*I Drive Slow On Freeways 55 MPH*

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!

4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


At least you do it in the slow lane.
You do realize,and cops agree,that driving slower than the flow of traffic causes as many wrecks as speeders.

Instead of a speed limit for all lanes, each lane should have a set speed :thup:

1. Excellent I should of thought of that!

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


You are driving at 88 kilometres an hour and you think that is fine on a freeway?
No slow lanes here, drive at the speed or we will crawl up your fuckin' backside because we hate slow drivers like yourself.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?

You are driving at 88 kilometres an hour and you think that is fine on a freeway?
No slow lanes here, drive at the speed or we will crawl up your fuckin' backside because we hate slow drivers like yourself.

1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?

You are driving at 88 kilometres an hour and you think that is fine on a freeway?
No slow lanes here, drive at the speed or we will crawl up your fuckin' backside because we hate slow drivers like yourself.

1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:


It's not a problem until 2 slow asses take up both lanes.

1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:


Or you could just go faster.
Sorry bout that,

1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:
4. Hey Noomi, so just how many car accidents have you had *Captain Crash*?



Or you could just go faster.

1. No.
2. I prefer going *my speed*.
3. Go around me.
4. Most freeways have more than *one lane*, learn to use the other lanes why don'tcha?!
5. You can't drive down the freeways expecting everyone to drive like you, so learn to change lanes you dumb ass!
6. Otherwise I will have to lol if you get stuck behind me,...!
7. Learn to enjoy the ride on your trip, and be safe, figure out how to avoid stress while tooling along the freeways, be smart people and be respectful of others, otherwise you might get a boot shoved up your ass!:badgrin:

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1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:


Or you could just go faster.

Much as it pains me to agree with Sorry Number Boy, he's right on this one. Why should you determine how fast I go, just because you want to get there yesterday? That's your issue, not mine.

Most of the unwashed don't think about it but way too many seem to think the point of driving is speed, as if driving is such a disgusting experience they can't wait for it to end. Then they arrive, two minutes earlier than they needed to, worn out from the self-imposed stress of the death grip on the steering wheel as they conquered the unconscious goal of passing everything they see, simply because it's there. Then they're scratching their heads wondering why their engine is acting up after pushing it so hard, and whining about how much they spent on gas. Duh?

I regularly drive routes of about 750 miles, I do it as a serene meditative cruise, and when I get out of the car on the other end I'm not tired at all because I decline to put that pressure on myself. My self-challenge is not to beat some speed record for that destination, which is absolutely pointless; my goal is to beat the economy record when I have to refill the gas tank. Unlike the speed goal, that actually pays dividends. Again, duh.
Sorry bout that,

1. I lol!,... at people who can't decide to change lanes before they get stuck behind
2. Here is a clue for you, when you're driving a car fast on the freeway you idiots, realize when a car that is headed in the same direction as you and on the same freeway as you, and is up ahead of you, know for sure if the space between the two of you is decreasing, then that car is going much slower than you are, and before you get right up on his bumper change lanes in order that you do not have to slow down, dumb ass!:badgrin:
3. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:


Or you could just go faster.

Much as it pains me to agree with Sorry Number Boy, he's right on this one. Why should you determine how fast I go, just because you want to get there yesterday? That's your issue, not mine.

Most of the unwashed don't think about it but way too many seem to think the point of driving is speed, as if driving is such a disgusting experience they can't wait for it to end. Then they arrive, two minutes earlier than they needed to, worn out from the self-imposed stress of the death grip on the steering wheel as they conquered the unconscious goal of
passing everything they see, simply because it's there. Then they're scratching their heads
wondering why their engine is acting up after pushing it so hard, and whining about how much they spent on gas. Duh?

I regularly drive routes of about 750 miles, I do it as a serene meditative cruise, and when I get out of the car on the other end I'm not tired at all because I decline to put that pressure on myself. My self-challenge is not to beat some speed record for that destination, which is absolutely pointless; my goal is to beat the economy record when I have to refill the gas tank. Unlike the speed goal, that actually pays dividends. Again, duh.

1. As much as I don't know who you are I guess its time we met, you obviously are quite wise in your understanding about driving cars.
2. But day in day out I get bumper suckers riding in on my bumper without a clue there are more lanes they can use.
3. They like get in a lane and step on the gas peddle thingy deal down there on the floor.
4. Then when they ride up on some one like me they go like,...*What Tha Fuck is this slow bastard doing???*
5. Get pissed then fly around me cutting me off for good measure cause they had to slow down from 65 to 55 for fifteen seconds.
6. Yeah people are stupid as a rock, even behind the wheel, not just politics.
7. I can pretty much prove that people in America are dumb as a turd in any aspect of life.

Much as it pains me to agree with Sorry Number Boy, he's right on this one. Why should you determine how fast I go, just because you want to get there yesterday? That's your issue, not mine.

As long as you stay out of the left lane I don't care if you drive 10 MPH. If you're doing it in the left lane then it very much becomes my issue.
Much as it pains me to agree with Sorry Number Boy, he's right on this one. Why should you determine how fast I go, just because you want to get there yesterday? That's your issue, not mine.

As long as you stay out of the left lane I don't care if you drive 10 MPH. If you're doing it in the left lane then it very much becomes my issue.

Why would I be in the left lane unless I'm passing?

That's one of my pet peeves -- why is anybody in the left lane if they're not passing? Had enough of that idiocy in New Orleans, where it's common practice to pull out on I-10 and meander over to the left lane and go forty six miles an hour :banghead:
Sorry bout that,

1. Sometimes when I'm tired or just feeling raunchy I get in the fast lane and go 55mph.
2. I drive a old Toyota van and seldom do I get cut off when I'm there, its when I'm in the slow lane they cut me off, go figure!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they
going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


At least you do it in the slow lane.
You do realize,and cops agree,that driving slower than the flow of traffic causes as many wrecks as speeders.

1. I have never been a accident fellow.
2. I also have driven all over the planet, even Manila Philippines, which if you ever go there you will know complete chaos.
3. Few red lights, just go when you are ready in some intersections.
4. Iv'e done it all behind a wheel.
5. But just because I'm doing the sped limit and people are crashing all around me doesn't make it my fault they drive like fucking freaks!
6. SO you admit to drive up on *slower drivers* bumpers????


No, you are not doing the speed limit.
Congress repealed the 55 mph in 1995.
Average speed limit on freeways is 65 to 70mph.
Going to slow at 55 can also get you a ticket for endangering others.

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