that some employ indiscriminately, with a total disregard for logic and common sense, serves no purpose but to destroy and humiliate.

I agree that Romney is a douche. Obama is more like ... well, a yeast infection.
It doesn't work that way, Romney is definately a liar. He lied about everybody throughout the primaries. That man is a douche.

A douche is refreshing, cleansing, and healing; whereas the
groundless, venomous diatribe and crude verbal excrement that some employ indiscriminately, with a total disregard for logic and common sense, serves no purpose but to destroy and humiliate.

I agree that Romney is a douche. Obama is more like ... well, a yeast infection.


He's definitely an affliction of some sort. Hopefully curable. We shall see.
How is obama going to overcome the massive lie he told about the Libyan massacre? If he blames the intelligence agencies, it's going to bring up all the warnings that were given and all the requests for help. Rather than claiming Romney is lying, obama should be thinking of ways to wiggle out of this one.

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