I won't vote in 2010


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Democrats have decided to delay the tax cuts bill vote until after the election.
I’ll refrain from voting in general elections until the tax bill reaches the floors of both Congressional houses and the bill is voted upon the House of Representatives’ floor.

I fully support Obama’s position that we cannot afford to continue the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers. I’d prefer that the discounted tax rates for long term capital gains incomes be eliminated and replaced with more populist tax cuts.

Since leaving the service in 1959, I’ve voted in every general election and have missed extremely few primary elections. Since 2008 I’m no longer voting for the lesser evil and I require a candidate and I (at minimum), substantially concur upon at least one issue and methods to achieve our perceived goals. I won’t absolutely always vote for a candidate that simply meets the minimum standard.

Obama’s speaks well on the issues but lacks explicit explanation of how he prefers laws be drafted to achieve what he professes to be (and are too often less than explicit) goals.

Obama’s campaign office had written, (but I’ve never actually found a direct quote from Obama), that he was a proponent of the federal minimum wage pegged to a cost of living adjustment, (i.e. COLA). Based only upon that minimal but substantial agreement I voted for Obama. I now fear that his behavior thus far gives me good reason to fear Obama and the Democrats will acquiesce to Republicans. If Obama’s administration increases the minimum wage, Democrats will not press for it also being thereafter COLA’d.

A COLA’d minimum wage rate will not substantially improve USA’s economy but it is certainly an improvement of a non-COLA’d minimum wage. Any significant federal minimum wage is preferable to an ineffective minimum wage. I suppose it is feasible for a minimum wage rate to be excessive and detrimental to an economy. The greater harm occurs within jurisdictions adjoining others having inadequate wage scales and goods and persons have unrestricted passage over their borders. I have never encountered a historical reference to a nation’s economy being harmed by an excessive minimum wage. I don’t believe there’s ever been an excessive minimum wage within any nation.

Obama is the titular head of the Democratic Party. I appreciate the federal health act’s future benefits to our nation. Obama and the Democratic Party acted despicably to achieve an inferior bill’s passage. Democrats offered exceptions to a few states rather than negotiating and arguing for consideration to help all congressional districts with inadequate availability of health facilities. If such honorable negotiation couldn’t sway senators of less densely populated states, it would have certainly “held their feet to the fire”.

I am not angry because of what he and his party failed to achieve. I’m furious of what positions he surrendered without fully negotiating for anything better. Politics is not a dirty word and negotiation is respectable. Acquiescence and submission are despicable words and are generally cowardly and despicable acts.

It is my patriotic duty not to vote for a party that leads in the wrong direction or a second party that lacks leadership and has no definite direction. The Republicans will lead us until we recognize that it’s the wrong direction. Retaining no consistency of direction, Democrats are unable to correct our nation’s course.

I will not vote for any Democrats until Obama and his party finds and retain some courage. Thus far it appears that I will not vote for Obama in 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn
It's very likely that nobody is going to vote for Obama in 2012.

But, if you aren't voting for anyone, then you're more a part of the problem, than a part of the solution.
Democrats have decided to delay the tax cuts bill vote until after the election.
I’ll refrain from voting in general elections until the tax bill reaches the floors of both Congressional houses and the bill is voted upon the House of Representatives’ floor.

I fully support Obama’s position that we cannot afford to continue the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers. I’d prefer that the discounted tax rates for long term capital gains incomes be eliminated and replaced with more populist tax cuts.

Since leaving the service in 1959, I’ve voted in every general election and have missed extremely few primary elections. Since 2008 I’m no longer voting for the lesser evil and I require a candidate and I (at minimum), substantially concur upon at least one issue and methods to achieve our perceived goals. I won’t absolutely always vote for a candidate that simply meets the minimum standard.

Obama’s speaks well on the issues but lacks explicit explanation of how he prefers laws be drafted to achieve what he professes to be (and are too often less than explicit) goals.

Obama’s campaign office had written, (but I’ve never actually found a direct quote from Obama), that he was a proponent of the federal minimum wage pegged to a cost of living adjustment, (i.e. COLA). Based only upon that minimal but substantial agreement I voted for Obama. I now fear that his behavior thus far gives me good reason to fear Obama and the Democrats will acquiesce to Republicans. If Obama’s administration increases the minimum wage, Democrats will not press for it also being thereafter COLA’d.

A COLA’d minimum wage rate will not substantially improve USA’s economy but it is certainly an improvement of a non-COLA’d minimum wage. Any significant federal minimum wage is preferable to an ineffective minimum wage. I suppose it is feasible for a minimum wage rate to be excessive and detrimental to an economy. The greater harm occurs within jurisdictions adjoining others having inadequate wage scales and goods and persons have unrestricted passage over their borders. I have never encountered a historical reference to a nation’s economy being harmed by an excessive minimum wage. I don’t believe there’s ever been an excessive minimum wage within any nation.

Obama is the titular head of the Democratic Party. I appreciate the federal health act’s future benefits to our nation. Obama and the Democratic Party acted despicably to achieve an inferior bill’s passage. Democrats offered exceptions to a few states rather than negotiating and arguing for consideration to help all congressional districts with inadequate availability of health facilities. If such honorable negotiation couldn’t sway senators of less densely populated states, it would have certainly “held their feet to the fire”.

I am not angry because of what he and his party failed to achieve. I’m furious of what positions he surrendered without fully negotiating for anything better. Politics is not a dirty word and negotiation is respectable. Acquiescence and submission are despicable words and are generally cowardly and despicable acts.

