How Wales leads the civilised world.

Love the Welsh. Aren't they Celts that fled the Germanic Angle and Saxon invasions of what is now called England (Angleland) after the Romans left?
What's funny is that "Welsh" and "Wales" are words the Germanic invaders of Britannia used to describe the native inhabitants they were killing and driving from their homes.

"Welsh" means "foreigner". ....:eusa_whistle:
Sheep go on 'psychotic rampage' after eating cannabis plants
English media bias again.
Haven't Welsh sheep suffered enough?!
You need something to get through living in the Swansea valley.
Best Saturday Night party I've ever experienced was in a pub in Wales. This pub:


Surely, Tainted Tommy, you recognize it. But do you remember the name of the village before it was sanitized to "Caersws"?

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