Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Looks like Trump is on to something here. Surely an explanation from a shrink would be interesting. If only Trump could beat some sense into them.

---Former President Donald Trump on Monday charged that Jews who vote for Democrats "hate Israel" and "their religion," igniting a firestorm of criticism from the White House and Jewish leaders.---

The reasons Jews vote Democrat in large numbers are many and complex.

They are historical, ideological, and, in some cases, religious.

The issue of Israel wasn't previously an issue as both sides have been supportive of the Jewish State for a long time.

However, now that the parties have ideologically diverged on the subject of Israel, you will slowly start to see a shift of support away from The Democrats.

But, for many reasons, it will never be a complete shift.
At a minimum, Jews shouldn’t get pushed around by a Party that depends on them Financially more than any other Democrat voting block,
Mostly because a lot of Episcopalian drunks didn't want to play golf with pants pressers and fur salesmen and some rich Jews got all butthurt at not being allowed into WASP country clubs. They were also racists and didn't like goyim taking care of themselves first like Jews and every other ethnic group on planet Earth did for themselves, so they pretended to be liberals and anti-racists when it suited their own interests. This bigotry backfired on them in the late 1960's, when the black racists turned on them and made them look like idiots for their role in the Civil Rights era. Patrick Moynihan had warned them about their misplaced attempts at revenge by their support for black radicals, but the WASP hate was too entrenched and they shot themselves in the foot. Black radicals almost immediately got rid of all the Jewish teachers and administrators in the NYC school system and replaced them with black halfwits, reducing what was once the finest public school system in the world to a shithole wasteland in a single generation, all because of bigotry and mindless Xian hate.

Now many regret it, but have gone over to the other extreme and over compensate in the other direction; see Netanyahu's idiotic pandering to Jewish right wing nutjobs in Israel and the lunatic Chabad Lubavitch racist cult is the fastest growing Jewish influence in the U.S.
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The reasons Jews vote Democrat in large numbers are many and complex.

They are historical, ideological, and, in some cases, religious.

The issue of Israel wasn't previously an issue as both sides have been supportive of the Jewish State for a long time.

However, now that the parties have ideologically diverged on the subject of Israel, you will slowly start to see a shift of support away from The Democrats.

But, for many reasons, it will never be a complete shift.
That's because Jewish people aren't stupid, they KNOW that Republicans are bigots.
Looks like Trump is on to something here. Surely an explanation from a shrink would be interesting. If only Trump could beat some sense into them.

---Former President Donald Trump on Monday charged that Jews who vote for Democrats "hate Israel" and "their religion," igniting a firestorm of criticism from the White House and Jewish leaders.---

Conservatives like Israel because the Jewish faith they despise is supposedly going to usher in armageddon and send all Jewish people to hell for having not worshiped Jesus. Crazy shit.
"If you don't vote for Trump then you ain't a Jew." Funny how that gets defended.

lol your ilk have riots over Jews having their own ambulance services, and of course you luvs you some Farrakan racism.

Why aren't you over in Africa fightin' slavery n stuff? Your people need you.
The reasons Jews vote Democrat in large numbers are many and complex.

They are historical, ideological, and, in some cases, religious.

The issue of Israel wasn't previously an issue as both sides have been supportive of the Jewish State for a long time.

However, now that the parties have ideologically diverged on the subject of Israel, you will slowly start to see a shift of support away from The Democrats.

But, for many reasons, it will never be a complete shift.
I do believe there is some deep thinking and even perhaps psychological ones. In groups what a small percentage do can affect the whole group. Some groups worse than others.
I do believe there is some deep thinking and even perhaps psychological ones. In groups what a small percentage do can affect the whole group. Some groups worse than others.

Particularly in reform congregations ... there is a great deal of peer pressure to be politically liberal. Conservatives who attend reform shuls will often say one thing and vote very differently, just to avoid conflict.
'Reformed' Jews are as annoying as Hasidim loons. The only Jewish congregations worth having around are the Conservatives, in the theological sense, and Karaites. The latter are the only genuine Old Testament Jews left, and the Conservatives have most of the real brains. They would all be well served by dumping the 'rabbinical' scam and the rest of the Babylonian idiocy and con game.

