How are white nationalism and Zionism any different?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
White nationalism is a form of ethnonationalism. Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism. Both seek to create insular, isolationist nation states for their respective target demographic. If both managed to achieve all of their stated goals then neither would ever interact again. So why is it that proponents of one almost invariably despise proponents of the other?

(Fwiw I oppose both positions. The three constants of human history are that we move around, that we fuck the hot natives, and that we kill or enslave (or just rip off nowadays) the other natives. We're a massive, highly dysfunctional family of inbred mutts. Ethnic unity means nothing in that light.)
White nationalism is a form of ethnonationalism. Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism. Both seek to create insular, isolationist nation states for their respective target demographic. If both managed to achieve all of their stated goals then neither would ever interact again. So why is it that proponents of one almost invariably despise proponents of the other?

(Fwiw I oppose both positions. The three constants of human history are that we move around, that we fuck the hot natives, and that we kill or enslave (or just rip off nowadays) the other natives. We're a massive, highly dysfunctional family of inbred mutts. Ethnic unity means nothing in that light.)
Zionists are draining America. And there are many zionists who are progressive when it comes to Western countries. Israel is at war with America.

To nation states can be at war.
White nationalism is a form of ethnonationalism. Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism. Both seek to create insular, isolationist nation states for their respective target demographic. If both managed to achieve all of their stated goals then neither would ever interact again. So why is it that proponents of one almost invariably despise proponents of the other?

(Fwiw I oppose both positions. The three constants of human history are that we move around, that we fuck the hot natives, and that we kill or enslave (or just rip off nowadays) the other natives. We're a massive, highly dysfunctional family of inbred mutts. Ethnic unity means nothing in that light.)

Ahhh yes, the ol "let the Palestinians have the right of return to the Jewish state so they can outnumber the Jews and destroy the only safe haven for human rights in the Middle East" argument. I don't believe either want to be isolationist. Though there is something to said about preserving a culture that has lead to some of the most successful nations on earth. Take the European migrant crisis for example. How is the mixture of foreign cultures working out for western governance and rule of law there? Take Somali and Muslim migrants to the US where they've become a majority and taken over town halls and town governance. The first thing to go is always the liquor licenses. Changes like those in which a foreign culture that runs from the hell hole that their culture created in order to come to our bastion of success only to create a new hell hole is unwarranted and ill-advised.

Better yet, think of "White Flight." That's the term blacks brand white folks who run away when a new culture enters their neighborhood. Now think of "Gentrification." That's the term blacks use to describe white folks moving in to run down black areas. I guess you just can't win, but you'd be hard pressed to call blacks who don't want whites to move in "black nationalists."
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Question - how are antisemites any different than festering piles of possum excrement?

Answer - they aren't.
I'm not really sure what Zionism is, and I'm not interested enough to google it.
It's the term that represents the self determination of the Jewish people. These stupid antisemites who have no problem with countless Arab states use it as if there was something wrong with Jews having their own tiny sliver of land to call their own.
Zionism is a legitimate aspiration of the Jews to create their own country, who are scattered all over the globe. But some Jewish extremists act like white nationalists especially in the West Bank. I don't support the violent offshoot of Zionism in the form of settler violence.


Israeli settlers throw stones at Palestinian houses (not seen) in the West Bank city of Hebron, Oct. 9, 2015. (photo by REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma)

Read more: Is Israeli settler violence contributing to the current wave of terror? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
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Zionism is a legitimate aspiration of the Jews to create their own country, who are scattered all over the globe. But some Jewish extremists act like white nationalists especially in the West Bank. I don't support the violent offshoot of Zionism in the form of settler violence.


Israeli settlers throw stones at Palestinian houses (not seen) in the West Bank city of Hebron, Oct. 9, 2015. (photo by REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma)

Read more: Is Israeli settler violence contributing to the current wave of terror? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
How is white nationalism not a legitimate aspiration?
Most white ethnic groups such as the Irish already have their own states, which are located in Europe. Perhaps the Kurds in Iraq and the Saami in Scandinavia still need to be accommodated under the Wilsonian principle of national self-determination. White nationalists are just whining about minorities in their own countries.


The Irish War of Independence was a guerrilla conflict between the British state and its forces in Ireland and Irish republican guerrillas in the Irish Volunteers or Irish Republican Army. The war is usually said to have run between 1919 and 1921, but violence both preceded these dates and continued afterwards.

The Irish War of Independence – A Brief Overview
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Let's see...

Germany is a Lutheran country and nobody has any problem with that. England is formally ruled under the Church of ....[what was that again? Oh, I remember]...England. The Republic of Ireland is a Catholic country.

There are a whole shit-load of Islamic countries, and nobody seems to have any heartburn about that. India is a Hindu country, which was separated from Pakistan, which wanted to be an Islamic state. No problems there, right?

But Israel defines itself as a "Jewish State," and some people seem to have a big problem with that. For the Jews to do it, it is "racist" or bigoted, or somehow an atrocity.

There is a word for people who have this objection to Israel's self-definition. It is "Anti-Semite," which is a subset of "ignorant bigot."
Most white ethnic groups such as the Irish already have their own states, which are located in Europe. Perhaps the Kurds in Iraq and the Saami in Scandinavia still need to be accommodated under the Wilsonian principle of national self-determination. White nationalists are just whining about minorities in their own countries.


The Irish War of Independence was a guerrilla conflict between the British state and its forces in Ireland and Irish republican guerrillas in the Irish Volunteers or Irish Republican Army. The war is usually said to have run between 1919 and 1921, but violence both preceded these dates and continued afterwards.

The Irish War of Independence – A Brief Overview
Ireland is being swamped and subverted, just like the rest of Europe.
White nationalism is a form of ethnonationalism. Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism. Both seek to create insular, isolationist nation states for their respective target demographic. If both managed to achieve all of their stated goals then neither would ever interact again. So why is it that proponents of one almost invariably despise proponents of the other?

(Fwiw I oppose both positions. The three constants of human history are that we move around, that we fuck the hot natives, and that we kill or enslave (or just rip off nowadays) the other natives. We're a massive, highly dysfunctional family of inbred mutts. Ethnic unity means nothing in that light.)

Israel is not an isolationist or racist state. They do business and all sorts of affairs with any nation who is willing.
In fact, they are not all Jews, either. The population is 20% Muslim and 5% Christian.The purpose of the Jewish state is to provide a haven where Jews persecuted elsewhere can live in peace. Most Jews on Earth don't need such protection, but Israel is there for those who do.

The white nationalists are all anti-semitic, so they hate Israel, even tho they want the same thing for themselves.
Question - how are antisemites any different than festering piles of possum excrement?

Answer - they aren't.
In my opinion, those who blame bad things on the Jews do it because they are too stupid to figure out the real causes of their problems and too lazy to try.

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