Buying American


May 18, 2014
When you buy something and it could be anything, do you check the labels to see where it was made? This is something that has gotten me over the years and while nothing is perfect, I try and buy American whenever possible. The thing I go for most is clothes. It's fairly easy to find a pair of jeans or t-shirt at an affordable price although what one can consider affordable is up for debate.

So do you check the labels when you buy things? Why or why not?

(hopefully this is the right place for this topic)
I check the country of production a lot of the time, but it normally doesn't impact my decision to purchase.

I will say, though, that I refuse to buy clothing from China, except for ties. Chinese-made clothing that I've bought in the past has consistently fallen apart easily, had poorly sewn-on buttons, etc., but the ties are as good as anyone else's. I guess it's dat silk road legacy.

I see no reason to buy American for the sake of buying American, the lone exception being oranges. I went grocery shopping in Florida once and saw California oranges for sale. This irked me, it being Florida, so why would they import oranges from all the way across the country? But what got me even more was that these California oranges all had a "Product of Chile" sticker.
Yeah admittedly, produce is one rule I kind of break since I love cherries, blueberries, and a few others which aren't available in the U.S. all season. That is kind of messed up though and they should just put oranges and "Product of Chile" on the label not sell them as California oranges via Chile.
i try hard to buy american...many times that is the major influence in my buy.....i will not buy any products for my pets from china and i will not buy any foods from last purchase was two trash cans...i got the ones made in america....i try to buy local as much as possible...
Wife and I have been in the market for a new vehicle the last couple of months. Wanted to buy American, really did! BUT, Ford nickels and dimes you to death with add-ons, GM has had mega-recalls, so we pulled the trigger on a Kia Sportage EX yesterday.

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