I bet Republicans really miss President Obama now!

It's important that we remember the damage done by Obama, lest we become complacent and allow a communist to occupy the White House again. That hardly translates into "missing him". He is without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and we can't afford to let that fade from our memories.

What damage?

Good question, clear, concise and spot on.

Of course anyone who uses the claim that President Obama is a Communist is reality challenged, brainwashed and ridiculous
You know, I really don't give a fuck if you agree with anything I say or not. I happen to think we have a great country and I think capitalism is a great system that provides opportunity for everyone who is willing to work for what they want, and when some self serving narcissist like Obama who thinks he's entitled to dictate what everyone is allowed to do or have gets in a position of power and abuses our Constitution in order to force his ideology on the rest of us, it is damaging to the country. If you don't like what I say or think, that's tough fucking shit. I'll voice my opinion whether you like it or not, and I don't have to justify a damn thing to you. Don't like it? Too bad.
No one ever said you can't voice your opinion no matter how uninformed, ignorant and stupid it is....
This is America, you have a right to be safe in your state of ignorance and prejudice.
It's important that we remember the damage done by Obama, lest we become complacent and allow a communist to occupy the White House again. That hardly translates into "missing him". He is without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and we can't afford to let that fade from our memories.

What damage?

Good question, clear, concise and spot on.

Of course anyone who uses the claim that President Obama is a Communist is reality challenged, brainwashed and ridiculous
You know, I really don't give a fuck if you agree with anything I say or not. I happen to think we have a great country and I think capitalism is a great system that provides opportunity for everyone who is willing to work for what they want, and when some self serving narcissist like Obama who thinks he's entitled to dictate what everyone is allowed to do or have gets in a position of power and abuses our Constitution in order to force his ideology on the rest of us, it is damaging to the country. If you don't like what I say or think, that's tough fucking shit. I'll voice my opinion whether you like it or not, and I don't have to justify a damn thing to you. Don't like it? Too bad.

You have every right and I appreciate your willingness to offer your opinions. While I consider what you've written I may choose to offer a rebuttal or simple pass on by. Do you do the same for those who hold different opinions?

Did you even consider why I called your comment one challenged by reality, a product of you being brainwashed and ridiculous? It was my opinion based on a baseless allegation, Obama is a Communist.
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Not at all.

And this is the first time anyone has called Obama no drama Obama.

Is this from the same vein of people claiming Obama had no scandals?

You're right. President Obama's administration was essentially scandal free, unlike the Reagan administration which resulted in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials which just so happens to be the largest number for any U.S. president.[1]

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

I certainly would not be surprised if the Trump administration exceeds that number.
It was my opinion based on a baseless allegation, Obama is a Communist.
What do you think a Marxist is? If you'd read his books, instead of letting the msm tell you what to think, you would know it's not a baseless allegation. You live in denial.
Not at all.

And this is the first time anyone has called Obama no drama Obama.

Is this from the same vein of people claiming Obama had no scandals?

You're right. President Obama's administration was essentially scandal free, unlike the Reagan administration which resulted in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials which just so happens to be the largest number for any U.S. president.[1]

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

I certainly would not be surprised if the Trump administration exceeds that number.

You didn't read what I wrote. The idea that Obama was scandal free is delusional. Hillary lost the election because of her involvement in just a couple of the Obama scandals. Yet you guys want to pretend nothing happened. We could easily list off a dozen scandals without thinking hard.

Reconnect with reality dude. You are only hurting yourself
Not at all.

And this is the first time anyone has called Obama no drama Obama.

Is this from the same vein of people claiming Obama had no scandals?

You're right. President Obama's administration was essentially scandal free, unlike the Reagan administration which resulted in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials which just so happens to be the largest number for any U.S. president.[1]

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

I certainly would not be surprised if the Trump administration exceeds that number.

You didn't read what I wrote. The idea that Obama was scandal free is delusional. Hillary lost the election because of her involvement in just a couple of the Obama scandals. Yet you guys want to pretend nothing happened. We could easily list off a dozen scandals without thinking hard.

Reconnect with reality dude. You are only hurting yourself

You have a reading comprehension problem. I said that the Obama administration was ESSENTIALLY scandal free. Compare it to the Reagan or Bush administration, and you'll see it for yourself. The conservative penchant for creating your own reality ala talk radio and now Donald Trump may work on uneducated people and the self-deluded conservative crowd who are perfectly willing to buy the mantra of fake news while simultaneously being fed propaganda pablum by the Pied Piper, Trump, but there are still plenty of people in the world, both liberal and conservative, who would much rather deal with facts as opposed to fancy as a way of maximizing the probability of making good decisions.
They are waiting for melania to get caught in an escort sting....

