Humanitarian catastrophe in the east of Ukraine


Jul 18, 2014
Well, it seems to me Europe must stop closing its eyes at that humanitarian catastrophe, which obviously takes place in the east of Ukraine now! How can we, civilized European people, continue to support the regime, stooped to using nationalist radicals, notorious for their barbarity since WWII, for regaining order in rebellious regions?!
I fear even to imagine what is going on now in the very Slavyansk which have been won back by the National Guard units, consisting mainly of notorious Pravy Sector's militants! Surely, they are not even shooting all civilians, sympathized local separatists in cold blood, but also executing all members of their families. And in this case ravishing women, killing children and old people should not be ruled out at all as we tell about Nazi methods of reduction to order.
But all this can be permitted by fascist regime, pals! Then it turns out that we prefer to make no tale of downright fascist massacre, taken place right near our borders now! Do we need WWII tragedy's repetition?!
Lets also mention all the Chechnyans that have been let loos on Ukraine. It's especially bad in Crimea where, on account of them being Russian citizens, they can simply cross the border and then rape, kill and pillage to their hearts content... Gotta love Chechnya. Poor Ukraine is f@#%&% in more ways then one...

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