Hope for Climate Change Advocates


Gold Member
Nov 28, 2012
Yesterday I heard an article from Grist called "Wealthy countries are backing away from climate promises." This was on the heeals of a Bloomberg article called, "Trump to drop climate change from environmental reviews."

That Bloomberg article said that from appliances to pipelines Donald Trump would not consider carbon footprint or climate affect in decisions, according to an insider.

I was planning to give up hope in a day so I just lied there and didn't do anything. What a difference a day makes! 24 little hours.

It turns out the first article was about privatizing the spending and the second was premature ejaculation.

Now Reuters is reporting that, "A group of 17 Republican members of Congress signed a resolution on Wednesday vowing to seek "economically viable" ways to combat global warming,..."

Still better,

Reuters is reporting that "Trump seeks input from U.S. energy companies on Paris climate pact." He has many people from companies to his advisors that are telling him they want to be climate change advocates and stick with the Paris agreement, even if it is followed less. That is great news for me. Keep fighting Climate Change Advocates.:beer:
Yesterday I heard an article from Grist called "Wealthy countries are backing away from climate promises." This was on the heeals of a Bloomberg article called, "Trump to drop climate change from environmental reviews."

That Bloomberg article said that from appliances to pipelines Donald Trump would not consider carbon footprint or climate affect in decisions, according to an insider.

I was planning to give up hope in a day so I just lied there and didn't do anything. What a difference a day makes! 24 little hours.

It turns out the first article was about privatizing the spending and the second was premature ejaculation.

Now Reuters is reporting that, "A group of 17 Republican members of Congress signed a resolution on Wednesday vowing to seek "economically viable" ways to combat global warming,..."

Still better,

Reuters is reporting that "Trump seeks input from U.S. energy companies on Paris climate pact." He has many people from companies to his advisors that are telling him they want to be climate change advocates and stick with the Paris agreement, even if it is followed less. That is great news for me. Keep fighting Climate Change Advocates.:beer:

Those beers are releasing planet killing CO2.
Why do you want to kill the planet?? Bastard!
Yesterday I heard an article from Grist called "Wealthy countries are backing away from climate promises." This was on the heeals of a Bloomberg article called, "Trump to drop climate change from environmental reviews."

That Bloomberg article said that from appliances to pipelines Donald Trump would not consider carbon footprint or climate affect in decisions, according to an insider.

I was planning to give up hope in a day so I just lied there and didn't do anything. What a difference a day makes! 24 little hours.

It turns out the first article was about privatizing the spending and the second was premature ejaculation.

Now Reuters is reporting that, "A group of 17 Republican members of Congress signed a resolution on Wednesday vowing to seek "economically viable" ways to combat global warming,..."

Still better,

Reuters is reporting that "Trump seeks input from U.S. energy companies on Paris climate pact." He has many people from companies to his advisors that are telling him they want to be climate change advocates and stick with the Paris agreement, even if it is followed less. That is great news for me. Keep fighting Climate Change Advocates.:beer:
step 1 - stop eating beef
step 2 - stop farting
step 3 - stop driving unless you have a solar car
step 4 - stop heating your house
step 5 - stop doing bon fires
step 6 - stop breathing. creates co2
step 7 - stop digesting food. creates co2
step 8 - stop using wood for anything including your home. Build up some shrubs like on survivor man
step 9 - stop buying things from overseas
step 10 - stop buying things from other areas of the country
step 11 - stop buying anything that is manufactured and not natural
step 12 - kill you and your neighbors dog
step 13 - stop buying food that is grown with the help of gas plows or tractors
step 14 - might as well just fucking kill yourself.
^^^^real activism :D
Well, after yet another day the white house has stated verbatim that they don't give a shit about climate change.

All you deniers, go celebrate. The rest of us can think of how we ought to grab a hold of our last hope and keep fighting no matter what.
Well, after yet another day the white house has stated verbatim that they don't give a shit about climate change.

All you deniers, go celebrate. The rest of us can think of how we ought to grab a hold of our last hope and keep fighting no matter what.

Grab your hope and buy a windmill......it's our only chance to survive!!
Thank you for the light joke I honestly need to take a breath for a few days.
Thank you for the light joke I honestly need to take a breath for a few days.

Breathing out all that CO2 from that "carbon incinerator" of you body is pollution. EPA says so. So the advice is -- "don't exhale". If we didn't get to the point where our own government is in science denial by declaring CO2 as a pollutant -- maybe that cause could have gotten more traction. .
I feel guilty for being so confrontational. Lemme apologize and give you some REAL environmental HOPE and CHANGE.. For last 3 decades, EVERY SINGLE IMPORTANT enviro cause has been BURIED by the GWarming circus train. If it is DE-emphasized, the GOOD news is -- the ocean trash, the whales, the salmon and the bees just MIGHT get some front page attention for a change.

I've HATED the dominance of this GW herring in distracting terribly from every other worthwhile enviro cause. NOW -- we might get back to controlling REAL pollution, protecting habitat and battling the refuse stream.
Thank you flacaltenn, I am aware that we are at 1996 levels of CO2 but I am also aware that there is still a big problem. See my "Maybe some hope" thread.

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