*I Drive Slow On Freeways 55 MPH*

No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

What they repealed is the limit, not the minimum. It's not illegal to go 55MPH on a highway with a 70MPH limit, but it's annoying. Most highways have a minimum required speed of 40MPH.
Ok all you genius bumper huggers, try this test;

Human Benchmark - Reaction Time Test

Remember, 60 mph equals 88 feet per second. So if it takes you 250 milliseconds to react to the stimulus, you have already travelled 22 feet.
Whoops! I drove my Lamborghini up the tailpipe of a Buick at 185 mph. He was doing 55.

Of course, that is BS. You would be dead. But hypothetically speaking, at 185 mph the fastest possible reaction time would be 70 feet down the road from when you first noticed the obstacle. The safe following distance would be a minimum of 2 seconds earlier. At 185 mph, that would be 273 feet back. A cautious 3 second following distance would be 409 feet back.

One and 1/3 football fields.
No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

What they repealed is the limit, not the minimum. It's not illegal to go 55MPH on a highway with a 70MPH limit, but it's annoying. Most highways have a minimum required speed of 40MPH.


55 is higher than 40. :confused:
Sorry bout that,

What are you talking about? You ARE an accident.

1. I have driven across the planet more or less without ever having a accident.
2. Tazzy ole boy, you should know better.
3. Got tazed lately?:badgrin:


Big whoopdie fucking doo, Ray. I've driven from Boston to Las Vegas four times.

I bet you even know how long it took, right? :lol:

When I make my 750 mile drive sometimes people ask me how long it took. I shrug and say, "I don't know". But I do know how many miles it was, where I took my fuel stops, and exactly how much I consumed. Priorities I guess.
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Sorry bout that

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?

3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D

1. So you doubt I'm even in Texas?
2. 65 speed limit is common here, I still go 55mph.
3. I stay in the right lane mostly.
4. You do understand that right?
5. SO you drive crazy too?
6. If you are near a large city in Californication, then I know you're in traffic, and lucky to roll around at 40mph.


There you have it....he's that grandpa hunched up over the steering wheel.
I don't want to derail this great thread, but can I point out that putting on eye liner at 65 mph, 10 feet behind a truck trailer is not very safe?
I like to drive fast. My rule of thumb? Minimum of 5 MPH over the speed limit. My number one, major pet peeve is coming upon someone driving slow in the fast lane. 9 times out of 10 it's a Subaru driver with an Obama bumper sticker. Grrrrr!
Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D
You do realize that the maximum posted speed limit applies to the fast lane, right?

The sign "slower traffic keep right" means less than the posted maximum.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

At least you do it in the slow lane.
You do realize,and cops agree,that driving slower than the flow of traffic causes as many wrecks as speeders.

1. I have never been a accident fellow.
2. I also have driven all over the planet, even Manila Philippines, which if you ever go there you will know complete chaos.
3. Few red lights, just go when you are ready in some intersections.
4. Iv'e done it all behind a wheel.

5. But just because I'm doing the sped limit and people are crashing all around me doesn't make it my fault they drive like fucking freaks!
6. SO you admit to drive up on *slower drivers* bumpers????


No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

1. Speed limit of 65 means top speed, there is a minimum limit on how slow you can legally drive its
45mph in Texas.
2. Highway Patrol doesn't hand out tickets to safe drivers.
3. They don't get paid for that, they get you speeders.
4. Thats where the money is you led footed folks.:badgrin:

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A problem arises when you are driving slowly.

Everyone else is driving faster and bunched together.

If a semi is forced to slow down to 55 because he/she can't get over to the center lane due to traffic, it takes a long time for them to first, get to the center lane, and second, to get up to speed again.

Now the trucker is inconvenienced, and everyone that had to slow after he got into the next lane is inconvenienced.

If you really want to be courteous...drive the speed limit.
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The problem arises not because you are driving slowly, but because everyone else drives so close together.

If a semi is forced to slow down to 55 because he/she can't get over to the center lane due to traffic, it takes a long time for them to first, get to the center lane, and second, to get up to speed again.

If you really want to be courteous...drive the speed limit.
How is it anyone's problem how long it takes a semi to slow and regain speed?