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'Reformed' Jews are as annoying as Hasidim loons. The only Jewish congregations worth having around are the Conservatives, in the theological sense, and Karaites. The latter are the only genuine Old Testament Jews left, and the Conservatives have most of the real brains. They would all be well served by dumping the 'rabbinical' scam and the rest of the Babylonian idiocy and con game.

so you are saying that you don't understand either conservative Judaism or Karaite Judaism. Got it.
Patrick Moynihan had warned them about their misplaced attempts at revenge by their support for black radicals, but the WASP hate was too entrenched and they shot themselves in the foot.
What do you know of Moynihan and where do you learn about him? I am just asking cause I shook his hand once when he was going into the Smithsonian while it was closed.

It was a nice spring day, an advocate for the Palestinians stopped an elderly man, and asked for money to help the Palestinians. I overheard the conversation obviously. Senator Moynihan chastised the women, stating as a senator he knew all about the problems in Israel and was providing more help than she could fathom.

So I stepped in, said hi, and thanked him for being our senator.
What do you know of Moynihan and where do you learn about him? I am just asking cause I shook his hand once when he was going into the Smithsonian while it was closed.

It was a nice spring day, an advocate for the Palestinians stopped an elderly man, and asked for money to help the Palestinians. I overheard the conversation obviously. Senator Moynihan chastised the women, stating as a senator he knew all about the problems in Israel and was providing more help than she could fathom.

So I stepped in, said hi, and thanked him for being our senator.

Been following him a long time. One of the last genuine liberals, like Wright Patman and a few others. He wasn't afraid to stand up to the 60's radicals that ruined the Party and the Watergate Babies who later on ruined the country. Opposed the quota systems and other racist clauses in the Civil Rights legislation, and fought against applying those against only a few southern states rather than the whole country, which of course led directly to the 'Solid South' backlash falsely claimed to be because southerners were evul and racist n stuff.

You want to read the real history of the Civil Rights era, get a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's excellent The Civil Rights Era; it covers the whole political cluster fock from start to finish, and spares no one.

Moynihan warned Jewish 'liberals' in NYC what would happen when the radicals took over the school systems Jews would be heavily discriminated against, for instance, and was heavily criticized for it by the left wingers. They got even angrier when what he predicted became fact.
Been following him a long time. One of the last genuine liberals, like Wright Patman and a few others. He wasn't afraid to stand up to the 60's radicals that ruined the Party and the Watergate Babies who later on ruined the country. Opposed the quota systems and other racist clauses in the Civil Rights legislation, and fought against applying those against only a few southern states rather than the whole country, which of course led directly to the 'Solid South' backlash falsely claimed to be because southerners were evul and racist n stuff.

You want to read the real history of the Civil Rights era, get a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's excellent The Civil Rights Era; it covers the whole political cluster fock from start to finish, and spares no one.

Moynihan warned Jewish 'liberals' in NYC what would happen when the radicals took over the school systems Jews would be heavily discriminated against, for instance, and was heavily criticized for it by the left wingers. They got even angrier when what he predicted became fact.
thank you for the book recommendation, not to brag, but I like to, you gave a book recommendation to the right guy, I got over 1400 books in a library my wife tries to call the dining room

I will get that book. It sounds like a nice edition to the library
so you are saying that you don't understand either conservative Judaism or Karaite Judaism. Got it.

So you're saying you hate for people to know Jews aren't all alike and you hope the evangelicals don't find out just how hard core racist many Orthodox, and all ultra-Orthodox and Hasidim are, and the fact that few claiming to be 'real Jews' have any connection with the Jewish religion and culture of Moses and the pre-Ezra Hebrewism of the real Torah. Got it. Rabbinical Judaism is a fictional cult invented a century after Christianity came along; the average Baptist is more Jewish than most rabbinical Jews.
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