Horse manure is for flowers


Sep 23, 2010
It used to be that eligibility-doubters were fairly limited in scope; i.e., they were confined to a few questions. Now, it’s fair to say that everything else Hussein is showing himself to be stems from the eligibility question.

One frightening question emerges from it all: Would Hussein be getting away with betraying this country if the Internet painted him as Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy? I can’t help asking myself that question when I look at Romney/Gingrich/Santorum and how little is known about where they stand on the United Nations and the New World Order.

Note that horse manure nourishes flowers; coverups nurture weeds. Questions are springing up like weeds surrounding everything about Hussein, yet the MSM continues the coverup with a blackout that is second only to the global government blackout the MSM has been engaging in since the end of WWII.

Doug Hagmann says this about the eligibility blackout:

The expansion of the official investigation is being deliberately ignored by the mainstream media, including outlets often identified with the conservative agenda. Evidence suggests that this deliberate media “blackout” is being orchestrated and ordered at the highest levels of the American government.

There’s never been any doubt as to where television stands. Television is controlled by government because a broadcast license can be revoked at any time. Newspapers have an irrevocable license; it’s called the First Amendment; so what excuse does print press have for going along with the blackout?

Doug Hagmann’s piece also touches on the latest weed to spring up; the one where the Clintons, including Chelsea, were threatened. See this thread for details:

There is no difference between Clinton and Hussein politically. Obviously, any well-conducted investigation will not be exposing the similarities between the two. All of that stuff is well-known:

Additionally and perhaps more explosive, investigation has broadened into the actions of Hillary Clinton and her closest political operatives during the latter part of the 2008 presidential campaign.

Hagmann goes on to remind us that Senator Di Fi, another wonderful liberal Democrat lady, hosted a secret meeting:

“Something” happened during the latter portion of the campaign that involved Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. Recall that Obama and Clinton ditched the press and their respective staff members to meet in secret during the late night hours of Thursday, June 5, 2008 at the home of Senator Dianne Feinstein. The meeting lasted about an hour, and what was discussed was never publicly disclosed.

Exposing the Obama-Soetoro deception
Doug Hagmann Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Exposing the Obama-Soetoro deception

Even if you discard all of the eligibility doubts, the threats, and the media blackout, you are left with the picture of a vicious traitor living in the White House.

These next extracts are from a terrific piece by Peter Ferrara. To me, Ferrara’s piece connects to Hagmann’s expanding eligibility investigation. Bottom line: It’s getting harder and harder for Hussein’s protectors to compartmentalize his crimes. Americans who are paying attention are finally getting a picture of the complete man. The picture is not pretty:

Perhaps you do not know that President Obama has asked the Pentagon to develop plans to reduce America's nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent. That would ultimately leave America with just about 300 nuclear weapons, down from a high of over 31,000 at the height of the Cold War.

In 2010, President Obama completed negotiations with Russia for a New Start Treaty, which reduces America's nuclear warheads to 1,550. There were effectively no reductions in Russian weapons in return, because the collapsed Soviet empire was functionally unable to maintain the threatening nuclear arsenal it maintained during the Cold War.

And this:

Similarly, in foreign policy, President Obama acts and talks as if he doesn't know that America under Reagan/Bush won the Cold War without firing a shot, in Margaret Thatcher's celebrated phrase, and the old Soviet power is no more. When he entered office, there were no arms control treaties in effect because the old Soviet Union that was party to START I no longer existed.

In this context, reopening and completing New START Treaty negotiations with the surviving Russian Federation raises troubling concerns about President Obama's seemingly eerie state of mind. It is as if, so doggedly pursuing the opposite of everything that Reagan did, he is trying to reopen the Cold War, but this time with the opposite result: America loses.

Of course Hussein wants America to lose to communism. I’m sure that in his mind losing to communism is not like losing a shooting war; so that makes it all okay.

And why in God’s name does anyone believe a Democrat will keep a promise?:

President Obama secured enough Republican votes for passage of the New Start Treaty by promising to expand and complete U.S. missile defenses, and to modernize our own badly aging nuclear deterrent. That involved completing all four phases of the planned U.S. missile defenses in Europe and nearby seas, and modernizing and completing the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) on the American homeland. That also involved promises to fully fund America's depreciating nuclear weapons laboratories essential to keeping up with the modernization of the Russian and Chinese arsenals.

But President Obama is backing down from those promises. He never proposed or supported that full modernization funding. As Gaffney explained in the February 22 Washington Times, "the administration also is walking away from its promises to modernize what remains of our deterrent. Over time, the practical effect of combining the draconian nuclear cuts Mr. Obama seeks and his failure to arrest and reverse the atrophying of the obsolescing arsenal will leave us functionally disarmed."

I have to conclude that because Hussein has a lot of help in everything he is doing nobody believes the promises. Every congressional Democrat along with the eight RINO who ratified New START; every bureaucrat who does the nuts and bolts work like writing UN treaties is as guilty as Hussein. Every press baron who orders the blackout agrees with everything Hussein is doing. Members of the working press do not make those decisions by themselves. Not a one of those people is dumb enough to believe a Democrat promise.

I have a slight disagreement with the following:

Obama's literally crazy idea is that if we just lead by example and phase out our nuclear weapons, everyone else will realize we mean them no harm, and do the same. As a result, because of the messiah, the lion will lie down with the lamb, and the world will live as one.

Obama's Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament
By Peter Ferrara on 4.4.12 @ 6:09AM

The American Spectator : Obama's Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament

That kind of naiveté is a sickness infecting the touchy-feely global village crowd. Hussein does not believe it for a nanosecond.

Finally, I never could believe that a majority of Americans hate this country to the extent Hussein & Company hate it. So I want to close by attempting a breakdown of the people who vote for Hussein:

1. Rank and file parasites who number in the millions. There is a subgroup of America-haters among the parasites, but I cannot begin to guess their number.

2. Political activists (community organizers to name one group) who are funded with tax dollars. That group makes no bones about their hatred for everything that made America great. Everything they do and say confirms their hatred.

3. Hussein’s wealthy backers hate individual liberties guarantied in the original Bill of Rights more than they hate the America that gave them their wealth and influence. Basically, they see themselves as loyal Americans in a one government world.

4. Professional liberals who believe in communism because it has been fashionable for so long. The Hollywood crowd and their media soul mates dominate that group.

5. Elected and unelected government officials who are small in number but big in influence.

6. Those who believe everything Hussein says simply because they cannot believe their messiah is betraying them and the country. That group is the most dangerous group of all.

I should point out that the total number of America-haters is nowhere near a majority of Americans even without those crossovers where an individual fits into more than one group:

The tragedy is that not one of the individuals in the listed groups would change their mind if they read, and fully understood, everything Peter Ferrara details in his column.
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