You Stalinists are so classy.

But if they did catch her, it would be like when they caught Michelle Obama selling crack, they'd cover it up.
No evidence of Michelle with crack...your stereotype of Black people are as stupid as you.
Melania, the escort...yeah, they are trying to cover that up...
No evidence of Michelle with crack...your stereotype of Black people are as stupid as you.
Melania, the escort...yeah, they are trying to cover that up...

Good lord are you a fucking retard.

How can you possibly be that stupid and still draw breath?
From your position of refusing to see facts I understand you are left with silly name calling...
You'll never have enough money to hire your first whore...

You're right. President Obama's administration was essentially scandal free, unlike the Reagan administration which resulted in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials which just so happens to be the largest number for any U.S. president.[1]

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

I certainly would not be surprised if the Trump administration exceeds that number.

Yeah, scandal free. I mean just because the fucker was a bigger crook than Nixon and actually did use the IRS against political enemies, why that's not a scandal, I mean the enemies of the party deserve it, right!

Oh and his arming of ISIS in Syria, no scandal Obama Akbar - just good fun for the party!

And putting Al Qaeda (Muslim Brotherhood) in charge of Egypt, what scandal? Who would object to Al Qaeda running one of the few stable Muslim nations in the ME? Not you, Obama Akbar.

Hey, I mean it's not that you are off your fucking rocker mentally ill, spewing the most absurd and fantastical partisan bullshit - no it's that Obama is your god and reality has no fucking meaning to a whackjob nutcase like you...

You fucking Commies are a crack up.
Not at all.

And this is the first time anyone has called Obama no drama Obama.

Is this from the same vein of people claiming Obama had no scandals?

You're right. President Obama's administration was essentially scandal free, unlike the Reagan administration which resulted in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials which just so happens to be the largest number for any U.S. president.[1]

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

I certainly would not be surprised if the Trump administration exceeds that number.

You didn't read what I wrote. The idea that Obama was scandal free is delusional. Hillary lost the election because of her involvement in just a couple of the Obama scandals. Yet you guys want to pretend nothing happened. We could easily list off a dozen scandals without thinking hard.

Reconnect with reality dude. You are only hurting yourself

You have a reading comprehension problem. I said that the Obama administration was ESSENTIALLY scandal free. Compare it to the Reagan or Bush administration, and you'll see it for yourself. The conservative penchant for creating your own reality ala talk radio and now Donald Trump may work on uneducated people and the self-deluded conservative crowd who are perfectly willing to buy the mantra of fake news while simultaneously being fed propaganda pablum by the Pied Piper, Trump, but there are still plenty of people in the world, both liberal and conservative, who would much rather deal with facts as opposed to fancy as a way of maximizing the probability of making good decisions.

You are essentially mentally ill.

You define reality by your partisan delusions.You belong in a rubber room.
From your position of refusing to see facts I understand you are left with silly name calling...
You'll never have enough money to hire your first whore...

There is no more evidence of Melania being a whore than there is of Michelle being a crack dealer. You were clearly too fucking stupid to grasp this from my original replr..

You're just a bitter little monkey mindlessly flinging shit at your betters.
From your position of refusing to see facts I understand you are left with silly name calling...
You'll never have enough money to hire your first whore...

There is no more evidence of Melania being a whore than there is of Michelle being a crack dealer. You were clearly too fucking stupid to grasp this from my original replr..

You're just a bitter little monkey mindlessly flinging shit at your betters.
AKA...outwitted and needs to fling more insults...lol.
Hey I'll help you out with $100.00 to hire your first whore...
Politics is a dirty game. It's full of people who engage in a whole host of reprehensible behavior that would make most people cringe if they got to see it up close and personal every single day. They include, but certainly are not limited to, the following:

Backstabbing, posturing, engaging in feigned outrage, taking credit for things you had nothing to do with, denying responsibility for things you were involved with, misrepresenting the facts, blatant hypocrisy, outright lying, professing beliefs you don't really hold in order to ingratiate yourself with the electorate, pandering to those same people, and rarely voting your conscience because voting the way you're told to vote by the leadership is the only certain way to assure your future in a party system where seniority reigns supreme.

