Hollywood lefties/Will Ferrell making movie that mocks Reagans alzheimers; sick.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hollywood Producing Movie Mocking Reagan’s Alzheimer’s Disease |

And you lefties wonder why us on the right....many of us....have gravitated towards Trump. You leftists have tossed common decency aside years ago.

Now...Hollywood is making a movie that mocks Reagan and his alzheimers.

That's really thoughtful to all of us who have loved ones suffering from dementia and alzheimers.

Maybe we should make one mocking Obamas closet faggotry?? Or make on that mocks how Hillary can't keep her man pleased in bed?? Or how she probably has lung cancer because she can't go 5 minutes without coughing a lung up.
Ya i saw that to.
Thought it was a bit over the top.
Reagan was a good man. didn't seem to have that trace of meanness in him many have.
The left will be in here attacking Reagan. The left always defends their loons
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well yes, because making fun of people with Alzheimers is just so hilarious or something :rolleyes-41:

Of course you're completely devoid of humour, you've illustrated this in monumental fashion.
Ya i saw that to.
Thought it was a bit over the top.
Reagan was a good man. didn't seem to have that trace of meanness in him many have.
The left will be in here attacking Reagan. The left always defends their loons

Yeah the op is definitely one mean & nasty little fucker. That's for sure.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny. And when they make a movie which has the primary purpose of making fun of someone with that disease....it's not funny.

But you know what IS FUNNY BODECEA???? When homosexuals get tied to chairs and thrown off 15 story buildings in the Middle East hahaha!!!! Oh man....we should make a movie about it!!! Hilarious!!! We'll call it "Over the Rainbow" and the poster will be a homo tied to chair yelling "Fabulous!!" as he or she flies over a rainbow next to a huge building!!

Funny right???

Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny. And when they make a movie which has the primary purpose of making fun of someone with that disease....it's not funny.

But you know what IS FUNNY BODECEA???? When homosexuals get tied to chairs and thrown off 15 story buildings in the Middle East hahaha!!!! Oh man....we should make a movie about it!!! Hilarious!!! We'll call it "Over the Rainbow" and the poster will be a homo tied to chair yelling "Fabulous!!" as he or she flies over a rainbow next to a huge building!!

Funny right???

Alzheimers is one of the most cruel diseases.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?
You need not defend everything that comes out of the thoughtless world of the secular left.
Consider your own lot in life first, since none of us are going to change the world.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?
You need not defend everything that comes out of the thoughtless world of the secular left.
Consider your own lot in life first, since none of us are going to change the world.

She's just upset because Hollywood hasn't made the hilarious comedy "Over the Rainbow" yet....the zany story of 5 Muslim friends who believe gay people can turn plastic chairs into rocket ships and fly away if pushed off a tall building.....

Yep. I guess Reagans alzheimers forgot to let Soviet communism collapse the United States....that's why the left hates him. He delayed "progress" for about 30 years. But Obama & Hillary are catching things up.
Bucs, have you read the "About us" section of that site, "I Own The World"? It's a bunch of humor-filled nerds who love to crack people up. And the offending movie is a thought, not an actuality. What happens to your psyche when a REAL offense occurs?
Hollywood Producing Movie Mocking Reagan’s Alzheimer’s Disease |

And you lefties wonder why us on the right....many of us....have gravitated towards Trump. You leftists have tossed common decency aside years ago.

Now...Hollywood is making a movie that mocks Reagan and his alzheimers.

That's really thoughtful to all of us who have loved ones suffering from dementia and alzheimers.

Maybe we should make one mocking Obamas closet faggotry?? Or make on that mocks how Hillary can't keep her man pleased in bed?? Or how she probably has lung cancer because she can't go 5 minutes without coughing a lung up.

Oh, please! Spare us all your whiny hypocrisy. I do enjoy your politically correct and politically convenient outrage, though. Just last week, you were pissing and moaning about mothers being upset over an SNL bit starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus mocking heroine addicts. It was a funny sketch.

Outrage alert!! Errbody mad at SNL now for poking fun at heroine addicts

Outrage Alert: Heroin addicts: "We are gonna offend ourselves into misery and eventually comedy will be limited to knock knock jokes only."

Outrage Alert: Alzheimer's Disease: "Well....when you are going through caring for a loved one with that horrible disease....it kinda makes it not funny."

Informative - I saw a couple of headlines about Ferrell playing the role of Reagan but it didn't interest me enough to open article. I would never have imagined. Sick, I feel sad for his family and those who have family members going through this. Thanks for posting and the heads up.
Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?
You need not defend everything that comes out of the thoughtless world of the secular left.
Consider your own lot in life first, since none of us are going to change the world.

She's just upset because Hollywood hasn't made the hilarious comedy "Over the Rainbow" yet....the zany story of 5 Muslim friends who believe gay people can turn plastic chairs into rocket ships and fly away if pushed off a tall building.....

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Well if Hollywood does ever make such a feature, you can rest assured there will be untold millions on the left who will become real believers. After all, Hollywood, obama, and new age radical philosophies are where they take their cues.

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .

Without a doubt. There is no shortage of whiny pussies in this world. It might be our most abundant natural resource. lol. I thought South Park's take on Jenner was priceless.
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Where's that sense of humor? Why so ultra-PC suddenly?

Well yes, because making fun of people with Alzheimers is just so hilarious or something :rolleyes-41:

Of course you're completely devoid of humour, you've illustrated this in monumental fashion.
Again, we sometimes have to laugh at things to keep from crying. It's similar to the "slip on the banana peel".

Just yesterday, listened to a RW radio host say that liberals have lost their sense of humor and are offended by everything. Maybe he was really talking about RWrs.

Whilst I think this is a ridiculous thing to get worked up over, you damn well know the very same liberals who are laughing up about this would be up in arms if some conservative star made a movie making of say bruce jenner. It's just more hypocrisy .

Without a doubt. There is no shortage of whiny pussies in this world. It might be are most abundant natural resource. lol. I thought South Park's take on Jenner was priceless.

No joke, funny is funny. But the PC crowd has taken that from us, well unless it is one of them being "funny"

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