I have watched semi drivers wait until they are 4 feet from My bumper (I drive at 70 in a posted 65 zone) before switching lanes.

Are semi drivers so fucking blind that they cannot judge the close rate of a vehicle in front of them and move over 200 feet before they get to that driver?

Try again.
Sorry bout that,

At least you do it in the slow lane.
You do realize,and cops agree,that driving slower than the flow of traffic causes as many wrecks as speeders.

1. I have never been a accident fellow.
2. I also have driven all over the planet, even Manila Philippines, which if you ever go there you will know complete chaos.
3. Few red lights, just go when you are ready in some intersections.
4. Iv'e done it all behind a wheel.
5. But just because I'm doing the sped limit and people are crashing all around me doesn't make it my fault they drive like fucking freaks!
6. SO you admit to drive up on *slower drivers* bumpers????


No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

Peach, that is patently absurd. :cuckoo:

Standard minimum speed is 40. If the max is, say, 70, then at 55 you're right in legal range.

You're suggesting drivers can be ticketed for being well inside the legal boundaries. No, they cannot. Not legally.
Sorry bout that

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?

3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D

1. So you doubt I'm even in Texas?
2. 65 speed limit is common here, I still go 55mph.
3. I stay in the right lane mostly.
4. You do understand that right?
5. SO you drive crazy too?
6. If you are near a large city in Californication, then I know you're in traffic, and lucky to roll around at 40mph.


Why do you imagine that causing these types of situations (e.g. other drivers tailgating you, etc.) is being "safe?"

You would be MORE safe if you stayed off the highway COMPLETELY.

I understand that you think that this type of overly-cautious approach to driving is safe, but it most certainly is not.

I would recommend that if you absolutely must drive on the freeway, that you keep an eye on other drivers and adjust by:

1 Moving to the left on occasion to allow the people on the right passage.

2 Increase your speed when others are going faster in order to prevent a huge pile-up.

3 Putting a "new driver" sign on the back of the car to avoid being shot.

Hope this helps.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

What are you talking about? You ARE an accident.

1. I have driven across the planet more or less without ever having a accident.
2. Tazzy ole boy, you should know better.

3. Got tazed lately?:badgrin:


Big whoopdie fucking doo, Ray. I've driven from Boston to Las Vegas four times.

1. So just how many accidents have you had over the years?
2. I'm going to guess to make it interesting, I'm going with 7*

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D
You do realize that the maximum posted speed limit applies to the fast lane, right?

The sign "slower traffic keep right" means less than the posted maximum.

No. It does not. It means slower relative to other traffic. Even if everybody's going over the limit it means slower than others. It means when you pass you do so on the left.

It has to mean that by definition -- think about highways with more than two lanes.
Sorry bout that

Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D

1. So you doubt I'm even in Texas?
2. 65 speed limit is common here, I still go 55mph.
3. I stay in the right lane mostly.
4. You do understand that right?
5. SO you drive crazy too?
6. If you are near a large city in Californication, then I know you're in traffic, and lucky to roll around at 40mph.


Why do you imagine that causing these types of situations (e.g. other drivers tailgating you, etc.) is being "safe?"

You would be MORE safe if you stayed off the highway COMPLETELY.

I understand that you think that this type of overly-cautious approach to driving is safe, but it most certainly is not.

I would recommend that if you absolutely must drive on the freeway, that you keep an eye on other drivers and adjust by:

1 Moving to the left on occasion to allow the people on the right passage.

2 Increase your speed when others are going faster in order to prevent a huge pile-up.

3 Putting a "new driver" sign on the back of the car to avoid being shot.

Hope this helps.


PLEASE tell me you're being satirical here. :mad: :death:
Why would you want drivers in people's blind spots? Ever drive a truck?

Morons passing on the right are one of the biggest hazards on the road. They make me rethink capital punishment.

Matter of fact this entire list is a pretty good summary of how NOT to drive. Holy shit, no wonder the roads are like they are.
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No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

What they repealed is the limit, not the minimum. It's not illegal to go 55MPH on a highway with a 70MPH limit, but it's annoying. Most highways have a minimum required speed of 40MPH.


55 is higher than 40. :confused:

Yes. What did I say that was wrong?

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