If Obamacare is so bad, why don't the Republicans repeal it?


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Interesting question for you people.

Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
Obviously, the Repubs just not smart enough to improve on O'Care.
But they are smart enough to realize that Trumpcare would see them turfed out next year.
Interesting question for you people. Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by its talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

A pox on both houses. Again.
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Interesting question for you people.

Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The Democrats have helped liberal Republicans get elected in several states. If they had run as Democrats they probably would have lost. They're just Democrats calling themselves Republicans. They can always be counted on to vote against the rest of the GOP. Susan Collins, Rand Paul, Lisa Murkowski....probably 3 or 4 more....that can be counted on not to vote along with the rest of the Republicans. They always surface when needed. This his how Democrats operate. They're just not trustworthy.
Interesting question for you people.

Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.

Unfortunately most Republicans are Centrust/Moderste douche bags who don't actually believe in Consrrvstism or Morality. They are more concerned about getting reelected thsn in doing what's Right.
Interesting question for you people. Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by their talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

A pox on both houses. Again.

High deductibles, premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets.....screwing people out of their health care.....and the Democrats claim that the Republicans are doing it.
Interesting question for you people. Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by their talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

A pox on both houses. Again.

High deductibles, premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets.....screwing people out of their health care.....and the Democrats claim that the Republicans are doing it.
The GOP can fix it, if it can get its act together. So far, it hasn't. It did manage to lie to us for eight years, though.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The ACA is a mess because it isn't single payer or a public option.

There actually WAS a better solution, and it's the one Hillary proposed in 1994. Create a program that all the people who can't get insurance through their employers can get on, and employers who don't offer insurance would pay a tax to fund it.

Big insurance was against that because a lot of companies would have just paid the tax.

You could fix O-Care with two easy fixes.
1) Allow a MediCare Buy-in for those over 55.
2) Create a public option to cover those who can't get employer insurance, but make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by their talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

Actually, Medicare Part C is a big Corporate Welfare Pig that needs to be put out of our misery. Republicans are kind of right for oppossing that boondoggle.
Interesting question for you people. Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by their talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

A pox on both houses. Again.

High deductibles, premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets.....screwing people out of their health care.....and the Democrats claim that the Republicans are doing it.
The GOP can fix it, if it can get its act together. So far, it hasn't. It did manage to lie to us for eight years, though.
Democrats don't want it fixed. Forget about them. It's the liberals in the GOP that need to be bribed into doing the right thing.
Interesting question for you people. Maybe Obamacare actually is doing what it is supposed to do.
The ACA is a mess, many of us predicted it, and anyone with open eyes and intellectual honesty can see it. High deductibles, high premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets. The Democrats are ideologically obligated to defend and spin for this ridiculous pig of a law because they're good little partisans.

The GOP can't come up with anything better because (a) it only knows how to complain and toss around platitudes, not govern, and (b) it's ideologically prohibited by their talk radio base from accepting the fact that the best course is a smart, public/private blend like our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system.

A pox on both houses. Again.

High deductibles, premium increases, major insurance companies exiting markets.....screwing people out of their health care.....and the Democrats claim that the Republicans are doing it.
The GOP can fix it, if it can get its act together. So far, it hasn't. It did manage to lie to us for eight years, though.
Democrats don't want it fixed. Forget about them. It's the liberals in the GOP that need to be bribed into doing the right thing.
If our "leaders" (ha) - and I don't care which party they belong to - choose to retain our current insane, incredibly inefficient, seven (7)-headed hydra of a health care "system" (ha), then they're either ignorant, paralyzed by politics, or both.

I'm still waiting for someone to justify a "system" (ha) that includes seven (7) entirely different delivery/payment pieces, NONE of which communicates with the others, as a good idea:
  1. Individual
  2. Group
  3. VA
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. Worker's Comp
  7. Indigent
The majority of our government looks out for themselves and special interest.
If our "leaders" (ha) - and I don't care which party they belong to - choose to retain our current insane, incredibly inefficient, seven (7)-headed hydra of a health care "system" (ha), then they're either ignorant, paralyzed by politics, or both.

I'm still waiting for someone to justify a "system" (ha) that includes seven (7) entirely different delivery/payment pieces, NONE of which communicates with the others, as a good idea:
  1. Individual
  2. Group
  3. VA
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. Worker's Comp
  7. Indigent

The problem you don't get is that the leaders are giving us exactly what we want.

You try touching or consolidating any of the above, there will be people who will scream about it.

The reason why TrumpCare failed was that too many people are benefiting from the current system.
The reason why it is difficult to repeal is exactly as the Democrats planned.

ACA creates tens of millions of new government dependents, and as we all know, once someone becomes dependent on a government handout (or a government mandate), then IT CAN NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY! Even if giving it out was STUPID to start with.

There are tens of millions of able-bodied, single adults who were brought under Medicaid (remember that plan to "protect" welfare recipients?). There are tens of millions of people who are compelled to purchase insurance under ACA.

So if you repeal ACA, the Democrats and their fellow campers in the MSM will whine that TENS OF MILLIONS ARE GOING TO LOSE COVERAGE!

And that is true. So anyone who votes to repeal will be castigated in every newspaper in their state as a heartless bastard.

And it is difficult to make the case that these people never should have been put on Medicaid in the first place, or that the "mandate" was (a) unconstitutional, (b) costly, and (c) unsuccessful - all of which are also true. Or that this was all financed with borrowed money.

ACA is a failure, as the Democrats knew it would be. They knew that covering pre-existing conditions, eliminating lifetime maximums, and so on would cause insurance companies to either dramatically raise premiums, increase co-pays, increase deductibles, or drop out of the marketplace. But the ultimate game plan is to piss everyone off so that we will have Single Payer - by popular demand.

This is all unfolding exactly as the Democrats planned it when ACA was written.
Why did the house vote to exempt themselves from the trump debacle?

Why do they want to keep their ObamaCares?

The Rs have had control for 2 1/2 years and yet, they still couldn't even get their own party to vote against it. Why?

ObamaCares has been passed more than 61 times at the cost of millions. If Rs cared about the US or their own constituents, why don't they fix what's wrong with it and give us the same thing we pay for for them?

Yeah, McCain's care is being paid for by his ObamaCares, which we pay for and which McConnell wanted him to vote to take away from us.

If Obamacare was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good

Then why aren't rates going down............

Why are the insurance companies leaving..................giving the exchanges limited to no options..........

Where are my savings.................they don't exist for me and most of America..............

And last but least...............where is the legislation from the Dems to fix it...........hmmmmm

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