I regret I’m unable to vote for “none of the above”.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
I regret I’m unable to vote for “none of the above”.

I regret my state does not follow Nevada’s example. “None” appears along with all other candidates’ names on the ballots.

A vote for "None" implies a willingness to vote for future candidates who are more acceptable.

This may to some extent hinder the power of money to purchase election results. It quantifies the numbers of voters who are completely dissatisfied.

Respectfully Supposn
I agree but I will be voting against Obama not for Romeny. That is the real shame. I can't risk another 4 years of this anti american.
I agree but I will be voting against Obama not for Romeny. That is the real shame. I can't risk another 4 years of this anti american.

If you feel that way about Obama, seems pretty obvious you're going to vote for Romney.

I'm shopping for an alternate party, because I can't and won't vote for either one of these guys.

Vote third party, voice your disdain that way.

I faulted President Obama because rather than striving to lead his party on domestic issues he continuously acquiesced and surrendered. I gave up on him and the Democratic Party when they failed to discuss the federal budget and taxes on to the floors of both houses prior to the 2010 elections. It was both cowardly and politically stupid.

In 2010 I voted for the Green Party’s congressional candidate. I wasn’t particularly opposed to her foreign policy opinions but our nation’s economy is my upmost concern and we do not share the same priorities. I will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because the result is the election of an additional evil.

In 2011 Obama’s tone changed a few months prior to the general election. I wasn’t going to vote for a change of tone in the last quarter. There was no Green Party candidate; for the first time since 1959, I didn’t vote in the primary or the general election. The 2010 elections were no less than what the president and his party deserved.

Obama didn’t show up in Wisconsin when they tried to recall the Republican government. In 2011 there wasn’t a political party on the ballot that l could in good conscience support; Showing up is said to be ¾ of any job. If Obama won’t help those who help him and share his beliefs, I know he won’t help me.

Regarding incomes at or beyond the current highest income bracket, President Obama has not explicitly pledged he will not sign a bill extending the Bush tax cuts or any reduction of tax rates.
The president has not given us reason to depend upon him. If I can’t reasonably depend on the candidates, it is my patriotic duty to refrain from voting.

Respectfully, Supposn

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