Yup, it's pretty darn unsavory, alright. And naturally, the party system is one of the reasons it's this way. Think of it like team sports. For example, all things being equal, what's the greatest single determining factor which influences whether or not a spectator believes that a pass was a completion which was run into the end zone for a touchdown, or it was a trapped (and therefore an incomplete) pass, or that the runner stepped out of bounds 30 yards away from the goal line? It's probably determined by which team the spectator is a fan. So too with politics.

For example, at one time or another, everybody probably has noticed that when a president of one party proposes X, in short order there is a rising chorus of voices in opposition. And almost always, it comes from members of the other party. Meanwhile, the members of the president's party either offer praise, or they at least withhold any kind of real criticism. However, the reality of what elected representatives may actually feel in their heart of hearts may be completely different. There may be quite a few members of the opposition party who think X is a great idea and would enthusiastically support it if and when it was proposed by a president of their own party. Likewise, members of the president's party may not really like the idea (X) but instead decide not to criticize it in order to promote party unity and/or to hopefully further their own political careers.

It's with this understanding that I cam't help but marvel at how frequently Republican Party elected representatives have come out in firm opposition to statements that Trump has made both as a candidate prior to the election and as president since taking office. Contrast that with Republicans responses to Obama over an 8 year period. Oh sure, there were several times when Republicans opposed Obama and did so quite vocally. But at least a part of those responses in either degree, or frequency, or both, can be attributed to the previously mentioned 'feigned outrage' which some Republicans offered up in order to curry favor with their increasingly angry GOP base.

However, on balance, very few people could honestly dispute the fact that President Obama had truly earned the moniker of "'no-drama' Obama." No, Obama rarely ever said or did anything that could be considered outrageous except by the most partisan observer. I dare say that even the more strident Republicans never had any concerns about President Obama's mental stability. Today, however, whether they're willing to say so on the record or not, many Republican elected officials cannot say the same about President Trump.

That's why I think Republicans really miss President Obama. Think of it this way. If America ever had/has a president who was arguably mentally/psychologically/emotionally unstable, what politician could possibly want that president to be a member of his or her political party?
Compared to Trump, Obama is a prince and a gentlemen. Civility and a willingness to compromise are essential parts of politics, something Trump will never learn.
AKA...outwitted and needs to fling more insults...lol.
Hey I'll help you out with $100.00 to hire your first whore...

How is you telling bitter, partisan lies "outwitting" anyone?

You are a strange little fool. Despite having your nose rubbed in your own shit, you think you came out smelling like a rose. No doubt the fact that you're dumb as a brick has something to do with it, but you're delusional to boot.
Compared to Trump, Obama is a prince and a gentlemen. Civility and a willingness to compromise are essential parts of politics, something Trump will never learn.

Compared to Trump, Obama is a crook and the murderer of American children. Compared to Al Capone, Obama is a crook and the murderer of American children. Compared to Mother Teresa, Obama is a crook and the murderer of American children.

That you are a partisan hack who lacks any semblance of integrity alters that in no way.
AKA...outwitted and needs to fling more insults...lol.
Hey I'll help you out with $100.00 to hire your first whore...

How is you telling bitter, partisan lies "outwitting" anyone?

You are a strange little fool. Despite having your nose rubbed in your own shit, you think you came out smelling like a rose. No doubt the fact that you're dumb as a brick has something to do with it, but you're delusional to boot.
You mad tho...lol...little bitch....
You voted to make a hoe a housewife you insecure
AKA...outwitted and needs to fling more insults...lol.
Hey I'll help you out with $100.00 to hire your first whore...

How is you telling bitter, partisan lies "outwitting" anyone?

You are a strange little fool. Despite having your nose rubbed in your own shit, you think you came out smelling like a rose. No doubt the fact that you're dumb as a brick has something to do with it, but you're delusional to boot.
You mad tho...lol...little bitch....
You voted to make a hoe a housewife you insecure


Damn how stupid can a liberal dimshitscummocrat be? I have seen better argumentative rebuttals in a headstart room. The labels and the lies, and the diversions don't work anymore liberal shitheads, nobody cares what you say, what you want, or what you do unless it is physical. Your brains are mush, your lies are laughable and easily discounted, and your diversions just make the conversation much more interesting by getting you ignored. oshithead was the king of scandal just like the bitch you ran last is the queen. The press ignored their misdeeds though , and hid their rape of the people of this country as best they could. Point discounted;>> and the pile of shit was happily flushed.

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