If Romney doesnt soundly defeat Obama in the debates...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.
I agree with you. Romney has run a terrible campaign and he isn't a really good candidate. I didn't think Kerry was real good either to be honest but Romney is about the worst I've seen.

A good politician would of made a better VP choice to appeal to a wider range of voters and would of done a better job with their Convention. Those were 2 areas he could of shown his decision making ability and introduced himself properly to voters. He failed at both. His foreign trip was a good chance to show he can handle foreign policy and he pretty much blew it.

So yeah, he can help himself in the debates I'll agree if he does a really good job and Obama does a really bad or mediocre job.

But, most people have made up their minds and if you look at the electoral map and the polls and how many are truly undecided, there isn't much time left for Romney to turn this around.

And just as a side note, in my opinion, if Huntsman would of been the nominee, Obama would be in real trouble.

Because, the economy is not doing well as we all know so Obama was very vulnerable. Romney pretty much blew it and if anybody was being truly honest with themselves, they'd think so too.
been knowing that since the beginning. Why to the Republicans line up their candidates ahead of time. McCain ran how many times before they caved and gave him the nomination? He lost all those races and they still let him run. Now we are on to Romney, he lost to McCain last presidential election, did they promise him a shot this time? When Romney looses who will they run next time? Chances are we have already seen them as they have probably lost one of the last three nominations.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

I agree completely, though I will go a step farther: Romney is incapable of soundly defeating Obama in the debates for the same reasons that have turned into his horrible campaign.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

honest assessment.

but the debates aside, if romney can't run his campaign, what makes you can think he is ready to run a country?

i was kind of hoping for a better GOP candidate in him. but even his handling of things that should have been slam dunks... like a trip to the UK ... were disasters for him.
Does no one else see this reality?

No because they get their news from Fox and the commentators their are spinning how it will be a Romney landslide.

Fox News? Really? That's if you want to believe any poll.

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012

Two University of Colorado professors, one from Boulder and one from Denver, have put together an Electoral College forecast model to predict who will win the 2012 presidential election and the result is bad news for Barack Obama. The model points to a Mitt Romney victory in 2012.

Ken Bickers from CU-Boulder and Michael Berry from CU-Denver, the two political science professors who devised the prediction model, say that it has correctly forecast every winner of the electoral race since 1980 .
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

I personally think that the fact that he's doing as well as he is in the face of the MSM's full blown assault in their effort to continue humping the Obama leg, is a good sign. I mean seriously.. our embassies were over run.. ambassador dead and the press literally fixated on the fact that they THOUGHT Romney defended America too quickly. That was the headline on September 15.
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His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

I personally think that the fact that he's doing as well as he is in the face of the MSM's full blown assault in their effort to continue humping the Obama leg, is a good sign. I mean seriously.. our embassies were over run.. ambassador dead and the press literally fixated on the fact that they THOUGHT Romney defended America too quickly. That was the headline on September 15.

That's one of the reasons that I don't buy into the polls either. But even as someone who despises Obama, Romney has run a piss-poor campaign. He should be ahead 15 points, not struggling to break even aginst this loser.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

I personally think that the fact that he's doing as well as he is in the face of the MSM's full blown assault in their effort to continue humping the Obama leg, is a good sign. I mean seriously.. our embassies were over run.. ambassador dead and the press literally fixated on the fact that they THOUGHT Romney defended America too quickly. That was the headline on September 15.

Yes that was a complete joke. But I don't think most people fell for that bullshit. At least I hope not. But the 47%comment was very damaging. Not just that but it was stupid. Tying Obama's base to govt money was a stretch. Many receiving those benefits he was talking about are republicans. Retirees etc
Does no one else see this reality?

No because they get their news from Fox and the commentators their are spinning how it will be a Romney landslide.

Fox News? Really? That's if you want to believe any poll.

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mintt Romney Win In 2012

Two University of Colorado professors, one from Boulder and one from Denver, have put together an Electoral College forecast model to predict who will win the 2012 presidential election and the result is bad news for Barack Obama. The model points to a Mitt Romney victory in 2012.

Ken Bickers from CU-Boulder and Michael Berry from CU-Denver, the two political science professors who devised the prediction model, say that it has correctly forecast every winner of the electoral race since 1980 .