It is my patriotic duty not to vote for a party that leads in the wrong direction or a second party that lacks leadership and has no definite direction. The Republicans will lead us until we recognize that it’s the wrong direction. Retaining no consistency of direction, Democrats are unable to correct our nation’s course.

I will not vote for any Democrats until Obama and his party finds and retain some courage. Thus far it appears that I will not vote for Obama in 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn

Thanks for telling me why you will not vote in 2010.

Now, tell me why I should care.
I can understand the frustration. You are captive of a group that only uses you as an expendable tool, to be used and thrown away and ignored.

There is no way he is going to vote for a Republican, but voting for the democrat is just a way of getting the same old same old. What is the point of that?

He is in the same position I was in before John McCain brought Sarah Palin on board. What a choice, tweedlemoronic, or tweedledumberthanthat. Why bother? you get screwed either way, and that is tiresome
It's very likely that nobody is going to vote for Obama in 2012.

But, if you aren't voting for anyone, then you're more a part of the problem, than a part of the solution.

Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.
No vote, NO opinion worth listening to.

Clearly the reasoning behind his not voting is just as well thought out as anyone else's decision to vote. Sometimes not voting can be just as important as voting.

I recently learned that in the Nevada elections, voters have the option of "NONE OF THE ABOVE".

I wish we all had that. I think a vote cast for neither choice is more powerful than not voting at all.
No vote, NO opinion worth listening to.

Clearly the reasoning behind his not voting is just as well thought out as anyone else's decision to vote. Sometimes not voting can be just as important as voting.

I recently learned that in the Nevada elections, voters have the option of "NONE OF THE ABOVE".

I wish we all had that. I think a vote cast for neither choice is more powerful than not voting at all.

None of the above is a waste of time and money. If none of the above wins then what? Have another election? Elections cost money, and waste people's time. What if none of the above wins the second time around? Eventually people are just going to stop showing up to vote anyways.
Clearly the reasoning behind his not voting is just as well thought out as anyone else's decision to vote. Sometimes not voting can be just as important as voting.

I recently learned that in the Nevada elections, voters have the option of "NONE OF THE ABOVE".

I wish we all had that. I think a vote cast for neither choice is more powerful than not voting at all.

None of the above is a waste of time and money. If none of the above wins then what? Have another election? Elections cost money, and waste people's time. What if none of the above wins the second time around? Eventually people are just going to stop showing up to vote anyways.

I would make the law that NONE OF THE ABOVE would be considered a non-vote and that whichever human received the most votes would be elected. But if there was a large number of NONE OF THE ABOVE cast, then it would essetially be a vote of no confidence.

And those votes would be important, because it would essentially be the vote of someone who cared enought and took the time and effort to vote I DONT LIKE ANY OF MY CHOICES.
It's very likely that nobody is going to vote for Obama in 2012.

But, if you aren't voting for anyone, then you're more a part of the problem, than a part of the solution.

Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.

Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.
I'm voting. No matter what the weather, I get down there by 6:30am and wait in line. I'll be late for work if I have to.
Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.

If you are the loser who voted for the victorious person you are part of the problem because you supported someone who is screwing all of us.

If you are the loser who voted but didn't vote for the victorious person your vote is worth exactly the same as the person who didn't vote.

If you are in either of those categories you have no right to complain either.
It's very likely that nobody is going to vote for Obama in 2012.

But, if you aren't voting for anyone, then you're more a part of the problem, than a part of the solution.

Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.

Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.


Carlin explains it around 2:07.
It's very likely that nobody is going to vote for Obama in 2012.

But, if you aren't voting for anyone, then you're more a part of the problem, than a part of the solution.

Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.

Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.

How do you know who did and did not vote (besides Supposn)?

There are a LOT of people who complain bitterly day in and day out on this board...are you telling me that they didn't vote?
Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.

Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.

How do you know who did and did not vote (besides Supposn)?

There are a LOT of people who complain bitterly day in and day out on this board...are you telling me that they didn't vote?

I said nothing about this board whatsoever. If I had to guess, I'd say probably 75% of the regular users on here DID vote...

If Sup chooses not to vote, he's got no reason to bitch about what happens in the future..
If Sup chooses not to vote, he's got no reason to bitch about what happens in the future..

Please refrain from complaining about what 98% of the Senate, and what 99.77% of the House of Representatives do because you only voted for 2% of the US Senators, and 0.23% of House Representatives.

You may only complain about House and Senate votes that come down to 1 vote. All other laws and actions you must refrain from complaining or taking an opinion on.
Someone choosing not to vote because of their principles isn't a part of any problem. Those who sacrifice their principles to vote for the "lesser-of-two-evils" are the problem.

Baloney.. Those who don't vote at all have no right to complain about the way things are going, yet they tend to complain the loudest when things aren't going the way they think they should.

How do you know who did and did not vote (besides Supposn)?

There are a LOT of people who complain bitterly day in and day out on this board...are you telling me that they didn't vote?
Vote Nazis like those SOBs tend not to make much sense at all.
No vote, NO opinion worth listening to.

Clearly the reasoning behind his not voting is just as well thought out as anyone else's decision to vote. Sometimes not voting can be just as important as voting.

I recently learned that in the Nevada elections, voters have the option of "NONE OF THE ABOVE".

I wish we all had that. I think a vote cast for neither choice is more powerful than not voting at all.

Xotoxi, thank you.

Do you have a link or any additional info or reference on this? I’d like to read how this facet of election law is drafted. I certainly believe it exactly fits my current thinking.

Respectfully, Supposn

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