Your just making my point. Hannity spends all his time pointing to this and the one right wing poll showing Romney ahead as to why he will win. Everything else including Fox's own polls show an Obama win
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

Stop making sense ;)

I actually think if everything stays consistent, Romney can still eek out a victory. However he has run a really dismal campaign so far, and he absolutely can't afford any more errors.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

I personally think that the fact that he's doing as well as he is in the face of the MSM's full blown assault in their effort to continue humping the Obama leg, is a good sign. I mean seriously.. our embassies were over run.. ambassador dead and the press literally fixated on the fact that they THOUGHT Romney defended America too quickly. That was the headline on September 15.

Yes that was a complete joke. But I don't think most people fell for that bullshit. At least I hope not. But the 47%comment was very damaging. Not just that but it was stupid. Tying Obama's base to govt money was a stretch. Many receiving those benefits he was talking about are republicans. Retirees etc

Romney was speaking about the 47% of people who are democrats and won't vote for him anyway. Which is true. It is also true that people who are receiving benefits from taxpayers aren't persuaded by arguments to lower taxes. Low taxes and reduced benefits are not persuasive arguments to people who think that higher taxes means an increase in freebies.
I personally think that the fact that he's doing as well as he is in the face of the MSM's full blown assault in their effort to continue humping the Obama leg, is a good sign. I mean seriously.. our embassies were over run.. ambassador dead and the press literally fixated on the fact that they THOUGHT Romney defended America too quickly. That was the headline on September 15.

Yes that was a complete joke. But I don't think most people fell for that bullshit. At least I hope not. But the 47%comment was very damaging. Not just that but it was stupid. Tying Obama's base to govt money was a stretch. Many receiving those benefits he was talking about are republicans. Retirees etc

Romney was speaking about the 47% of people who are democrats and won't vote for him anyway. Which is true. It is also true that people who are receiving benefits from taxpayers aren't persuaded by arguments to lower taxes. Low taxes and reduced benefits are not persuasive arguments to people who think that higher taxes means an increase in freebies.

your ability to lie is extraordinary.

do they pay you to make yourself look this stupid or does it come naturally?
Grandpa..you're buying the media spin.....take a break and think this through, clearly. Without the media hype.

The candidate that is lagging, that is truly running a lousy campaign is Obama. He and his surrogates have stooped so low as to call Romney a murderer and a felon!

Obama's middle east appease and apologize strategy is literally blowing up in his face.

His economic record is atrocious. He's slowly but steadily moving down the polls - in spite of the media palace guards best attempts to hide that cold reality by repeatedly oversampling Democrats and asking for the youngest voter in the household.

As reality hits home over the next few weeks and the polls all start to show Romney winning nationally and in the the swing states, the left will become increasingly shrill, angry, accusatory.

They should be angry too...this shyster has lied to all of us. He's an incompetent nincompoop that cares more about the dimples on a golf ball than this country. Any honest examination of his record always leads to the same conclusion - He's got to go.

Remember one thing as you read these "polls" - the "undecided" voters almost always vote for the challenger.....that is bad, bad news for Doh!bama.
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His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

So... you decide to just completely cave and think like a leftist now? .... Messina: Forget The Tied National Polls, We're Winning
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His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

So what you are saying is that you are buying into the leftist bullshit that "Romney has run a terrible campaign"?

I would be curious to know just WHAT Romney has done, and not done, during his campaign that would lead to your opinion. Romney is not going to give "Reaganesque" speeches. He is a cool, calculated, brilliant businessman, not a huckster and snake oil salesman like Obama.

I just don't see a problem with Romney's campaign. Romney and Ryan are both hitting Obama hard about the economy and the wasted trillions on a non-existent "economic recovery", not to mention Obama's dealings in the middle east and his non-stop campaign of lies, hypocrisy, and fabrications.

If this race comes down to who does better in the phoney, teleprompter-driven, pre-packaged debates, then those who are going to vote based on who beats who in the debates SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE.

Romney is doing fine. Obama can't defend his record in ANY area of his presidency, so his handlers are in full attack mode. It's all they've got.

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